Well this isn't a good sign of things to come...

it's a freakin' witch hunt. Come on! even staunch conservatives must see this is an infringement on freedom of speech
about time. i think i need to catch the soonest flight to montgomery.
seinfeldrules said:
No, he was being completely serious :|


Well how am I supposed to know? Some of you would say that and be totally serious about it :|
qckbeam said:
Well how am I supposed to know? Some of you would say that and be totally serious about it :|

no it wasnt a joke, he really thinks that way
qckbeam said:
I see....how pathetic.
when are you going to realize that im of no orientation, i simply take the opposite view of obviously liberal people. hell ill argue for slavery if thats the case... ive had to do it more than once in US history. its just how i am, im the devils advocate.
startling as in

"OMFG!!! look how simplistic he is!!!"

CptStern said:
startling as in

"OMFG!!! look how simplistic he is!!!"

its funny, i say ban homosexuals in books,
and you say ban free speech on the internet.

which is worse?
I just saw this on T.V. a couple hours ago...Whats coming over this country?They ban gay marriage (don't de-rail this thread guys) and now this.What happend to freedom of speech/press?

Oh and I know don't say it...Haha, Alabama. :rolleyes: Well not all Alabamians think that way.

Bunch of hypocrits...
gh0st said:
its funny, i say ban homosexuals in books,
and you say ban free speech on the internet.

which is worse?

no I said ban your bigoted ass, not free speech .......weak
gh0st said:
about time. i think i need to catch the soonest flight to montgomery.
Yea...sure bring your Yankee ass here. :|

*gets his metal bat*
CptStern said:
no I said ban your bigoted ass, not free speech .......weak
uh.. it is free speech. just because you dont like what im saying doesnt mean i deserve to be censored any more than these books deserve to be. youd also ban white supremecists because GOD forbid extremes exist. really sheds light on your character, herr stern.
Tr0n said:
Yea...sure bring your Yankee ass here. :|

*gets his metal bat*
Gh0st and I get off the plane carrying our legally purchased firearms. God Bless the Constitution.
gh0st said:
when are you going to realize that im of no orientation, i simply take the opposite view of obviously liberal people. hell ill argue for slavery if thats the case... ive had to do it more than once in US history. its just how i am, im the devils advocate.

Well gh0st I really don't argue with you much so I'm not quite familiar with how you operate. So you're not actually in favor of this, you just like arguing with liberals? Alright then......

By the way, I wouldn't say you're taking the opposite view of the "obviously liberal people" on this one. I'd say you're taking a stance opposite from "pretty much everyone".

Also, no one is getting banned for voicing their opinion no matter how totally insane it may be, unless it's just pointless, hatefilled, garbage. Anyways, back on topic now.
no im not actually in favor of it, but i dont want this thread to die because no one is willing to argue against the majority :(
gh0st said:
no im not actually in favor of it, but i dont want this thread to die because no one is willing to argue against the majority :(

Oh, someone will come along I'm sure...
seinfeldrules said:
Gh0st and I get off the plane carrying our legally purchased firearms. God Bless the Constitution.
Bah...screw legal.It's only illegal if you get caught. ;)
I never thought you two would actually support something like this. You're absolutely pathetic.

Seriously, how is the public suppost to make up its mind on issues when the government/states ban one side of the issue. Its downright wrong.

Basically you want the next generation of people to grow up with an unballanced view on a subject just because you think its the right one. That is just low.

I don't know what to say. But you two have really pissed me off in these forums. You are so bigoted its unbelievable. If I were a mod i would have a hard time not banning you right now.
It was obviously a retort, Kangy. Whats ironic about you saying, "that its ironic", is it was the most simplistic say out of any of the two's argueing.
why dont they just cut the bs and send the gays to concentration camps
K e r b e r o s said:
How about leaving homosexual people alone?

Why not that?
Because theyre bigoted bible bashing country ****ers.
gh0st said:
about time. i think i need to catch the soonest flight to montgomery.

Du är ondskan själv och sådana som du måste förgöras!
Reaktor4 said:
why dont they just cut the bs and send the gays to concentration camps
Ahahahha, that one made me acually laugh out loud. :LOL: