Went to Bruce Springsteen Concert


Nov 1, 2004
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Went to Bruce Springsteen Consert

So yesterday my dad brought me to yet another consert. I didnt know who it was but my dad told me it was some really famous rock star dude. The consert was held in an old roman monastary-like place, in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, since i never heard anything of this dude i was very intressted in what i was going to hear. I have to say that i LOVED it, it was music from just rock to jazz like music to funky music, and some country music. It was really great, he sang every energy out of his body as if he was going to blow. Everyone was dressed in old classic American 30ieth type of clothes. Awesome music and singing and a great show. People all around me sang with him and they did that thing where they turn on their lighters, fantastic to be in the middle of it.

One of the best experiances in my life. Anyway has anyone ells gone to one of his conserts or heard of him before?
Yea almost everyone in America has heard of him. Dont really like him, but thats cool that you had a good time.
I've never been to one of his concerts, but he's a real legend over here. You're a lucky guy.
is that really the first time you've heard of Bruce springsteen? really? I remember when you couldnt get tickets to see him even though he had 4 consecutive concerts in a stadium that held 30,000 people. Pick up Born to Run ..one of the best albums of the 70's. he's also one of the best acts to see live
lol my dad took me to see him last yr wasnt really a big fan but i enjoyed the concert
I LOVE Bruce Springsteen....I envy you for seeing him.
...never, ever heard of The Boss? On the one hand, its great that you got introduced to him live.....but really?! Never? :|