Well I found out its best not to let your girlfriend pick the movie you going to


May 20, 2003
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Last night my girlfriend and I went to watch Walking Tall but it was sold out so she picked The Girl Next Door. (SPOILERS) (And other nasty stuff)

It turns out that the main story in the movie is about a porn star thats trying to get out of the porn bussiness moves into the house next door to this semi nerd guy, needless to say he suddenly starts to skip out on school and then he sarts to think that lifes a hack. Soon enough he ends up in a strip club and thats when we walked out.

Needless to say I get to pick what movies we goto from now on. :)

(I dont like movies that have nude junk in them)

So Have you guys walked out of any movies before?
lol, you honestly didn't know that was the storyline to The Girl Next Door? :dozey:

Anyway, only movie I've ever walked out on was Extreme Ops, really crap movie
Yeah I never paid any attention to it. I havnt seen any previews for it eather, so i thought it was going to be another chick flick.

After that all I have to say is - do not watch anything without a preview first.
thehunter1320 said:
...................... um................ :|


Probably b/c he thinks they try to cover their story and film flaws with nude scenes that distract the audience (whihc is true...)
Although I didn't watch it at the cinema I receantly saw "bringing down the house" which if I even began to tell you whats wrong with it I would easily reach the word limit on a single post.

I wanted to get up and walk out but I was frozen to my chair with disgust and pure hatred.
Sprafa said:
Probably b/c he thinks they try to cover their story and film flaws with nude scenes that distract the audience (whihc is true...)
ok your soul is a cavern of lies
I've never walked out of a movie at the theater. If its that bad, it just makes for good fodder to joke about later.
Ummm because I find it morally wrong to run around naked. Does that anwser your question?

I mean why should I enjoy watching someone thats naked and thats not my wife? Its my personal conviction that being naked for someone that your not married to is wrong.
I know that there are accidents. The changing room door doesnt lock. The privacy curtain falls down. Stuff like that.

Strip clubs arnt accidents!
I walked out of Stargate when I was like 9. That movie was ****ing retarded. Apparently later on they decided to put MacGyver through the the Stargate which is equally retarded.
thenerdguy said:
Ummm because I find it morally wrong to run around naked. Does that anwser your question?

I mean why should I enjoy watching someone thats naked and thats not my wife? Its my personal conviction that being naked for someone that your not married to is wrong.
I know that there are accidents. The changing room door doesnt lock. The privacy curtain falls down. Stuff like that.

Strip clubs arnt accidents!

Nice to see somebody else have morals in this world.
Omg, lets just say when me and my gf went to see 2 two weeks notice, I just died in my seat.
thenerdguy said:
Last night my girlfriend and I went to watch Walking Tall but it was sold out so she picked The Girl Next Door.
heh, i just watched walking tall the other day [on holiday in east coast usa - virginia when i saw it] its a pretty cool movie, i liked it :). and no, ive never walked out of a movie.......
I walked out on Pokemon the movie! My mates mum said she'd pay for me and my mate if we took his little brother..

Bad idea.
ComradeBadger said:
I walked out on Pokemon the movie! My mates mum said she'd pay for me and my mate if we took his little brother..

Bad idea.

HAHA I was paid (literally) to sit through Pokemon with my little brother, appart from the end (which was sickening) I didn't think it was that bad, I'd find it harder to sit through a romance.

Also what's morally wrong with nudity? walking around the street naked in a none nudist area is not acceptable but otherwise I don't see whats wrong with it, there's only one animal that where's clothes and it's the most unatural and evil out of all "God's creations".
DarkStar said:
I walked out of Stargate when I was like 9. That movie was ****ing retarded. Apparently later on they decided to put MacGyver through the the Stargate which is equally retarded.


Lies! All lies!
Stargate is great and the series is even better.

Anyway...Event Horizon was a good film, if a little gruesome.

