Weird glitch in water @ source engine with 6800 GT


Jun 24, 2003
Reaction score
I'm experiencing kinda weird things on my water.

Some kind of 'vertical lines' .. wich are irritating if you notice them..

examples: my own 6800 GT

I compared with some1 I know, who has a X800XT:

I'm sure you guys can see what I mean, just compare the latest two urls, and look at the part of the water that's hit by sunlight.

I'm having this problem both with the 65.73 drivers and the 66.93 drivers.

Someone with a 6800/GT/ultra card can check for me if they also have this?
I can sort of, barely see if i turn the contrast all the way down, the brightness all the way up, set my refresh rate to 10Hz, and squint.

Ah I see them!

I'm sure they are their... try rolling back your drivers
I'm back to using the 66.81 beta drivers.
They are better than the official .93's, but the white lines are still visible, possibly not the same 'lines' you are speaking of.
Im using a xfx 6800 ultra and the water looks fine for me.
How many Fps are you getting with the GT ?
How many did u get in stress test ?
Im asking cause 6800 users seem to be having serious problems with source. I for example get an very poor (and annoying) 40-70 fps max no matter what drivers no matter what video settings i use! :(
in counterstrike source my fps can get low as 33 fps in heavy firefights.. but also 160 fps in hallways inside yea, weird fps drops.

HL2 plays fine..outside 50-60 fps..and inside 100+ I think..but haven't tested it really yet.

Fps stress test:

1024x780x32, EVERYTHING max, aa and af 2x: 103.44 fps.

Btw my water looks fine too, just one same places you can clearly see the banding as seen in the above pics.

Oh, and btw: The 67.02 beta drivers help alot, they got nvidia back on par with ATI in the benchmark review of anandtech.
It also fixed shimmering, if you know what that means :}
(if not: better image quality, take it from me :))


Btw I saw some big threads on multiple forums about 6800GT with source I think there might be a problem.

Some ati users also had problems with fps drops until they got 4.12 beta.
yep using omega drivers i sometimes reach 150 fps for a sec or so in corridors then it drops to like 30 - 60 in wider parts of the map !