Were the Combines trying to establishing a Combine government in Earth?

Roman Legion

Feb 16, 2005
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Breen, Combine Empire, and the Suppression field?!

I have bin away for a wile now…

Was Breen the governor of Earth?

Were the Combines establishing a Combine government in Earth or were the there just to take are resource and kill us all?

Or establishing a government in Earth, and shear a prestige of are resource that we get in are new Combine government to the rest of the Empire?

Example: USA in Iraq, the US forces are trying to establish a government and as well we get some of the oil from the new Iraq government…

Does the Combine have any room or big use for Auxiliary forces (like the CPs) in their military? For example like the Romans use the Auxiliary in their military.

I never understand why the Combines have the Suppression field on Earth if they want Humans to be part of their Empire?

How are the Combines are getting sooo many Human soldiers from?

Are they cloning troops? (I think they are)

Maybe they just wanted to see what they could make out of us.

The announcer mentions units being sent off world, maybe Humans are on their way to becoming a permanent part of the Combine forces.

I think they are… I think they are cloning Human and other conquered people for troops… Hey why not?

Wouldnt Freeman's and the resistance's sucessful (well, so far) rebellion have proven that humans would make a good addition to the combine empire? I mean a force of poorly trianed and equipped rebels led by some scientists and a bloke in an orange armoured suit have managed to defeat their heavily augmented counterparts, and even turned thier weapons and technology on them. I'd say that those would be very useful qualities to have in the Combine.

I agree…

I've always thought it possible that the Combine could see the worth in humanity because of Gordon Freeman. On the flipside, it's just as easy that they could find more reason to destroy humanity because they realize that humans would never willingly give themselves over to the Combine. Also, Gordon Freeman and the resistance are motivated by the fact that they're suppressed...fighting back enables them to be stronger. The Combine probably realize that if they took away human emotions like this, they wouldn't be as good (arguably why the Combine soldiers are so ineffective against the rebels, motivation), and thus don't fit in well with the Combine's way of doing things.

And Breen's good with words; on top of having that oh-so-desired teleport technology in the works, Breen probably persuaded the Combine by detailing how far humanity's come in their short existence, how far they're likely to go, our adaptability, etc.

Well it is true what he says. Maybe we just have a gift of words and to inspire people unlike the Combines… (Called Human spirit) So I guess Breen inspired the Combines what we can bring to their Empire. (Just look at are history)
Were the Combines establishing a Combine government in Earth or were the there just to take are resource and kill us all?
Resources, expanding the empire.

Does the Combine have any room or big use for Auxiliary forces (like the CPs) in their military? For example like the Romans use the Auxiliary in their military.
CPs are temporary, when the rest of humanity is fully asimilated (for lack of a better word) so will they.

I never understand why the Combines have the Suppression field on Earth if they want Humans to be part of their Empire?
Once they have human synths up and running they can turn off the field to get them to 'self replicate' :naughty:
How are the Combines are getting sooo many Human soldiers from?
There are alot of people in the world

Are they cloning troops? (I think they are)
I doubt it. The suppression field stopped embrionic development accroding to Dr. Kleiner so unless they had an anti-supression field they couldn't.
Breen was charged with managing the 'assimilation' program. Essentially overseeing the augmentation of our species into the Combine ranks, as well as absorbing the planets resources. What they plan to do with Earth afterwards is unknown. I like to think with a foothold on Earth they are using it as an outpost of sorts, a waypoint into our galaxy.

No, I don't think they use cloning, and the idea behind the suppression field is, obviously, to stop us reproducing. It grinds humanity into a screeching halt, we can't breed anymore, that’s the last of us.
Breen was charged with managing the 'assimilation' program. Essentially overseeing the augmentation of our species into the Combine ranks, as well as absorbing the planets resources. What they plan to do with Earth afterwards is unknown. I like to think with a foothold on Earth they are using it as an outpost of sorts, a waypoint into our galaxy.

No, I don't think they use cloning, and the idea behind the suppression field is, obviously, to stop us reproducing. It grinds humanity into a screeching halt, we can't breed anymore, that’s the last of us.

There is a purity big difference between cloning and breading.

Cloning is dune in a lab were there is almost supreme control in how many men they need and how they should be trained…

I think they do clone some troops because it’s the best way to replenish their ranks, and be more affective as a fighting force!

