Weird message on cs_office?!!



when im playing cs_office i see these red 3d letters spelling out error on a bunch of stuff in the sucks cause it looks weird but its awsome cause i can see threw alot of stuff and shoot people...heres an example of what i see...normally you would see the huge ceiling high metal crates...but this is what i see...dopes this happen to anyone else?...does n e 1 know why?! if you want i can send you more examples because theres alot of them. Most of them show on the ct side of the map.

heres the pic
You are missing the Model of the big metal box thingy. Restart steam and try updating Counter-Strike: Source.

If you're playing on a crack then there was no point in posting it because noone will help you to fix a crack.
what does playing on a crack mean?..
and its not just those boxes its other models threwout the was fine
erase your C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\_YOURNAME_\counter-strike source folder. Restart steam and see if that fixes it. If it doesnt then you will have to erase your C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps and stuff that say counter strike source gcf files and redownload them.
Crack means an illegal version, which you don't have to pay for. Not saying you have one just saying if you have you wont get help from here.

Just try updating the game see if it downloads the files for you. If not do what VodKA said above ^^
k got ya...and no its not a but amagine all the powers i have that you dont!...boowahahha so none of you guys got this ever?..o and it seems my bullets arn't effected from the missing if i wasn't there they fly right threw it!
it happened to me and another friend, we are sure it was from incorrectly installing matrieals for custom maps, we had to delet or cs:s folder and it was restored
o thats pobally what it is from since i tried to install some custom maps...thats pretty ty...(i guess ill get rid of it ) :-( ill miss it though...people calling me a hacker...and me getting alot of kills :-(
Cracked Versions are lame... people with them should be steam banned for good , i mean we paid full retail price for a game and they get it free? like wtf :/ tbh

Anyway they wont be getting on our server , got a name ban script :)

S3Ri0uS and EMP0RiO
that was totally off topic but exodusuk you rule! i don't know why but wahoo!!!!...whats your server ip?...heheehe
hey i like u 2 xD << our ip :eek: soz i cant pm atm new member and all that ... anyways if u have irc come drop by giva ya my msn ;)
exodusuk said:
Cracked Versions are lame... people with them should be steam banned for good , i mean we paid full retail price for a game and they get it free? like wtf :/ tbh

Anyway they wont be getting on our server , got a name ban script :)

S3Ri0uS and EMP0RiO

so your saying that everyone with a cracked version is named S3Ri0uS and EMP0RiO, and they wont be getting on ur server.

its really not hard to change your name, cracked version or not.
a) they get stuck in spectator mode
b) indie does suck
c) hard life sucks
d) WTF EMO SUCKS?!??!?!?! u madddD????

Funeral For A Friend all the way tbqfh wtf bbq!?!?!?