Weight Loss


Jul 5, 2004
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All of my friends are skinny nice looking people. I have a little gut that I would like to get rid of. I am about 15lbs overweight and do not want myself to get bigger.

1 . So now my question is, what makes my friends able to eat complete fatining crap and stay trim while on the other hand I suffer needlessly. A lot of you will say metabolism I guess.
I also would like the ability to eat and not have to work out at all.

Any Advice?
So you want to eat, but you don't want to get fat.... and your metabolism won't allow it.

Eat non-fattening foods, or get your stomach stapled.
Eat more vegetables than artificial things. Like when you get hungry, grab a apple, it's delicious. If you drink Pepsi, Coke or any sugar things, get rid of it. Drink water, milk (0% fat) or homemade juice. Good luck.

And working out is not pleasant I know. In that case, try to appreciate a sport that you could play with friends while loving it.
Here is what worked for me (I lost 40 lb in 2 months last year):


Seriously. It sounds too simple but it works. If you really feel you need to eat, get a salad or something that has almost no calories.

The good thing is that after you lose all that weight you can eat normally once again and it doesn't add on. The bad thing is you become sort of a skinny freak so I'm not sure that's the type of image you are looking for.
Don't listen to previous post... unless you want to feel really weak or worst, gain weight.
I know you don't want to work out but there are many forms of exercise, rather than hammering away down at a gym.

I walk a couple of miles everyday with my two dogs, does me a world of good.

maybe try some gentle exercise.
Quit posting on the forums you should be excercising not talking about HL2. A simple solution would be to get a pocketPC and use the wifi to run laps around your house while posting in the latest threads. In fact that is such a good idea I think I will start doing it! As for useful information try biking I love to bike to somewhere I have never been all the while burning calories and having fun.
get your heart rate up everyday and keep it up for at least a few minutes.. Do things you wouldn't normally do, such as take the stairs instead of the elevator, park in the spot farthest from the door and walk etc. All the little stuff will add up seriously!

Drink only water, milk, or juices (real juices not kool aids), cut your sugar intake, as the body doesn't process sugar the way it does normal food thus it stores it as fat and is slower to burn...

Watch your calories, if you don't need cheese, or mayonaise why use them? Cut some small things, eat raw fruits and veggies, and do a little more excerise... If you can stick with it you will see results in a matter of weeks. Good luck!

(ps, you should always consult a physician before going on any diet or excercise program for an extended period of time.)
lePobz said:
or get your stomach stapled.

Bad idea. You get no nutrition, and you'll die young cos your system ends up completely screwed.
Put the computer off and step away from the keyboard.

Now go to the gym.
Xune said:
Now go to the gym.

Overkill IMO if you just want to lose weight.

Basic rules:
1) excercise that is less than 20 minutes in length is pointless
2) excercise must be regular
3) its about regularity, not how much you do at once- a 20 min walk 5 times a week is far better than a 40 minute run 1 time a week
4) eat balanced food; you can still have big macs if you want, just don't make meals out of them. eat a wide variety of different food types, eat big breakfasts and smaller dinners.
If you don't know which food is healthy or not, try to think like in the 1900, where all was pretty much natural. Again: fruits, vegetables, water, milk, bread, etc. Don't lower how much you eat, replace it by better.
bliink said:
Overkill IMO if you just want to lose weight.

Basic rules:
1) excercise that is less than 20 minutes in length is pointless
2) excercise must be regular
3) its about regularity, not how much you do at once- a 20 min walk 5 times a week is far better than a 40 minute run 1 time a week
4) eat balanced food; you can still have big macs if you want, just don't make meals out of them. eat a wide variety of different food types, eat big breakfasts and smaller dinners.
Listen to her, I lost two stone last year after taking bliink's advice :)

Shame Christmas and Easter and being ill spoilt losing more lately though lol
Bliink is right.
Just eat right and excercise. This is more about routine and having willpower. The reason why so many people are fat nowadays is because they eat too much shit.

"To hell with it" is always the easy way out.
Its not even that much effort, once you get started, its easy.

No need for radical/fad dieting or crazy excercise regimes :)
I've lost my slight porky side i've had since a kid recently. Its easy, i didnt mean to do it lol. And it wasnt well done either. In the summer break, i usually made all my plans at night and nothing during the day, so i'd say out till 1,2 or just up, then play on the computer till like 5 in the morning. Then go to bed, and wake up at 5 the next day! I missed breakfast and lunch, but had a nice dinner out, party all night or whatever, then it starts again. I never feel hungry when sleeping or when im active. So i lost all my flab, and i feel fine, better than ever in fact. And people comment on it regularly which is really a confidence boost.
Hectic Glenn said:
I've lost my slight porky side i've had since a kid recently. Its easy, i didnt mean to do it lol. And it wasnt well done either. In the summer break, i usually made all my plans at night and nothing during the day, so i'd say out till 1,2 or just up, then play on the computer till like 5 in the morning. Then go to bed, and wake up at 5 the next day! I missed breakfast and lunch, but had a nice dinner out, party all night or whatever, then it starts again. I never feel hungry when sleeping or when im active. So i lost all my flab, and i feel fine, better than ever in fact. And people comment on it regularly which is really a confidence boost.

Yet, it is not the best way to get rid of your fat.
If its an option where you live, just go to the beach or a pool once it gets warm. Bring your friends along once or twice a week and have some fun.
Its incredibly good exercise thats not a pain in the butt.
Eat healthy stuff, enjoy vegetables and fruit, drink lots of water if it's not fluoridated in your country.

Avoid pork, flour, and most things with starches and sweeteners.
Stop eating junk.

And join weight watchers. I had a smoking hot gf in the US who told me she used to be a fatty, but lost 60lbs at Weight Watchers. And she was admittedly lazy, so if she can do it, anyone can was her view.

But eating less - what they call portion control. Not snacking and not eatiing all the garbage foods. If you cut those things out - you are well on your way.

Exercise is important - but hard i know for people to fit in, if you are working massive hours as so many are these days. What you can do though is walk to work and walk home. I used to do that a lot. It was like 2 miles to work, and 2 miles home. So I think kept me reasonably in shape. 20 miles a week of walking.

My grandad is 94, and he worked in the Federal Dept of Labor and Industry for 50 years. All that time, he rode to work on a bicycle. And it was maybe about 10 miles in each direction. I think thats why he is still alive now....
shit im not doing anything except eating healthy and I lost 10kg in a
month its not that hard to do belive me
Excersise 3 times a week for atleast 30 minutes non-stop. Before you start this, however. Test yourself on various things (i.e how many pushups you can do in a minute etc) and record them. You will need to put your schedule on a table, I reccomend doing the following days:


Then have Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday off from excersise, so your muscles can rest.

After 6 weeks, test yourself and you'll see improved results if you did your excersise properly and ate a healthy diet. Of course, people will find the excersise boring and painful after a while, that is why I advise adding variety, if you are doing running on one day, try running while listening to music or talking to someone at the same time. Heck, even run through water, anything that'll make the experience a little more enjoyable.

Personally, the Atkins diet etc is what I call a 'fad diet'. Yes, they work but in the end your body will be weak as a kitten and you will most likely put the weight back on.
ive been eating takeaways for 3 weeks str8, my bellys gone up ;)... but i go gym, hoping it will burn off by using the equipment..