Weird NBC Commercial



For a few nights now, a strange 5-10 second commercial with just the words Immitus omni infinite (sp?) written on the screen has appeared for several nights in a row on NBC. The NBC site has nothing about it as a new show and I'm kinda curious what it is. Anyone know?
Hmmm, not sure, but here are some word origins that might help.

Immitis: rude

omnigenus : of all kinds.

omnimodus : universal.

omnino : altogether, entirely, wholly, certainly, completely.

omnipotens : all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent.

omnis : all, every.

infinitas infinitio : eternity, infinity, endlessnes.

infinitus : unlimited, infinite, without bounds, boundless, limitless.
ya, i googled around for a bit (not nearly as erotic as it sounds :| ) and didn't turn up the phrase in a sequential order, the words don't really make sense together. I'm gonna be sure to write em down next time i see them.
I saw it again but it was too brief to write down, its on almost every night on NBC
its Omnium Finis Imminet (The end is nigh) and its on billboards too, no idea what about though.
kmack said:
its Omnium Finis Imminet (The end is nigh) and its on billboards too, no idea what about though.
well, maybe NBC got exclusive rights on the end of the world and they're gonna make a reality show about it, could boost ratings, if it can beat Survivor and Big Brother
Icarusintel said:
well, maybe NBC got exclusive rights on the end of the world and they're gonna make a reality show about it, could boost ratings, if it can beat Survivor and Big Brother

maybe big brother but not survivor ;) and if anyone was going to make a deal with the devil for exclusive armeggadon rights, it would be FOX.
i havent seen this adde yet but i will be shore to look out for it :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :sniper: :afro:
kmack said:
maybe big brother but not survivor ;) and if anyone was going to make a deal with the devil for exclusive armeggadon rights, it would be FOX.
point noted, FOX does seem to take all the most ridiculous and demoarlizing shows they can, but someone's gotta do it
thinking about it, a reality show about armaggedon would be pretty cool, i'd watch it
Icarusintel said:
point noted, FOX does seem to take all the most ridiculous and demoarlizing shows they can, but someone's gotta do it
thinking about it, a reality show about armaggedon would be pretty cool, i'd watch it

Remember "Gluttony Bowl", leave it to FOX to take one of the Seven Deadly Sins and turn it into a reality show. Whats next? Lust Bowl? Not to mention Bill O'reilly :D

I just got a magazine with the ad:

The End Is Here
Bill Pullman Natasch McElhone

Omnium Finis Imminet

9/8 Wednesday April 13 NBC

weird ad campaign, i still have no clue what it is :hmph:
Icarusintel said:
point noted, FOX does seem to take all the most ridiculous and demoarlizing shows they can

'FAST ANIMALS, FAT CHILDREN'!!! Classic Family Guy (and prob would be shown)

Hmm an end of the world show...Will it have the 10 second delayed coverage that seems to be included in all events nowadays :D
from looking round it looks like a Bill Pullman Natasch McElhone movie or TV program with, from what i gather, may include will smith. there are other message board threads running discussing this. google is ur freind
sabre0001 said:
Hmm an end of the world show...Will it have the 10 second delayed coverage that seems to be included in all events nowadays :D
It'd have to so they can cut out all the boobs and f-bombs, they wouldn;t wanna get fined by the FCC their last few minutes alive