Well, its time for me to go out into the world.


Apr 29, 2004
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I'm currently a high school senior who will graduate in a few months. the time draws near when I have to leave this life behind and start something new. I'm starting to feel anxiety as to what the hell im gonna do. Did anyone else feel this way when they got out of high school?
yup..feeling that right now as a matter of fact. I graduated in june and still havent got a job. It sucks.. :/
i need to line something up. Im thinking of just leaving and going out on my own. I want to see how well I can make it on my own. If I went to college, i would be too reliant on my parents. Me no want that.
abconners said:
I'm currently a high school senior who will graduate in a few months. the time draws near when I have to leave this life behind and start something new. I'm starting to feel anxiety as to what the hell im gonna do. Did anyone else feel this way when they got out of high school?

High school is shit.

I'm currently living alone. Aside from the upcoming military service, I don't have anything to look forward to in my life.
Trust me, you want college. If you enjoy working as a cashier in a grocery store, continue on the path you are in.

If you want the possibility of doing something else, go to college.

Graduating college is far scarier than graduating high school. With high school, you could fall upon college as a back up. I don't have any more backups when graduating college.
abconners said:
i need to line something up. Im thinking of just leaving and going out on my own. I want to see how well I can make it on my own. If I went to college, i would be too reliant on my parents. Me no want that.

yeah, have fun working at a gas station for the rest of your life
abconners said:
i need to line something up. Im thinking of just leaving and going out on my own. I want to see how well I can make it on my own. If I went to college, i would be too reliant on my parents. Me no want that.
Believe me, college is what you want. Go out of state (or province, or whatever) and they won't know what the hell your doing. Find something you want to do, major in it, and get a nice job. You'll definately get a lot out of it.

As a college student, I can assure you that if you don't go, you will miss out of the best years of your life. You're a young person, away from your parents, living with other young people. You're independent and learning how to live on your own, but still shielded somewhat from the cruelties of the real world. You learn how to be responsible and irresponsible at the same time. And when you leave, you'll have the assurance that you won't waste your life in a dead end job at a gas station or a restaraunt.
You don't need college, and it won't necessarily be the best years of your life. This time is what you make of it. Make some plans for the future and shoot for them. College is useful, but certainly not a necessity. Sure, lots of people will tell you that you need it for "The career" but you can make it without...Just don't get bogged down with trivial stuff. These only ahve to be the best years of your life if you don't make something of yourself now...

Anyway...having said that. I have chosen to go to university :P But I know it will be useful in what I'm doing. i could do the work on my own, but I know I won't so I need a structure to support me while I sort out my direction.
Basically college can be an easy way out if your still undecided, it will vastly increase your chances of getting a job whatever you study.
Besides high school, I have no other education. But that doesn't matter, because there are other options. I'm probably going to become a security guard. Of course, at this point, someone will scream "oh noes you won't get 100 000 000 euros a year, how will you ever live? How will you get your own house, a dog, a car and kids?"

**** that. I'm not here to live the American dream (I don't live in America, but the local version of the "dream" is pretty much the same).