Resources, expanding the empire.

So what I said was rite?

The Combines establishing a government on Earth (that’s that is theirs), and shear a prestige of are resource that we get in are new Combine government to the REST of the Empire.

So then Earth is a province? And Breen is the governor?

CPs are temporary, when the rest of humanity is fully assimilated (for lack of a better word) so will they.

CPs are temporary? But why assimilated the Auxiliary forces (CPs) if they are already very loyal?!

Once they have human synths up and running they can turn off the field to get them to 'self replicate' :naughty:

Human synths??????? What’s a Human synth?

There are alot of people in the world

True, but that that means they have to hunt people down or recruit them badly to replenish their ranks!! I think cloning will solve a big hasel or problem.

I doubt it. The suppression field stopped embrionic development accroding to Dr. Kleiner so unless they had an anti-supression field they couldn't.

I thought it just stops or lowers the sperm count and egg count?
No, in EP1, it distinctly says that it "stopped certain embrionic chains from forming".
I doubt they have access to cloning technology, otherwise there would be a million people running around in the world that look... just... like... each... ...other.


Let's start over.

Earth is no Combine Province. It's a resource field. They're going to take this world and a) Suck it dry b) Convert it into some sort of homeworld for the original Combine Race c) Prod it and see what happens d) All of the Above. But they're not going to let the human race just live their lives under some sort of Combine Government - at least, not for long.

CPs are not very loyal. Look at Barney, he was (technically) a CP. Is he for the Combine? CPs have not had their memory modified, their mechanical implants, whatever it is that Overwatch soldiers - the Human Synths that you seem to be confused about - installed yet.

And Cloning? No. I don't think they have access to cloning yet. Selective Breeding and Accelerated growth, maybe, which looks a lot like cloning, but...
There is a purity big difference between cloning and breading.

Cloning is dune in a lab were there is almost supreme control in how many men they need and how they should be trained…

I think they do clone some troops because it’s the best way to replenish their ranks, and be more affective as a fighting force!
Unless you have nano-technology or something similar you have to have an embrio before a person. The suppression field stopped 'certain protien chains essential for embrionic development'.

The Combines establishing a government on Earth (that’s that is theirs), and shear a prestige of are resource that we get in are new Combine government to the REST of the Empire.

So then Earth is a province? And Breen is the governor?
You don't understand. They'll assimilate all the people into mindless slaves and soldiers. They wouldn't need a government for anything.

CPs are temporary? But why assimilated the Auxiliary forces (CPs) if they are already very loyal?!
What use is a police force when they have no-one to police?

Human synths??????? What’s a Human synth?
Synths are various species the Combine have have altered and adopted into their army. Striders, gunships, hunters, dropships and shield scanners are all synths. Raising the Bar describes them as self-replicating robots, but they're more like cyborgs, a blend of organic material and machinery. A human synth is more than likly the Combine's vision for humanity.

True, but that that means they have to hunt people down or recruit them badly to replenish their ranks!! I think cloning will solve a big hasel or problem.
Hunt down? They have cities full of people to use. Gordon himself was selected to go to Nova Prospekt, probably to become a stalker or a soldier. And every time they upgrade someone then that's one less person they have to police.

I thought it just stops or lowers the sperm count and egg count?
Dr. Breen makes it clear that it gets rid of the urdge 'they have exercised all our demons' and Dr. Kleiner that it is to do with embrionic development.
Synths are various species the Combine have have altered and adopted into their army. Striders, gunships, hunters, dropships and shield scanners are all synths. Raising the Bar describes them as self-replicating robots, but they're more like cyborgs, a blend of organic material and machinery. A human synth is more than likly the Combine's vision for humanity.

This is where it gets confusing for me.

Synths, I always thought, were a species of self replicating organic robots (as described in Raising the Bar). Striders, gunships, et al all have a similar form, hinting at the fact that they may all come from the same environment.

I always thought there was a clear definition between "Synth Combine" and "Humanoid Combine", e.g. "The Transhuman arm of the Combine Overwatch".
This is where it gets confusing for me.

Synths, I always thought, were a species of self replicating organic robots (as described in Raising the Bar). Striders, gunships, et al all have a similar form, hinting at the fact that they may all come from the same environment.

