weird error while burning cd. very interesting.


May 25, 2006
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i have 1 large mp3 file.

i used MEGA mp3spliter, to create 6 mp3 files. its only the first 30 minutes as a test.

so i burn the mp3s using FOOBAR so i can burn without GAPS. its trance. i dont like gaps.

but when i put in 6 songs to burn. it burns the first two tracks into 1 track and does not burn the rest. and it says burning successfull.

However. I know that the tracks are in good order because i can play them all individually on my mp3 player. i dont know how to burn 6 tracks one after the other without gaps.

i know FOOBAR works because ive done it before. but that time the songs were ripped from a DJ's CD. and i burned without gaps. how can i burn these split mp3 files without gaps?

Does winamp burn without gps?
Winamp does burn w/o gaps I believe. I used winamp to burn some songs the other day. (three 20 song cd's to be exact :cool:) and it ran smoothly on my sterio. Are all of the songs pushed into one? Or is your burner freaking out? Those are the only reasons I can think of... bad burner is most likely, but if you're using winamp it's best to select the desired tracks, and go to then "Send-To" bar, then click on "CD burner on D" or whatever your port is. If you're not having trouble with that try the songs one at a time, other thabn that I really don't know. :/