Weird Doom 3 movement issue


Nov 3, 2003
Reaction score
Allright, I don't know if this is a glitch or if it's just my comp. I can sprint, strafe left, strafe right, go backwards, or go foward. While walking, no problem. But if I run, I can't strafe right and go foward at the same time. Strafe left and foward, yes, but just not right and foward + sprint.

Is this just an issue with me or an actual glitch? Since I haven't herd anything about it yet, I'm guessing it's just me, but asking to make shure.
Doesnt windows stick if you hold more than 3 buttons down at once?
this happens on any game.. if thats not what you are refering to... then I dont know.. I have no problem strafing and running forward while sprinting.... or at least none that I notice
k. That's what I was askin about.

What's odd is that it's just fine while strafing left, it just has problems with going right.

Thx. Didn't expect a post that soon =D
Try binding different keys to it. It's probably windows freaking out when you press some key combination.
wen u say rum do u mean sprint? coz wen u sprint u cn;t change direction it happens to me aswll
Does anyone know how to disable the windows 3 button limit?
I think it's even lower level than windows. Hold down more than three keys and your comp will do a system beep. Even in the bios mine does.
B-MAn said:
wen u say rum do u mean sprint? coz wen u sprint u cn;t change direction it happens to me aswll

Yes, sprint. But I CAN change the direction while sprinting....
...BTW, you can fix spelling/grammar/ect. with the edit button after you post. Goes away after a while though.

FictiousWill said:
I think it's even lower level than windows. Hold down more than three keys and your comp will do a system beep. Even in the bios mine does.

The exact bios you have differs depending on the system, or more specifically motherboard, you have. There's also diffrent versions for any given bios. Windows is, generally, the same on any comp. I, myself, haven't really encountered a problem with the limit.

BTW, I changed strafe right from g to h and it was fine. Yea, I make up my own key config. Gotta be diffrent.

Almost completely remapped the Warcraft 3 key configurations...
It's not Windows, some keyboard just don't allow some key combinations of 3+ keys. You'll just have to try a different button for sprint until you find one that works.
I wasn't referring to my bios in particular. I was merely calling attention to the fact that the keypress limit exists outside of windows; thus it is not solvable within windows. As iamelephant confirms, it's a hardware issue.