Well this didn't work out!



After trying to install Half-Life 2 three times with several crashes, freezes and general f**kups which took me most of yesterday and all night, not only can I not play the game but I've since lost most of my .exe files on my new hard drive. Yes that's right I have four trojans: doul.exe, ywde.exe, etile.exe, deki.exe.
I now don't have any game .exes so obviously I can't play anything at all to relieve this angst.
How I wish I hadn't have shaved my head now because then I could pull every f**ken strand out by the roots and mail them to Valve/Steam/Sierra.
Sure I can't blame them for the trojans but I didn't have them before I installed Half-Life 2 and went through all this online installation, validation, updating bullshit. I didn't visit any other sites but the compulsory Steam so you tell me where it came from Steam? Damn I understand the meaning behind the name.
I now regret ever purchasing this game -Half-Life 2- and I'm off to return it.
Such a shame because Half-Life 1 was, and still is, the best game I've ever played.
Regardless of how brilliant Half-Life 2 is, nothing's worth all this shit, all this trouble and frustration.
Yeah I know something has to be done to stop the pirates but why make loyal fans suffer? Not all gamers are willing to buy pirated copies, most of us don't mind spending our hard-earned money on games that not only take years to create but massive amounts of talent and cash.
Yesterday as I held the Half-Life 2 box in my hands at the cash register, I almost cried to think that it was already here, in my hands, in my possession.
What was I going to see, what was I going to do and feel, how good was this game going to be?
Now I'm crying for a different f**ken reason.
Sure it's only a game, big deal, I'm not dying, I don't have cancer, I've got food on the table and all that, but still come on Valve why do this? There has to be another way. And really in the end it's not going to stop pirates, they will always find a way. They always do, you're just giving them another challenge.
I guess I'll just have to look at the screenshots, read the reviews and dream about the old days when you went to the shop, bought a game, came home, installed it on your pc, typed in the code (if at all it came with a code), fiddled with the settings and played until your eyes were soar, mouse hand was aching and days had slipped past without notice.
That's how it's meant to be, not sitting in front of the monitor waiting for some pathetic validation bullshit, some game updating, oh and of course there's the ad for internode and their ADSL monthly pricing.
What the f**k!
Sorry about all this but I just had to let off some STEAM!!!!
I just want to play the game I purchased.
I just want to play the game I payed for.
Oh and can someone tell me why is the box empty besides the five discs and the little orange card telling me about the controls and how to set up the game for offline playing -mind you I thought I bought a single player game? Where's the booklet? There's not even a pdf on the CD's -or at least one that I can find anyway.
If this is the future of gaming I think I'll buy an Xbox. Never thought I'd do that but hey it would be far easier than this, all I'd have to do is put in the CD, install and play.
Can't believe I'm even thinking like this; it's sacriledge.
Again sorry for going on so long.
Take care and enjoy Half-Life 2 if you can.