I always thought there was a clear definition between "Synth Combine" and "Humanoid Combine", e.g. "The Transhuman arm of the Combine Overwatch".

Well, there wouldnt be a big difference if the humans are slowly being made into synths. Its a straight progression:
--CPs are normal humans
--Overwatch are humans with many implants, but still obviously human (see the snipers tendency to curse when you nade them, and how they can become zombines)
--Combine Elites....I dont know. It would not surprise me if their armor cannot be separated from their body.

Stalkers seem the most synthlike IMO. In fact, the supression field might be up partly because of them--they could have a way to reproduce, but are kept from doing this outside certain areas until all the bugs are worked out. The fact you so often see guards with Stalkers on "Our Benefactors" helps support the idea that they are prototype human synths.
Right, I was always in the mindset that the "Synth" were alien race of which certian species had been intrododuced into the Universal Union, much like "Humanity" was being introduced in the same way. That the two are seperate.

In my eyes, "Synth Combine" and "Humanoid Combine" do not exist in the eyes of the Universal Union as they all come under the same umbrella of, well, the Combine.

I know there were various flirtations with Synth/Human mutatations in Raisng the Bar, but assumed as these designs didn't make the final cut, that the ideas were dismissed.
I always had the impression that a synth was a forcible combination of various species.

Like Combine Selection instead of Natural Selection. Survival of the fittest. Fittest parts. Fittest parts welded together onto each other and equipped with some kind of brain.
Were the Combines establishing a Combine government in Earth or were the there just to take are resource and kill us all?

Or establishing a government in Earth, and shear a prestige of are resource that we get in are new Combine government to the rest of the Empire?

From what I know, they only want resources and new life forms to be assimilated (Iknow they aren't borg) but by adding us, and any other life forms to their army, they ensure a larger attack force for the next dimension and or planet. They only want to give us government so that we have the slightest amount of gratitude that they don't just kill us off. (it was mentioned in another thread that if they did just kill us off, there'd be no storyline) But anyways, IF they killed us off or didn't give us even the slightest of freedoms, they could agrivate a revolt and even worse (for them) a revolution. By keeping humans and heving them openly join the metrocops and Overwatch it's that much easier to overtake the human race.
Unless you have nano-technology or something similar you have to have an embrio before a person. The suppression field stopped 'certain protien chains essential for embrionic development'.

Oh ok I see I see…

You don't understand. They'll assimilate all the people into mindless slaves and soldiers. They wouldn't need a government for anything.

What use is a police force when they have no-one to police?

So its like saying were are a type of slaves, and second class citizens?

Well the CPs can go off world (seeing that they have a ballistic gasmasks and a type of helmet that connects to it). They can be used as Auxiliary force to police a conquered world. They will be more or less like the Roman Auxiliary and German Gestapo put together ( the Gestapo was very successful).

I bet Breen would have convents the Combines to have a type of Auxiliary force… “Hey in are history, it shows that most grate Empires had a Auxiliary force…..”

Synths are various species the Combine have have altered and adopted into their army. Striders, gunships, hunters, dropships and shield scanners are all synths. Raising the Bar describes them as self-replicating robots, but they're more like cyborgs, a blend of organic material and machinery. A human synth is more than likly the Combine's vision for humanity.

But how about the Attack-Choppers, the trains, and the armored APS?

Its obviously they have human ingenuity…

So Human-Synths are the Combine soldiers?
And with one of their uniform. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:HL2Combineprisonguard.jpg

A Combine Synth? (Advisor)

Hunt down? They have cities full of people to use. Gordon himself was selected to go to Nova Prospekt, probably to become a stalker or a soldier. And every time they upgrade someone then that's one less person they have to police.

Ok I see. But I just think it will be bettor.

Dr. Breen makes it clear that it gets rid of the urdge 'they have exercised all our demons' and Dr. Kleiner that it is to do with embrionic development.

I see, I see.

From what I know, they only want resources and new life forms to be assimilated (Iknow they aren't borg) but by adding us, and any other life forms to their army, they ensure a larger attack force for the next dimension and or planet. They only want to give us government so that we have the slightest amount of gratitude that they don't just kill us off. (it was mentioned in another thread that if they did just kill us off, there'd be no storyline) But anyways, IF they killed us off or didn't give us even the slightest of freedoms, they could agrivate a revolt and even worse (for them) a revolution. By keeping humans and heving them openly join the metrocops and Overwatch it's that much easier to overtake the human race.

I guess if they did just kill us off, there'd be no storyline.

But I also think the other two reason is, it will take way to long for what its worth or too much of an hassle, and we would fight back ever harder! Also that they have a need to assimilate as well that we can be assimilated!

Its perhaps if they could can not assimilate the race then they mite just kill them off… (but obviously they already have Humans in their ranks), so when or if they come back I think they mite just kill of the resistant but not Combine Humans so technically that’s not all of Humanity….

And I bet they have some Human Troops off world (what Breen said about getting some to off world work).

But if the Combines do come back, what would they do with the Axillaries or the Cps that served them? And the Cps that are POWs (if any).

I doubt they have access to cloning technology, otherwise there would be a million people running around in the world that look... just... like... each... ...other.


Let's start over.

Earth is no Combine Province. It's a resource field. They're going to take this world and a) Suck it dry b) Convert it into some sort of homeworld for the original Combine Race c) Prod it and see what happens d) All of the Above. But they're not going to let the human race just live their lives under some sort of Combine Government - at least, not for long.

CPs are not very loyal. Look at Barney, he was (technically) a CP. Is he for the Combine? CPs have not had their memory modified, their mechanical implants, whatever it is that Overwatch soldiers - the Human Synths that you seem to be confused about - installed yet.

And Cloning? No. I don't think they have access to cloning yet. Selective Breeding and Accelerated growth, maybe, which looks a lot like cloning, but...

Accelerated growth?

But if Earth is no Combine Province, then why do they have a need of Breen?

And why is there a Combine Advisor working with him?

Cps are regular Humans…
The Earth is no Combine Province, but is a resource field. A resource field filled with... humans. So to pacify (temporarily) humanity, who better than a human? Who better than Dr Breen?

I have no direct proof for accelerated growth, but I think that since the Combine is attempting to Synthasise humanity it might have the required technology to accelerate growth.

The Combine Advisor is obviously there to look after direct Combine Interests and make sure that Breen is not a traitor or something; also as a sort of backup overseer of Earth in case Breen fails (as he did.)

Attack Choppers and Trains and the armoured Armoured Personal Carriers (That's what you said) are human ingenuity, yes, but they are also seemily created from Combine Materials and mounted with Combine Weaponry. Presumably they are either in the process of being synthasised or are merely a sort of place holder to keep the human population of earth from being overexposed to Synths before complete assimilation.

And if you kill everyone but the Combine Humans then you've effectively killed of humanity. Combine Humans don't have any free will. They're not human anymore. They're friggin' robots.
The Earth is no Combine Province, but is a resource field. A resource field filled with... humans. So to pacify (temporarily) humanity, who better than a human? Who better than Dr Breen?

Why not a province? They can get allllll the resource they need and want on Mars, and in the asteroid belt as well on the outer belt… I think Earth is a Province, Earth is a foot hold in are galaxy so I think they need Earth and Breen to be the governor, in order to move on…

I have no direct proof for accelerated growth, but I think that since the Combine is attempting to Synthasise humanity it might have the required technology to accelerate growth.

Accelerated growth?

The Combine Advisor is obviously there to look after direct Combine Interests and make sure that Breen is not a traitor or something; also as a sort of backup overseer of Earth in case Breen fails (as he did.)

What ever happen to Breen, I remember my brother beet the game but did not see it all. It look like the Combines were trying to save him?

Attack Choppers and Trains and the armoured Armoured Personal Carriers (That's what you said) are human ingenuity, yes, but they are also seemily created from Combine Materials and mounted with Combine Weaponry. Presumably they are either in the process of being synthasised or are merely a sort of place holder to keep the human population of earth from being overexposed to Synths before complete assimilation.

Yeah sorry, the armored APC was a typo (An error in the typeset). I do know what APC stands for.

Any ways, true it is Combine technology with Human engraining! As well with the Guns, that blue shield, drones, man hacks, grenades, body armor, the uniform, boots and all. I think they mite keep a small number of Humans if the Combines them selves see what we can make for them… A small number of people with Breen… And perhaps have a Auxiliary force…

And if you kill everyone but the Combine Humans then you've effectively killed of humanity. Combine Humans don't have any free will. They're not human anymore. They're friggin' robots.

