Weird side effect of SP2 - please help!


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem with SP2: If two accounts are open at the same time, I am utterly unable to log off, switch user, or even shut down. Ctrl-alt-delete also does not work, though I can access the task manager through alternate means. Even in the task manager, I can't shut down, and I end up having to manually press the button on my computer, which I really don't like to do.

The Service Pack has been fine otherwise, but I am pretty mad at Microsoft for making it sound as if you're going to be hacked if you don't install it - sure, no one can hack you, but you can't use your own computer!

Has anyone else had this problem, or can recommend a solution?

Here are some possibly relevant specs:
Dell Dimension 8200 Series
Win XP Home
Radeon 9800 Pro w/ Cat 4.9
SB Live! Value w/ latest drivers
Norton Anti-Virus and Personal Firewall 2004
lesson 1...service pack 2 is utter crap
lesson glad your computer even starts up with SP2 installed, mine refuses to boot and freezes on the windows loading screen hehe
h4vvok said:
lesson 1...service pack 2 is utter crap
lesson glad your computer even starts up with SP2 installed, mine refuses to boot and freezes on the windows loading screen hehe

its not MS's fault that your computer is f*cked to begin with
try reinstalling sp2 or just uninstalling it.
Service Pack 2 works 100% absolutly fine and dandy for me... the only thing i even relize is diffrent is whenever i start a new game it asks me if I want to unblock\block it.... Thats the only thing diffrent for me.. I can't notice a single diffrence.
But whatever...
Try contacting microsoft...
finally seeing a thread about the sp2 from MS!(i don't like them but i don't know how to use mac). it greatly slowed my computer.
i guess i'll reformat my pc and install only sp1.
by the way, do u guys think it fixes any of those bugs??