Well, I guess it's time to head off.


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys it's been fun, but now that there's an official announcement about the delay, I'll probably be finding better things to do until the "holiday season".

Thanks for all the fun, this forum is great. I'm sure my message is equaled by the huge spike of people who joined in the recent days/weeks and if you are like me, just hanging around for the hype and excitement, then go ahead and post here if you know for a fact you won't be showing up very often until this "holiday season".

It's not like I'm giving up completely, I would still like to see an actual official announcement, it's bad enough Doug sent out that e-mail at what, 10PM PST? Derp wtf was that. But yeah, like I said, this has been a great fun ride. It's too bad the employees at Valve had to be moronic and insist even up to spitcodfry's visit that they wanted to get the game released on the 30th, when it's actually going to take over 2 full extra months.

Here's to hoping there's a leak in the system, the announcement is false, and a miracle that would let us all know that it's still on for September 30th!

Otherwise, cya later everybody! ;(
If it ends up being a genuine e-mail, then I'm not gonna be a part of the HL2 hype machine again. What a crock o' shit. Specially the way Valve went about it. Like the avatar, makes me think of a lot of things right now LOL
that is pretty stupid to send an email 10 pm PST announceing a delay HOW LOW CAN U GET? unless of course its fake...
Goodbye! I didn't know you, but I understand how you feel. I am a bit disappointed with the delay news, but it was inevitable. As I saw someone on the Steam forums say, they haven't even made a "gone gold" announcement yet, much less will Vivendi have time to publish and distribute it. <sigh> Oh well, life goes on!
Originally posted by DaveKap
Hey guys it's been fun, but now that there's an official announcement about the delay, I'll probably be finding better things to do until the "holiday season".

Thanks for all the fun, this forum is great. I'm sure my message is equaled by the huge spike of people who joined in the recent days/weeks and if you are like me, just hanging around for the hype and excitement, then go ahead and post here if you know for a fact you won't be showing up very often until this "holiday season".

It's not like I'm giving up completely, I would still like to see an actual official announcement, it's bad enough Doug sent out that e-mail at what, 10PM PST? Derp wtf was that. But yeah, like I said, this has been a great fun ride. It's too bad the employees at Valve had to be moronic and insist even up to spitcodfry's visit that they wanted to get the game released on the 30th, when it's actually going to take over 2 full extra months.

Here's to hoping there's a leak in the system, the announcement is false, and a miracle that would let us all know that it's still on for September 30th!

Otherwise, cya later everybody! ;(

yep yep yep too fluck this.. an to think I was actually going to BUY a PC game for the first time.. that went out the window, time to wait for nba live2004 dukenukem forever and doom3