well known Scientist and Publisher killed


Nov 8, 2003
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Dr. Eugene F. Mallove was murdered on may 14 2004, I was quite shocked as ive heard of his magazine 'Infinite energy', I must pay tribute to these men who are attempting, and are finding new ways of providing energy by means of new techniques, with their amazing new findings. which will hopefully make the world a more peiceful place one day for us all.

seas power have payed tribute to his death, and are most concerned that they are all under threat as they try to break through barriers of more abundant evergy sources, for some reason I feel obligated to let people know whats going on. and how they have also had many threats from certain 'companies' Best wishes to them all. safety in numbers guys :)

I wish i knew the guy, so much kool stuff he must of found out and known.

Live well on the other side my friend :cheers:
Wow, thats kinda like Nikola Tesla, he supposedly developed a way to extract free energy from nowhere I think.

Then after he died all his research was destroyed...
well their pretty sure there being bullied about by large already established energy companies that already exist , infact have already been threatened HERE.because the other companies are scared of what they are now able to do, it threatens their power hold at present. But its pretty dire if this is the case.. :( people who would rather not loose their buisness , than let new energy sources make living more abundant and stress free .

but Seas power are going tactical ;)


heres a snipit from the article, I have no doubt's about this. afterall they are a valid company.

TIn February of 2003, just before the US went into Iraq, a friend of the Bush family told me "…of course, this is really about securing the second largest oil field in the world, and everyone knows it." Initially appalled, I listened as this gentleman explained how, with China rapidly industrializing (along with India) that our strategic interests required that we 'liberate' the Iraqi oil fields, and get them up to maximum production. Of course, Saddam was a monstrous dictator - but there are many monstrous regimes in that part of the world, and human rights abuses abound. But Saddam - he was blocking the full access to maximum development of the Iraqi oil fields. And that was the unpardonable sin.

Witnesses available to The Disclosure Project (www.DisclosureProject.org) as well as a substantial and growing body of scientific evidence establishes that the world's dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear power is a contrived arrangement. The Big Lie that we have no other options and therefore must continue to find new sources of oil, and protect vital western interests related to oil in the Mid-east, must be exposed and put to rest. Granted, a multi-trillion dollar component of the global economy is now, sadly, dependent (or shall we say addicted) to oil, but this can be no excuse for the lack of bold leadership. The multi-faceted crisis of terrorism, petro-fascism, environmental decay, global warming, and the widening disparity between wealthy and poor nations has its roots in our dependence on oil and the excesses and abuses of power related thereto.

Promising developments in the area of so-called zero point energy and quantum vacuum energy, as well as more prosaic breakthroughs in internal combustion engine efficiency, have been ignored or actively and ruthless suppressed for decades. (See http://www.SeasPower.com) The public, the media, environmental organizations and the international community must urgently investigate these matters and take decisive steps to support civilian efforts to bring to full application these new energy solutions.

A clandestine and highly illegal group exists that has actively suppressed these technologies -even up to the present hour. More than one scientist with whom we are now working has been threatened, had his work sabotaged or confiscated and generally terrorized into a paralyzing silence. This, while we march into one oil war after another. This operation, a hybrid trans-national entity that has shadowy ties to the military, intelligence, laboratory, corporate and institutional communities (and yet is controlled by none) operates like a highly functional organized crime group, and has ruled by terror for decades. Indeed the Big Terror is the one that remains unacknowledged and unchallenged, while we dash around the world chasing the blowback from our failed, decades-long policy of oil dependency.
heard this on coast to coast... too bad.
I know,, it makes me kinda angry when I think about it.. when we are far more advanced than we all think.. weve been spoon fed all these years , and held back as a collective by people who want it all for themselves .. I dont know about you guys.. :frown: but Im hoping it can be exposed! and we get our say in this

another snipit which I think has alot of relevance.

