Weird spray logo



I tried to find an old topic about this, but I didn´t know what to search for really.

Anyway, in Black Mesa East and in Ravenholm(probably in other locations too, but I´ve only spotted these two), there is a spray logo very similar to the lambda logo. It´s orange, about the same size as the lambda one, and has a strange symbol in a circle.

It´s not Black Mesa, so i thought it might be Black Mesa East.

Btw, this is my first post in this forum and English isn´t my "first" language, so i might write somewhat ****ed up occasionly.


Hope the image works.

//Tezla, Sweden
I think it's probably just a different version of the lambda logo.
No idea what it means if it isn't.
Eejit said:
I think it's probably just a different version of the lambda logo.
No idea what it means if it isn't.

Hmm... but it looks none like it. Though it might be some other greek letter. I would guess it to be an "e" like in "East" or maybe an capital "L" (if the Lambda logo is lower case, that is).
Neat find. Never seen it, and I have no clue as to what it could mean.

Me ponders...
Yeah I've seen that. Never really paid any attention to it but I always thought it was a different version of the lambda symbol...
It's an italicized lambda. Like it was written in a font like
MuToiD_MaN said:
It's an italicized lambda. Like it was written in a font like

It might be... but i still don´t think. I´ll post another pick later today were you can see it better.
It's the lambda symbol, but crappily drawn by a man with no arms, holding the spray can in his teeth. Or whatever.
It's a lambda symbol drawn by Alyx with her unique caligraphy.

Happy now? :)
Okok, maybe it is the Lambda logo then... but you gotta admit that i looked like something else!!! :rolling:
Yes. It's G-Man, who came from the future to the past of the present, in order to alter his future past-wise.
Since it's in a place surrounded by Vortigaunts, perhaps it's their way of proving themselves as part of the lambda team. They made their own attempt at the logo, copying the humans as best they could.
It's obviously a secret teleportation device.

seriously, its just a sloppily spraypainted lambda
It's a sign for everyone to start chanting weird satanic spells, everyone join hands!

"...O Gran Demonio Roedor..."
RandomX said:
Since it's in a place surrounded by Vortigaunts, perhaps it's their way of proving themselves as part of the lambda team. They made their own attempt at the logo, copying the humans as best they could.

^^^^^^ Best theory of all
If it was hastily sprayed, it wouldn't be as perfectly formed as it is. It's done to very exact specifications, showing that whoever drew it had time to concentrate on exactly how to make it.
It doesn't really look very perfectly-formed to me. It looks crappily-formed, in fact.
I should've used the word elaborate... it's clear that a lot of time was taken in its creation. The vortigaunts are trying to fit in! :D
RandomX said:
I should've used the word elaborate... it's clear that a lot of time was taken in its creation. The vortigaunts are trying to fit in! :D
Nah, Alyx is just seeking attention from Mossman with her graffiti.
Sulkdodds said:
It doesn't really look very perfectly-formed to me. It looks crappily-formed, in fact.
It's not crappy, just stylish.
Im pretty sure it's just a spray painted version of the lambda symbol, you know like when one of the taggers lost his template or was in a rush.

The ones you can see in Ravenholm, that indicate where stashed weapons are, would definately have been drawn in a hurry. If I was in a town full of screaming head-humped blighters I'd be in a rush too.
Wow, that's quite sad. None of you lot knew that a real lambda symbol looks like that, all curvy? Don't you guys go to highschool :|

Too much Half-Life :p
Actually, high school just makes us believe it's more like the half-life sign, due to text book's fonts :p
Yeah, looks different in different fonts.
The Vortigounts tell you that they aren't comfortable with human language, and so maybe they're also inept at drawing the lamda symbol...
I always thought they made it to fit on smaller surfaces. That's what I thought when I saw it on a pillar somewhere.

It also seems to elude to that old series "V for Victory" with the red spray painted drippy V.
In the show the human race was oppressed by aliens and what not, and a small human task force went around spraying Vs in odd places.

Course I could just be looking to deeply into this and it's just a developers touch.
Guys have you ever taken a science class seriously god thats how lambdas are written in all science text books so that one you see on the wall is the unstylized text book version of the lambda
So what? That still doesn't explain why a few are like this whereas all the others are the more angular version.

Not that it matters, but some people were wondering.

When Valve made the game, two artists both made a lambda decal, and 1/2 through the game the mappers realized they'd been using one the entire game and switched for awhile.
I told you guys that didn't I one is stylized one is scientific. I bet Dr kleiner or someone drew that odd lambda.

That's for anouther topic I made, but look, the Lighthouse point has the more stylistic lambda and the others have the blocky one... Maybe the stylistic one represents a high-level leader on site?
I think it's just there to vary the presentation of the frequently-sighted Lambda symbol in the game. Hand-sprayed, and stencil-sprayed. Personally I don't think it goes any further than that, but I might be wrong.