Weird dreams

Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
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The other night, I had this strange dream where I suddenly woke up from my bed. I knew I was in the dream too, because I felt slightly different. I thought I was supposed to get up and walk around, to complete whatever purpose this dream had, but I decided not to. I was like "I don't wanna go through with this sh*t".

So I grabbed hold of my cheeks and tugged downwards as hard as possible in an effort to wake myself up. It was a weird, rubbery feeling without pain.

Then suddenly I was down the hall, thinking I woke up. I was just staring mindlessly at wall when a friend came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I replied, "I was having weird dreams, then came over here and just started hallucinating." Then I woke up for real.

Any other weird ones?
What i hate the most is when you know you're sleeping and you realize it and you can't wake up. Its scarey not being able to see/move
Ikerous said:
What i hate the most is when you know you're sleeping and you realize it and you can't wake up. Its scarey not being able to see/move
That never happened to me. I want to experience something like that.
i hate my roommate. This morning he turned the TV on as usual, but i was abnormally tired this morning, and i (like i always do) have dreams of yelling and shouting at him and telling him he's stupid and annoying and he needs to be nice to me because i'm tired and get to sleep in.

We'll i had that dream and then he turned the tv off so i went back to sleep. Then this morning it's pouring rain (he comes in the room as i'm leaving) and i pass him on the way out, and he asks if i want to use his umbrella, so i say yea thanks, and he says, "so does this mean i'm being nice to you now?" and smiles and walks off...i think i shouted at him out loud--not just in my head.
Lol, I hate talking in my dream. Especially when it's a sex dream. My roomate will be on the computer, and out of nowhere..
"Mmmmmm Yeah......mmm...."
Then he leaves the room. I think he's afraid of my like humping him or something O_o
CyberPitz said:
Lol, I hate talking in my dream. Especially when it's a sex dream. My roomate will be on the computer, and out of nowhere..
"Mmmmmm Yeah......mmm...."
Then he leaves the room. I think he's afraid of my like humping him or something O_o

I didnt need that image. I truly didnt
The last dream I had, I was walking down a path in some woods. All the colors were severely faded to the point of being this strange black/white picture with an aged slight brownish hue. The path was straight. The trees on both sides were dead and extremely angular, like claws.
I get down to the end of the path to a cliff. I peer down to an endless black void, softly kicking pebbles down into it. I have this strange feeling that I'm going to kill my father, but I don't know why. I'm saddened by it, but it's an inevitability. Suddenly this long, pointy, skeletal hand quickly arises from the void, snatches me by my head, and pulls me down. I start hearing this childlike scream. Although it's not actually coming from me, I distinctly recognize it as mine.

The next bit is sort of a blank, but I do recall then stumbling back onto the path, clumsily wandering all over the path in a daze. I then look down into my hands and see a skull. Clean, polished, with no signifying marks. Yet I recognize it as my fathers. At that point it ends.

I do have cases where I'm aware I'm dreaming, but most of my dreams are bizarre more in terms of their outlandish and graphic content, which I consider very wierd. For instance, I've had a dream where I saw two men having anal sex on my grandparents lawn out in Oklahoma. Then one of them threatens to kill me and I in turn plunge a knife into him. It all becomes a very gory, drawn-out mess by the end.
I hate sleep paralysis. Scares the shit outta me.
Ikerous said:
What i hate the most is when you know you're sleeping and you realize it and you can't wake up. Its scarey not being able to see/move

I think you may have a sleep disorder called sleep's rare..and it's scary as hell.

ailevation said:
I hate sleep paralysis. Scares the shit outta me.

You have that??...that sucks. I've heard a lot of stories and seen a couple documentaries about it and it sounds terrifying,
dream431ca said:
I think you may have a sleep disorder called sleep's rare..and it's scary as hell.

You have that??...that sucks. I've heard a lot of stories and seen a couple documentaries about it and it sounds terrifying,

I get it from time to time. I don't think it's a condition, well, not that I know of... but I read somewhere it often time happens when lying on your back when sleeping(related to nerves on the spine?).
ailevation said:
I get it from time to time. I don't think it's a condition, well, not that I know of... but I read somewhere it often time happens when lying on your back when sleeping(related to nerves on the spine?).

What do you see?? I learned it could be a shadowy figure or an old woman..or something entirely different.
dream431ca said:
What do you see?? I learned it could be a shadowy figure or an old woman..or something entirely different.

Man, that stuff is crazy deal.

One time I was dreaming about a woman holding my hands and I woke up because it felt like something was sitting on my chest... to my surprise my arms were in the air!

But, usually it basically feels like somebody or something applying downward pressure on your body. I get that along with my heart racing, feels like i'm gonna have a heart attack or something and a loud static noise in my ear.

It's crazy because your eyes are soooo freee to look anywhere but you just can't get your body to move.
ailevation said:
Man, that stuff is crazy deal.

One time I was dreaming about a woman holding my hands and I woke up because it felt like something was sitting on my chest... to my surprise my arms were in the air!