The recent terrorists attacks will be a fond memory compared to future events unless we collectively act to correct this situation. Even the Pentagon has recently warned of the possibility of a sudden, catastrophic climate change related to global warming that could plunge the earth into environmental, social and military chaos. Are we to sit by idly while the solution to this crisis sits locked away in illegal 'black' military and corporate projects -projects funded by US taxpayer monies and withheld by an entrenched kleptocracy hell-bent on control - at all costs?

Indeed, such thinking, driven by fear, greed and a myopic world and cosmological view, is bringing human civilization to the brink of collapse. The suppression of these earth-saving and life-saving technologies has gone too far, for too long - so much so that those responsible are on the verge of consciously committing planeticide - the killing of an entire planet.

At this point, Space Energy Access Systems, Inc. (SEAS) has identified scientists capable of developing technologies to completely replace fossil fuels. We estimate that a generation one version of such an energy generating system can be ready for widespread application in 12-36 months. But such an undertaking, requiring millions of dollars in basic research and development funds, remains unsupported by either the government or financial community. Why?

The public must demand that our representatives at every level investigate seriously these technologies and begin an environmental Marshall Plan to get see that new energy solutions are fast-tracked into widespread application..
also if this had come in years ago, we'd had no reason to go to Iraq. not to mention Oil companies would be a "little" upset about a new form of energy taking over. so i would imagine people would be mad at these scientist.
I don't put much faith in free energy or conspiracy theories.
then your not really part of the suggested solution my friend... quoted from Star Wars. ' I find your lack of faith disturbing' :). , conspiracey or not, http://technology.press-world.com/v/46158.html they are a valid registered company. lol,, that would be one elaborate conspiracey :rolling: . It also helps if you understand Zero point energy a little better, and some of the experiments they do.. it just envolves stretching your mind a bit further and opening up to understand ;)

so you can either put your faith here, or in war. or just ignore it all and hope it'll go away. :E

can anyone tell me what this is about... http://www.gaiaguys.net/Shell_Oil_email.htm

not sure what sites like this are...? general inquiry?
oh lol, missed the edit. its funny the head of SEAS emailing shell Oil, and asking tough questions.. all he gets back are some half soaked answers, lol 3000 plus days no answer after that last one :laugh: , rofl
I'm not saying I have a closed mind about it. Of course it would be nice if such energy sources existed and I'd be one of the first to advocate their use if they were ever proven. However, I've seen tons of hoaxes and exagerated claims about "The big bad energy companies and the poor small person who can fix all the worlds energy problems with some new free energy device."

Now, I'm reasonbly sure that there are other sources of energy available that we have yet to take advantage of. It's just that most of the people who make claims about free energy don't seem to have a very good grasp on the second law of thermo dynamics. Not to say that this is necessarily one of those cases. I'm just speaking in general terms.

Anyway, would be great of course to break our dependence on fossil fuels, but I doubt it will come in the form of some "new" energy source. If any new energy sources are found I would put my bet on fusion power. Though the fact that they've been trying to get it to work for about 55 years now doesn't exactly inspire much hope for it. But perhaps they will discover a breakthrough.

Oh and my previous post may have been poorly worded. I don't like faith. I like factual evidence.
I understand now,, :) I want evidence too :), which is why im so eager to see these guys get around the system to shows us what they have. there making arrangements for public showings... I really cant wait. I hope they manage to blow off all the people who suppress technologies like this.

oh,, as for fusion,, even that has supposedly been supressed :(

the name 'free' energy device is a bit mis leading, its just a name.. if you look into 'Quantum Vaccum theory' (Zero point Vaccum) you'll find out why

I'm sick of paying for petrol. That crap is so damn expensive. I want a cheapass hydrogen powered car. Or hover cars like in Full Throttle.

:), when they stop getting pinned down by oil companies. and everyone realises this is no conspiracey anymore. thats the day.

But Im not sure where you going to keep a 12 foot device like that.:P lol,, there built in frames 25 feet in diameter, the outer ring diameter is 12 feet, there hudge strange and wonderfully simple pieces of technology.
I know Nuclear Fusion is about 10+ years away but i thought Zero Point was 50-100 years away, if that.

For anyone that doesn't know, Zero Point energy is a limitless supply of energy that floats around the entire universe. What is Quantum Vacuum energy though?

http://www.xs4all.nl/~mke/vacuum.htm - just something i found on my travels :).

It means that we are going to blow up the universe, oh no, imagine if another alien race somewhere out there is performing the same experiments :eek:.
I think the only way they can get around things is if they manage to get scientists from around the world who are working on this technology to share there findings on publically available websites, etc and use the newspapers, etc to spread news about them and what they do.

If they can get the information out to everyone who is interested and into the minds of people who aren't, if one of them is murdered or "dies of natural courses", all of their research is still available and nothing is lost.
I hope it can be that simple, :) I want to help,, but I feel helpless in a world of status and position.

but i thought Zero Point was 50-100 years away, if that

they cracked it in the 1950's my friend, why we never found out? supression by an already booming Oil industry... and where theres money theres the will to keep it alive. Morally however, wrong to decide that the world is better this way, selfish and arogant. its about time something was done and said.
clarky003 said:
I hope it can be that simple, :) I want to help,, but I feel helpless in a world of status

they cracked it in the 1950's my friend, why we never found out? supression by an already booming Oil industry.

We can't really blame the Oil industry, i would put more blame on the governments, especially the American government for this.
Its not the governments faults persay. the Oil giants rule our world . and have a direct impact on the worlds governments and energy dependency, asking them to drop their buisness which is heavily profitable all over the globe for moral reasons and planetary health reason is no option for them,, as you can image they would want to suck the world dry of the fossil fuels first,, and then steal the new technologies, and say that they then have solved the problem. ;(
clarky003 said:
Its not the governments faults persay. the Oil giants rule our world . and have a direct impact on the worlds governments and energy dependency

Even so, the governments are the ones with the visible power and none of them are resisting the oil companies ideals.
ah very true,, I fold on that one. the governments are more puppet like at the moment, rather than an actual democratic leadership. driven by short term instinct, and futile tactical compremises.
clarky003 said:

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove was murdered on may 14 2004, I was quite shocked as ive heard of his magazine 'Infinite energy', I must pay tribute to these men who are attempting, and are finding new ways of providing energy by means of new techniques, with their amazing new findings. which will hopefully make the world a more peiceful place one day for us all.

seas power have payed tribute to his death, and are most concerned that they are all under threat as they try to break through barriers of more abundant evergy sources, for some reason I feel obligated to let people know whats going on. and how they have also had many threats from certain 'companies' Best wishes to them all. safety in numbers guys :)

I wish i knew the guy, so much kool stuff he must of found out and known.

Live well on the other side my friend :cheers:

He could have been assassinated by someone in the oil industry. It wouldn't suprise me one bit.
Well thats whats suspected.. but SEAS reckon its an obligatory group funded in secrecey under the ties of the US government and oil companies, that operate outside the law... so it seems if this is true even money and power can buy the law out, and that would be unheard of :O, which is why it sheds alot of disbelief within the public.. but its awfully suspicious anyway.

I mean this is a 'registered' company packed full of honest working scientists, and they are saying that they are being watched and threatenend by illegal highly organised crime organisations.

From a registered company I wouldnt take a comment like that lightly,, they have nothing to gain from lieing.
As we speak, the second fusionreactor prototype is being build in Europe by several countries. The first one was just a testmodel to test the theories, this one is also supposed to deliver a small amount of energy too. Luckily, Europe isn't dominated by big corporations.
But still, it's estimated that it will be another 30 years before they can be put to use. To that time, I think we should use more regular nuclear plants, it's the cleanest energy source we've got at the moment.

Pic of JET (the first prototype)
http://www.rgs.edu.sg/nuclearenergy/images/pics/physics core p 173 fig 12 copy.jpg
yes im all for fusion :), Nuclear power still produces alot of dangerous waste, and it isnt the safest most efficient proccess, but I agree. something has to be done.
heres the guy who developed the Gyro Cell in the late 50's and 60's, notice at the bottom of the page , a TV interview with him in 1988,, and 76, but where is the Archive footage?


weird, every time Ive search for the same topic on Copernic to find information on the device. 5 months ago, it would come up with a list of about 30 or 40 sites. now it comes up with 12 or 15. meh. odd. there was this really neat site with pictures of the frames they where built in for testing in the 1960's. but its vanished,

this is the only picture of the frames I can find at the moment.
clarky003 said:
heres the guy who developed the Gyro Cell in the late 50's and 60's, notice at the bottom of the page , a TV interview with him in 1988,, and 76, but where is the Archive footage?


weird, every time Ive search for the same topic on Copernic to find information on the device. 5 months ago, it would come up with a list of about 30 or 40 sites. now it comes up with 12 or 15. meh. odd. there was this really neat site with pictures of the frames they where built in for testing in the 1960's. but its vanished,

this is the only picture of the frames I can find at the moment.

Save all the pictures and stuff to your hard drive.
Mr-Fusion said:

I'm sick of paying for petrol. That crap is so damn expensive. I want a cheapass hydrogen powered car. Or hover cars like in Full Throttle.


Get a Diesel car and run it on vegetable oil....or nut oil (As it was designed).

It was never meant to run on what is now called Diesel fuel. If you use simple cooking oil, its clean and more efficent. People are already doing it in England, and i've heard of it being sued in Japan, however its not that popular because no one really knows about it.
thats a great idea, its illegal, for some reason.. Tax evasion or something, but my dad does it :)
Whoever said that Cold fusion was cracked long ago is absolutely wrong. It was a random occurence that no one ever managed to replicate, although millions of dollars were spent on research.

Nuclear Fusion won't be on our hands for at least 50 years. Exceptin that and Hydrogen power cells for cars, none of this "I found clean energy !!!!! freee!!!!!" won't work.

Oil will end in 50 years. Now the Big companies will fall or change.

Zero point energy and so on won't be dominated in the next 100 years. Env. energy is a freaking dream for now.
Oil will end in 50 years , but in 10 - 20 it wont beable to sustain the global 40% it provides, with a constantly growing population . its going to get difficult way earlier than that,, they would have to start building Nuclear power plants all over the world right now in quite large numbers if they where going to provide energy for the same % of the population in 15 years as is being provided today, demand will increase 2 fold by 2020 which will make it much more strenuous,, we just keep stalling it. which is just not going to cut it for our next generations.

If you understood how zero point energy works and had a comprehensive view on the way these track magnets oscilate around an anulus by their own magnetic interaction, influencing force and momentum, then you might not be so uninspired and uninformed by how developed we actually are, rather than what youve read in magazines and articles that give info on the government controlled science groups.

like all new ideals it just takes a bit of effort. these theories are sound, proven to be. but some people just wont have it though, 'but this rule is being broken' etc, no rules are broken, people just wont accept that theres a vast quantum sea of energy that sits invisible to our magic 5 senses :rolleyes: , and creates our visible world as we know it.

its like in the old times when people wouldnt accept the world was sphereical
' enough said, its flat thats that' :O because of how short sighted people where, not investigating it properly, dismissing it too readily, only not realising exactley what the world was, and how small we are in comparison.
clarky003 said:
Oil will end in 50 years , but in 10 - 20 it wont beable to sustain the global 40% it provides, with a constantly growing population . its going to get difficult way earlier than that,, they would have to start building Nuclear power plants all over the world right now in quite large numbers if they where going to provide energy for the same % of the population in 15 years as is being provided today, demand will increase 2 fold by 2020 which will make it much more strenuous,, we just keep stalling it. which is just not going to cut it for our next generations.