Yeah I know…. They are more or less like robots… They may have a Human body but not a true mine set of one…

I bet Breen would have convents the Combines to have a type of Auxiliary force… “Hey in are history, it shows that most grate Empires had a Auxiliary force…..”

Well the CPs can go off world (seeing that they have a ballistic gasmasks and a type of helmet that connects to it). They can be used as Auxiliary force to police a conquered world. They will be more or less like the Roman Auxiliary and German Gestapo put together (the Gestapo was very successful). And Breen can be the leader of this program as well as the governor of Earth!

I think if the Combine are truly intelligent binges, they will keep some true Humans for are engraining, and ingenuity…

But in Episode 2, if the Combines do come back, what would they do with the Axillaries or the Cps that served them? And the Cps that are POWs (if any).
I think if the Combine are truly intelligent binges, they will keep some true Humans for are engraining, and ingenuity…

They do, sort of...They remove the brains of said persons at Nova Prospekt.
Why not a province? They can get allllll the resource they need and want on Mars, and in the asteroid belt as well on the outer belt… I think Earth is a Province, Earth is a foot hold in are galaxy so I think they need Earth and Breen to be the governor, in order to move on…
You aren't using a broad enough description of "resource." The Combine don't need rocks; as you said, they can get massive amounts of rocks from planets not covered with people. What the Combine really want is the sum total of our evolution and science. In short, the Combine come to inhabited worlds, examine our machinery and designs (choppers, APC's, relay-teleporters, etc.), and then use our biology, turning us from people into mindless slaves. They won't need a police force to police us, because we will be mindless. Not second-class citizens, not a demographic, robots. Robots don't rebel. Robots don't resist. Robots do whatever their masters tell them to. This is what happened to the Striders, this is what happened to the Gunships, and the Dropships, and the Shield Scanners. This is what is happening to us, only we aren't done being processed yet.

Accelerated growth?
It does exactly what the name suggests; it makes things grow up faster. It's a necessary component of cloning, because you don't have to wait around 20 years for the first batch to grow up. I don't think it's strictly necessary for what the Combine are doing to us now (heavily modifying existing people), but later on, when we're all done being tweaked, this might come in handy to pump us out really fast.

What ever happen to Breen, I remember my brother beet the game but did not see it all. It look like the Combines were trying to save him?
He was trying to escape in this huge untested teleport. Freeman ran around and threw things at it, and there was a huge explosion, which took off the top of the Citadel and which the G-Man saved Freeman from.

Any ways, true it is Combine technology with Human engraining! As well with the Guns, that blue shield, drones, man hacks, grenades, body armor, the uniform, boots and all. I think they mite keep a small number of Humans if the Combines them selves see what we can make for them… A small number of people with Breen… And perhaps have a Auxiliary force…
That would be a good idea, but they probably wouldn't have much use for Breen; he was a puppet, and you don't need to put on a pretty face for robots.

Well the CPs can go off world (seeing that they have a ballistic gasmasks and a type of helmet that connects to it). They can be used as Auxiliary force to police a conquered world. They will be more or less like the Roman Auxiliary and German Gestapo put together (the Gestapo was very successful). And Breen can be the leader of this program as well as the governor of Earth!
He wouldn't be governing anything, because there'd be nothing to govern. I see what you mean about the auxiliary force, as we're more versatile than anything we saw in HL2 or Ep1; however, keep in mind that the CP's are doing so well here because this world was basically made for them; in a zero-gravity environment designed for giant telepathic squid (or whatever) do you think that they'd be as successful? Obviously, in such an environment, a synth'd giant telepathic squid (or whatever) would be ideal. In this environment (person-sized doors, earth gravity, etc.,) people are the best (and least terrifyingly alien) police force available.

I think if the Combine are truly intelligent binges, they will keep some true Humans for are engraining, and ingenuity…
Good idea. However, how would they procure such a team of cooperative geniuses?

But in Episode 2, if the Combines do come back, what would they do with the Axillaries or the Cps that served them? And the Cps that are POWs (if any).
They will use them? Just like they use all their other forces? Possibly they'll speed up the process of brainwashing, because it's gonna get a little freaky for a human on the wrong side pretty soon.
Thanks Grey, that's exactly what I'd have posted. :thumbs: