We're Back!


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Hey folks! This is just a quick announcement to direct your attention to the new main site and apologize for the downtime! We ran into a bunch of backend-related issues that crippled us for a couple of weeks, but it's up and running fairly smoothly now so hopefully those are resolved for good. Please accept our sincere apology. We weren't happy either, but at least it's back![br]There's a whole host of brand new content to look through, like info on Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, and Portal, among other things. Let us know what you think, and report any bugs you find with it!
I love the design and the colors!

Good job , the individual game pages and mod listings are a welcome addition.
Despite the news post it's not actually fully up yet :|
We are literally this second still writing map description/overviews for CSS and HL2DM, be done shortly. It's not actually all finished.
Great thing to come back from a day/evening out too :D
Nice job on the styling. I've noticed the main links (the top blue thing) are a little high on the forum where as on the home page they're centered.

It is actually very sexy, I love the way you decided to keep the main website (and the forums too) a lot less messy with lines. Good job. Perhaps the header can be modernized a bit more to fit the style even better... (of course keeping it in the same color schemes but textually it could be sexier.
I like the new design, good work. Thank god there is a main page now :)
Very nice, I love it!

And in case anyone prefers light text on a dark background, you can select the Blue Style skin at the bottom of the page.
Uh OMG a front page !! Looks great, reminds me of the old design from "way back". Great job guys !


edit: NOOOO !!1 my sig needs restyling : <
The site is great, but there are grammar mishaps... I'll try to provide a detailed list in the near future, unless they are caught.
I sent the grammar mishaps to Munro but he did not fix them. ^^
I fixed the ones you told me about :O
There must be more. Oh noes!

And you know what else I'm going to moan about. ^ ^
This site just goes through cycles of tan and blue. :P
I think it is.

Reminds me of Surface Tension :)

Does it? :P

I just think the top banner should be altered. Dog, the female assasin, the strider and Gordon has been there for a long time. That can be fixed and that was what I expected to be changed in the first place :)
The quotes from the game are great though!

And overall I think the site looks really fresh, but what I just mentioned needs an overhaul. And the color sceme is not Half-Lifeish in my opinion :naughty:
A-ha... I thought something looked different around these parts. Welcome back.