Weird windows mirroring


May 20, 2004
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I just got my new comp up and running using a 6800Ultra. and on the desktop its looking weird. All words, and pictures and things like the mouse cursor are mirrored. Just to the right there is a copy of whatever thing it may be that is very faint and semi-transparent. I don't know what it is or why it is there but it is ANNOYING. how do i get rid of this? My OS is a brand new install of XP pro, DX9.0a
Like ghosts? Is it an actual copy or is it more like a streak? Monitor specs? Try dropping your resolution or kicking up your refresh rate and see what happens, if you're using a CRT that is.
I've already stepped up my refresh rate to 85hz. Still does it. Tried lower rez. STill does it. But in games it's perfectly fine. it is just when i'm doing anything on the desktop. I don't know but it's probably some setting in my videocard drivers. Its a BFG 6800 ultra oc, and the default drivers it came with.
are you using a vga extension cable? is your vga cable plugged in all the way?

this EXACT thing happens in those 2 instances most commonly. if you have a vga extension cable, you'll need to buy a super-vga cable if you dont' want that mirror effect. otherwise reinforce the vga cable connection.
yes i'm using an extention cable. let me try foolin with the cables. I re-plugged everything but it didn't fix my video card needs an adapter from teh small blue thing to the larger rectangle plug to my vid card. but checked that and it is fine.