I dont think ive ever walked out of a film...i tend to choose films i at least have an idea about. Or if i dont know anything about the film its because a friend has chosen it, which means will likely be alright.
<Raises hand> Did you walk out because you thought it was a bad film or because it was a tad embarrassing with your missus there to have a film essentially about sexy laydeeez? Because Elisha Cuthbert is in that film and she is stunning. I'm quite tempted to see that fillum. Or get it off the internet so I feel like less of a grubby pervert as I red-facedly hand over my crumpled fiver to the ticket booth.
Especially if you go on your own...which raises another question.

How many people go to the cinema on their own?
Farrowlesparrow said:
Especially if you go on your own...which raises another question.

How many people go to the cinema on their own?

Like alone?
If no bud comes with I just get it thru other means.
Yeah im American,
OK let me ask you this. If you enjoy watching naked people why dont you go around naked?
Its the same way for any thing that even remotly involves sex.

Lets you sleep (have sex) with someone that has had sex with say 5 other people, and the 5 other people have had sex with 5 other people(each) besides her. I mean before long you could be having sex with one girl but you would also be having sex with 100 other people. Yeah its kinda strange logic. What if someone in that chain of people having sex had aids? You could be getting aids too.

OK enough of the ranting, Walking Tall is a very good movie! I also have to reccomend Kill Bill volum 2. :) I love early previews. :)
lol, excuse me but what does watching nudity on a tv screen have to do with the logic of sex and the dangers of it specifically?
What im saying is that for me I think nude clubs and sex before marriage is sin.
Thats my final anwser. Does that give you a better understanding of my viewpoint?
I never saw "House of the Dead" ( I saw it on DVD, and although it must be the worst movie I have ever seen, I couldnt stop watching... its like seeing a trainwreck.. you are so horrified but no matter what you do you cant look away)
I wonder how many people walked out on that garbage...
I wonder if anyone actually went to go see it in the first place.
thenerdguy said:
What im saying is that for me I think nude clubs and sex before marriage is sin.
Thats my final anwser. Does that give you a better understanding of my viewpoint?
Yes, yes it does. Sorry if I offended you, mate.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be back to my business... <fap fap fap>
Just because someone wants to be faithful to his girlfriend/wife by not looking at other nude women I find it funny how others want to slam him.

Do we have some homosexuals here that have a crush on nerdguy and are just upset he will never want to see you naked? If not, then why do you got to judge him? His personal decision has nothing to do with your choices in lifestyle.

I also find the American comment entertainingly assinine, as if to imply only in America people chose to be absolutly faithful to their girlfriends/wives with their eyes and mind, not just their body and the rest of the world doesn't. I think over gross generalizations about groups of people say more about the person saying it than the people being targeted.
Im not saying only in America you can choose to be faithful to your girlfriend or wife. I was asked if i was an American. And yeah I am an American. :)
alehm said:
Just because someone wants to be faithful to his girlfriend/wife by not looking at other nude women I find it funny how others want to slam him.
Do we have some homosexuals here that have a crush on nerdguy and are just upset he will never want to see you naked? If not, then why do you got to judge him? His personal decision has nothing to do with your choices in lifestyle.
I also find the American comment entertainingly assinine, as if to imply only in America people chose to be absolutly faithful to their girlfriends/wives with their eyes and mind, not just their body.
I agree with you to a point (I'm assuming you weren't including me in the "slamming") - it's totally his choice and that's cool. Personally I wouldn't include looking at pictures of naked people as infidelity, but if he does then that's fine.
Although the middle bit: What the f*ck? The only reason someone might not understand or agree with his standpoint is because they're gay and jealous? Interesting how you were mentioning tolerance and then banded about homosexuality as if it were an insult...
No I wasn't including you.

And about the middle part, I was kidding! :D Being most posters here are male and most likely not homosexual they shouldn't care whether he looked at nude people other than his girlfriend, or whatever. You took the ball and starting playing a different game with it.
Ok cool - sorry dude! Argh!
<Beats face against desk as penance>
My bad too, I have a problem of not wording my responses in the clearest manner.
I walked out of "Willy McBean and His Magic Machine" (really a time machine) back in '59...

Haha... well, maybe it wasn't '59... but I did walk out of it!