But, usually it basically feels like somebody or something applying downward pressure on your body. I get that along with my heart racing, feels like i'm gonna have a heart attack or something and a loud static noise in my ear.

It's crazy because your eyes are soooo freee to look anywhere but you just can't get your body to move.

Oh God that's bad!! Ya..I've heard of figures chocking people and an old woman usually sits on the it makes it hard to breathe.

The main cause is this little thing in the brain that controls sleep and being awake. Normally, this thing ( I forgot what it's called) is turned off during sleep (so your not awake and sleeping at the same time.) Sometimes it does not turn of so you think whatever your dreaming is really happening to you. Sort of dreaming and being awake at the same time. The worst part about it is..your body is asleep but your aware of what's going on and you can't move or yell or anything. If there ever was a hell, that's probably as close as your gonna get. You must have pretty strong nerves.
All my dreams are crazy, i'll list a few not going into detail.

A recurring dream about a post apocalyptic landscape which looks insane with everytihng mangled and ****ed up, very strange sky, lots of odd things happen like being chased through damaged buildings by a brazillian man holding a machette etc (different each time)

Lucid dreams where i have full control and usually end up going crazy, flying, attacking everything and end up killing myself always.....never in the same way.

A dream about getting chased round teletubby type landscape by a MASSIVE cow (literally about 30ft tall)

A dream where i was in combat with modern military but using muskets, and i got hit in the shoulder and it really did hurt.

A dream about walking down a quiet costal path and then an old man walks past and grabs me, injects my arm says "don't worry, its going to be okay" then i pass out (prob my most scary nightmare i've had)
A simmilar dream to that was sitting in a parked car then suddenly all traffic dissapears and suddenly the car is surrounded by men in biohazard suits and they shove a wierd silver tube through the window which emmits a high pressure jet of air and i pass out.....that was ****ing scary.

I could go on all day, i remember every dream i have ever had and could list about 1500 if needed.
dream431ca said:
What do you see?? I learned it could be a shadowy figure or an old woman..or something entirely different.

I get it from time to time too. You don't really see anything, but you deffinitely feel the presense of something/someone near. Also I know the feeling there is pressure being applied on my chest.It sucks. Some say if you overcome the fear and anxiety, realize what is happening, you can turn it into an out of body experience. Next time it happens I'll let you all know lol
I had a weird dream last night.

I was sitting at the back of a cargo plane. The instructor said, 'one, two, three, jump!' and we all jumped out the door. But the plane was only like 10 metres above the ground and then the insturctor said ' ok, class dismissed' and we all scattered all over this field.

And by 'we' i mean lots of random people who were with me.
I hate sex dreams that, when you're right in the middle of it, you realise it's a dream and wake up. I get so mad.
lol, last time i dreamt i had my fingers severed from my left hand, and i remember thinking, "crap, now i won't be able to play piano and/or guitar." So then i just shoved the fingers on my pocket with my remaining hand bleeding and i tried to get my mom to take me to the hospital but she suddenly froze with her eyes open and basically became a ragdoll. a few moments later i was driving top speed on the freeway and i remember not knowing how to drive and i didn't know where i was going, so a cop stops me and that's when i wake up.

then i woke up, realized it was a dream, and thought, "that's f'ing awesome."
I had a dream i was choking to death before. I think i was drowning or something. When i woke up, i was face down in my pillow therefor i couldnt breath....i thought i was still drowning.... :hmph:
I've been having a dream saga, if you will, wherein I am an astronaut in the middle of an evil (suspense thriller, not slasher flick style) nebula, doing research on it. I've also been to the moon in this dream series. Its pretty interesting. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
when I was younger I had these re-occuring dreams where I would think I was walking into the bathroom (rather lucid, since I didn't know I was asleep), and suddenly as soon as I shut the door the lights would turn out.
My immediate reaction would be to curl into a ball and shut my eyes/cover my head, and this voice would talk to me for about 5 minutes on something. He kept saying not to open my eyes.

Needless to say, eventually (after about a year of this and waking up in cold sweats) I did and the dreams never occured again. But they've haunted me to this day it was so ****ing creepy.

Then there's the other usual things like going to a theme park and my family have no faces, and they eventually tickle me to death.
Had a very bad dream last night.

Looked out my window and saw the planet Saturn crashing into the earth!

At first I was calling to people to look at this planet, but then realised it was hitting the our earth and saw the horizon dropping away into space.

My family were around me and I just said "well thats it, its over" and actually felt the sensation of falling (like on a rollercoaster) as the earth underneath gave way.

BTW I dream EVERY single night without fail.
I scream in my sleep. Very loudly, as if I'm "being mauled to death, or losing someone close to me or something" (my mother's words). Of course, I don't recall a thing, but... :|

Occasionally, I'll have these super clear, intense, absolutely beautiful dreams, dreams where amazing, wonderful things would happen. I remember one that went like this:

I was walking around in Boston, and sort of got lost, and managed to end up in an industrial area. Like, really industrial. Everything was metal, and there were pipes and catwalks everywhere.
Anyway, I made my way onto one of the catwalks, which led to a door in this ENORMOUS metal wall. I mean, this thing was huge. I looked around for a bit, opened it, and inside was- outside. In the caribbean. A bunch of amazingly beautiful islands, full of wildlife, with not a soul around. Just, paradise. I spent a while exploring, then left, and came back and brought a few friends with me. And we... we lived there. Just spent the rest of our lives living there. It was bloody wonderful.
The dreams like that, they're like lucid dreams (which I've had) but they feel more... cinematic. They're hard to describe, but they're wonderful.

Also, night terrors and sleep paralysis aren't really super-rare. I get both sometimes.
During my childhood, I used to get horrible nightmares whenever I slept through a fever. Usually they dealt with some fear of an abstraction of infinity... represented by something like the letter Z. During a bunch of times when I was sick, I would dream that I was infinitely small, and standing my head. It was so scary because I felt that the universe was about to collapse around me or something. I had 2 or 3 night terrors also where I would wake up screaming at the top of my lungs. Then my parents would remind me the next morning and I'd barely recollect it.

Then one time when I sick, I dreamed that ufo's were chasing me around the house. I woke up and continued hallucinating, and ran to the back porch and hid under a bench . Eventually I came to my senses and went back to bed (the floor was really cold :)) That was kinda freaky though. Never got sleep paralysis, fortunately. That sounds scary as hell.
short recoil said:
A dream about walking down a quiet costal path and then an old man walks past and grabs me, injects my arm says "don't worry, its going to be okay" then i pass out (prob my most scary nightmare i've had)
A simmilar dream to that was sitting in a parked car then suddenly all traffic dissapears and suddenly the car is surrounded by men in biohazard suits and they shove a wierd silver tube through the window which emmits a high pressure jet of air and i pass out.....that was ****ing scary.
I can so easily picture those dreams and how scary they would be. Very creepy stuff.
I had a dream where I went to the toilet then I woke up and saw a turd on my bed.
The one time that I had a dream where I couldn't wake up, I was in a dark cemetery. There were those horror movie-type trees (no leaves, all kinds of forking branches, etc) and there's lightning. I'm standing there and everything starts spinning around me. Every so often I see a message (everything else blacks out and I see white words) that says something along the lines of "You cannot wake up if you see everything else. This is your only chance."
I knew it was a dream, but I could not wake up at all while I could see the cemetery. I was scared out of my mind... scared in my mind...

Another type of dream that I hate is when you have a regular nightmare (you don't know that it's a dream until you wake up), you go back to sleep, and you immediately have the same dream. Once you wake up from that, you don't want to go back to sleep.
Once I had one of those types of dreams, and I did the wake-up, don't want to sleep, fell back asleep cycle more than 3 times. :/
theSteven said:
I had a dream where I went to the toilet then I woke up and saw a turn on my bed.

What do you mean by "turn on my bed"? I don't understand. lol
My dreams are completely random and retarded.... :rolleyes:
Just last nite I dreamt that I was in some huge titanic like ship, with a mall in it an everything. I spawn cs style outside of the mall and theres this pretty chick standing there. So I ask her "excuse me, do you work here?" and she says "ya" so I say "ok" and walk away. Then this super sped kid I know named Cameron starts yelling "hey everyone! come to this side!" and all the people go to one side of the ship. Well the ship starts to tip, first a little, then more and more untill finally its almost on its side. Then I hear some random explosion and the ship starts to fill with water, so I swim up through one of the windows and up to the surface. I look up and see the ship standing vertically in the water while the peanut butter jelly time banana is humping it. I'm like "whoa, awsome!" then I woke up.

Nat Turner said:
What do you mean by "turn on my bed"? I don't understand. lol
What comes to mind doesn't make too much sense. 'D' is too far from 'N' to be a simple typo...

Teta_Bonita said:
I look up and see the ship standing vertically in the water while the peanut butter jelly time banana is humping it.
EC said:
What comes to mind doesn't make too much sense. 'D' is too far from 'N' to be a simple typo...

Oh now I get it... it confused me because "turn" is a real word, and I didn't connect it with the first part of his sentence. Hehe
A lot of my dreams involve me shooting or fighting people. One time I was even involved in a gunfight with muskets, and somehow I could dodge the musket balls.

It sucks though when I try to punch people in dreams, and for some reason 80% of the time my arms feel really sluggish as though I'm punching in a dense fluid or something.

I think in my most recent dream I robbed a gunstore with friends. I spent about 15 minutes looking around first at all the types of weapons, then collected various types of ammo, an AK, a submachine gun, M4, some pistols (just picked them all off grocery-store style shelves :D). Then we ran out of the store and I remember shooting back at a mob of angry people who were chasing us. It was nighttime, I think. Then we hitched a ride on the back of a pickup truck and went on adventure that involved me shooting small zombie-like creatures to survive. It was kinda fun, but also very tense.