If you understood how zero point energy works and had a comprehensive view on the way these track magnets oscilate around an anulus by their own magnetic interaction, influencing force and momentum, then you might not be so uninspired and uninformed by how developed we actually are, rather than what youve read in magazines and articles that give info on the government controlled science groups.

like all new ideals it just takes a bit of effort. these theories are sound, proven to be. but some people just wont have it though, 'but this rule is being broken' etc, no rules are broken, people just wont accept that theres a vast quantum sea of energy that sits invisible to our magic 6 senses :rolleyes: , and creates oure visible world as we know it.

its like in the old times when people wouldnt accept the world was sphereical
because of how short sighted people where, not investigating it properly, dismissing it too readily, only not realising exactley what the world was, and how small we are in comparison.

I think people depend too much on what other people say, Einstein said that you can't get matter to travel faster then light, there are people today that are starting to refute that claim, there is technology being theorised that could lead to faster than light travel. People just say "no, that breaks one of Einstein's laws so it must be rubbish".
people think we are gods, we are infalible, and always right. Its basic survival insitinct.. arnt we supposed to be evolving here.? thinking to our maximum potential, I mean wtf have we got this wopping electrical mass in our head for.!.. to kill it off with Alchahol? because I cant enjoy life as a sober person.
Gov. controlled science groups..... that just cracked me up.....

Governments are not conglomerates shady little men that take over countries and stop every kind of research agaisnt their interests.

In the 1940's the US Gov. gave millions of dollars for the same men that had helped them to win WW2 with the Manhattan Proj. Why would they do that, if they were controlled by the oil lobby?

why would we see so much investment on fusion, if no one wants it to happen? After all, it a "clean" and near-free energy (water). Why don't we see every researcher working on it dying in suspicious circunstances?
Because the World wants it. And every godamn Gov. that cans is contributing! Why would they do that, if they want the oil lobby to prevail?

Now tell me who is biased here my friend. Zero point energy is good, but not for now. Maybe there is a massive conspiracy to stop it from being possible.
But I seriously doubt it.
well not controlled, funded really,, but that has some influences, anyhoo I dont want to argue about it :)

I have doubts too, but im a totally different person with probably a different outlook on life, and I have a different knowledge of the world, its all individual. :cheers:

im slightly biased only because of the science ive read behind it. , you might feel the same if youve read up on it as much as I have. thats assuming you would understand it all.
And whoever said that matter can't go beyond light-speed and now we have refutes is unimformed. A Jap has managed to make a lazer, which is energy, to travel beyond light-speed. So, unless we can go into energy-mode and then back to normal, it'll be quite difficult.

Pedro Magueijo, a portuguese scientist discovere that light-speed was faster in the beggining, it was not always stable. So, we might just achieve higher speeds than contemporary light-speed, but not faster then the peak of light-speed (we'll know when we get there....)
Clarky, any chance we can get on MSN or IRC?

you seem like an informed guy. I'm desperate to find someone informed. It sucks to having to inform everyone about everything and getting into pointless arguements.....
traveling faster than the speed of light was said to make you go back in time, Rofl. but as Scientist have Theorised more recently, it would only 'look' like your going back in time, either that or everything would disapear for that time youve travelled faster than light. (if your traveling in a fuel propulsion body)

you would actually be travelling faster and when you came to a stand still again, time would appear to return to normal, and verify that the distance you travel corresponds to you going faster than light,, it would just have weird visual effect (it would probably screw with your mind,, so you would probably have to go sleep while you where travelling faster than the speed of light.:P

the only reason time is related to light, is because we use light as our primary medium of measurement, but in actual fact time is completely seperate to light. it only applies to us, its one giant illusion thats stopping us from understanding the true nature of the way things work. Its important to consider that, because when you close your eyes and dont use light as a medium anymore. you can still measure the passing of time by touch which doesnt require a speed attachement to it :O,..

add me, [email protected]

anyone i dont know will be blocked :P