Weird Framerate Problems

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Hey all, I'm new to the forum, just wondering if you can help me with my (really annoying) problem.

I've been playing css on pretty much high settings with a steady framerate of 30-40fps.

However in the past 2 months, for no reason, the framerate went down to a steady 9 fps regardless of settings.

Last week I removed steam completely (uninstalled folders and programs) and reinstalled and managed to get it running at it's previous steady 30-40 fps all week.

However when I tried playing it this week, it's gone straight back to doing it's 9fps thing.

Any one have anyclue what is going on?:(

I'm running a AMD Athlon XP 3000+, 1gb RAM and a Geforce FX5600XT (fully updated).

Any help will be appreciated. Cheers guys.
Could be your WAN connection rather?
Low online frames usually happens to the fact that you're not getting enough streaming, you can check this by playing other Steam provided games online and then play in SP mode. If they also happen to be in low frames then update or reinstall video driver.
Also, release and renew your IP address every now and then if you mostly play online games this refreshes your connection. Also Reboot modem/router periodically helps your connection hardware refreshed.
Sometimes this is also caused by the server you're trying to connect to, and server needs to be rebooted, its cache cleaned and maintained. This low Frame Rate maybe isn't coming from your side.
Did you ask other peeps in the server if they're experiencing the same issue?

Good Luck.
Hmm... That sounds exactly the problem. I suspected the WAN connection when I tried HL2 (That was working perfectly). However, how do I do anything about it? Would I need to buy a new Lan card/modem?
No you don't have to buy new hardware, your hardware need to be refreshed.
Before you do that log into the server you usually play and ask other guys playing there; whether they're experiencing the same issue. If they're not; do the following:

Turn your PC off, unplug the power-cord to your Router first, unplug power-cord to your Cable/DSL second, Wait for full one minute, Plug power-cord back into Cable/DSL modem, Wait until it resets (usually 2 minutes), Plug the power-cord back into Router, wait till it resets (Usually less than 1 minute).
Turn PC back on and press Star, run, type "command" (Without the quotation mark) type: "ipconfig" without the quotes. This command will show you your current ip address, write it down somewhere for future references, type "ipconfig/release now all of your ip addresses should mark o.o.o.o. This means there are no ip address assigned to you, now type ipconfig/renew, wait for couple of second to get the new ip, Check and compare the new ip address to the old one which you wrote down, now type "Exit", and this will shutdown your command prompt with new IP address.
Log into to the server you wanted to play and check your ping/frame.

Good Luck.

Ps. save these instructions because you most like will need them again..... Online gaming problems lol.
Thank you v. much Barney.

I'll try them now and post the results if it works (big online gaming session awaits (i hope) lol)
No Problem big guy.... Go frag someone now.

Good Luck on your session.
The game worked fine for my nice long session.
However some bad news, when returning to it tonight, I got the same problem framerate problem again. :(
I followed the same procedure as I did last time, however this time it didn't work. The framerate continued to stay at 9 fps and subsequent tries resulted in the same flat framerate. Single player games still kept their framrate, however CSS did not :(

Any ideas?
OK. If the SP maintains decent frame but MP didn't, then, it has to be a server issue.

Also, (Tho I'm not familiar on how to check in CS) while logged into server check your connection speed (Its called Ping) the higher your ping the slower your connection. This is due to the fact that you or the server is slow. If server slows the entire server clients will slow and have higher pings than normal. Also it depends on the ISP (Yours and server's). and how close you are to the server; will always determine yours/server's connection speed.

Click this link and download the Ping Analyzer. Don't delete it after you have done with it. You will always need this very usefull tool, as long as your online gamer. It used to help me in my SOF2 days.

You don't have to setup Ping Analyzer, only extract with Winrar/Winzip to your desktop area and execute it from it's folder.

In the address area, leave it "", and scaling area "500", Updates speed (ms) type "1" and press "Start".

The Shorter the bars, the better your WAN connections.

If Ping Analyzer gets decent ping (short bars "40-50ms) with yahoo server and you're still having ping problem with server, then its got to be the server.

Try other servers and check your ping to compare.

Good Luck.