were the people from this forum the ones who helped Valve track the hacker?


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
I remember an interview with Gabe Newell where he mentioned that if it hadn't been for the Half Life community they would never have caught the person who stole an early copy of the game.

Just wondering, which Half Life community was he referring to?
He was reffering to the community as a whole, there was no one community that had an organized a system of finding information and assisting Valve in catching the guy who did it. Individuals took it upon themselves to send Gabe IRC logs, links, and other things that helped Valve get things done.
Valve deserved what it got, you lie to customers expect to get burned. Obviously the hacker was in the wrong and deserved to be punished for his crime, but Valve acting all outraged cause someone guessed Gabe Newells password is a joke.
spencerjrus said:
Valve deserved what it got, you lie to customers expect to get burned. Obviously the hacker was in the wrong and deserved to be punished for his crime, but Valve acting all outraged cause someone guessed Gabe Newells password is a joke.
Do you have any clue what you are talking about? That's what I thought.
spencerjrus said:
but Valve acting all outraged cause someone guessed Gabe Newells password is a joke.

You're saying this as if it was a fact. That's really not what happend. If i remember well, it was something to do with an exploit with Microsoft Outlook. I might be wrong, but i know it's really not because someone guessed his password.
He's getting confused between the comprimising of Gabes forum account and the leak.
In the end, they found the hacker because the stupid bugger emailed gabe himself, showing off. They talked for a while, Gabe convinced him that they wanted to give him a security job at Valve, and was going to get him on a plane to the USA. The German police/federal police[?] didn't want them luring the kid into another country for prosecution, so they ran in and got him and prosecuted him themselves.
MiccyNarc said:
Do you have any clue what you are talking about? That's what I thought.

Actuallly gabes password was a 3 letter word + a "1" after it, this was confirmed by multiple sources and was the main cause of the leak.
spencerjrus said:
Actuallly gabes password was a 3 letter word + a "1" after it, this was confirmed by multiple sources and was the main cause of the leak.

His password was "Gaben". your getting confused between the leak and the password mix up.
Ya know stop dissing valve like that. Nobody deserves having their work hacked and stolen, no matter how much the game sucks ((and obviously hl2 doesn't)). It's still work and it still deserves money, just like any other service offered. As for the community, Valve might suck at dates ((who doesn't?)) , but I have never seen another company offer such support just to get people to make mods for their games. They are really friendly people and I don't see how anybody can even wish that to them.

Shame on you.
To be honest, I think its obvious everyone on here is a fan boy. Every oppinion but "HL2 IS AWSOMEZ OMGOMGOGMOGMG" is void and hit with a huge stream of cussing and flaming. Why can't you accept that an oppinion may very well be different to yours and ****ing accept it. I'll probably get flamed now for having a different opinion.

On Topic: VALVe didn't deserve to get comprimised. Maybe a few angry letters or something, but not a hacked system and a leaked game. If anything you're only hurting your selfs
pr0nking said:
To be honest, I think its obvious everyone on here is a fan boy. Every oppinion but "HL2 IS AWSOMEZ OMGOMGOGMOGMG" is void and hit with a huge stream of cussing and flaming. Why can't you accept that an oppinion may very well be different to yours and ****ing accept it. I'll probably get flamed now for having a different opinion.

On Topic: VALVe didn't deserve to get comprimised. Maybe a few angry letters or something, but not a hacked system and a leaked game. If anything you're only hurting your selfs

There are many "fanboys" here, its true.

But there are also many mature members who will discuss things in a sensible objective way. (For the most part :p)

Its not good to generalise. Thats all. :)
pr0nking said:
To be honest, I think its obvious everyone on here is a fan boy. Every oppinion but "HL2 IS AWSOMEZ OMGOMGOGMOGMG" is void and hit with a huge stream of cussing and flaming. Why can't you accept that an oppinion may very well be different to yours and ****ing accept it. I'll probably get flamed now for having a different opinion.

On Topic: VALVe didn't deserve to get comprimised. Maybe a few angry letters or something, but not a hacked system and a leaked game. If anything you're only hurting your selfs
What do you expect when going onto a forum designed for a specific game? Go to a Doom III forum and say Doom III sucked and we will see what happens. Go to a Halo forum and say Halo 1 and 2 sucked and we will see what happens. Go to a Farcry forum and say Farcry sucked and we will see what happens.

You make it seem like this is the only gaming website in the world where people don't like to hear opinions that aren't the same as the rest of the forum but in reality it is just one of the many.
Wasn't the whole 'gaben was the password haha!' business just made up by the guy who did the hacking. Is this Hacker's credibility so high that whatever he says is accepted fact?
The Mullinator said:
What do you expect when going onto a forum designed for a specific game? Go to a Doom III forum and say Doom III sucked and we will see what happens. Go to a Halo forum and say Halo 1 and 2 sucked and we will see what happens. Go to a Farcry forum and say Farcry sucked and we will see what happens.

You make it seem like this is the only gaming website in the world where people don't like to hear opinions that aren't the same as the rest of the forum but in reality it is just one of the many.

No, I understand that. But what i'm saying is, that no one is willing to have a mature conversation about it and the majority of users just use the same insults back, and never discuss or see things from other peoples point of views. I am willing to accept other peoples p.o.v's as their own, and see that my opinion isn't the only opinion in the world.
The people who get flamed are very usually flamed because they are anti-valve, anti-halflife 2, their opinions are misguided, they are themselves closed-minded to other's opinions, and they are idiotic in the way they go about presenting their "arguments", if they even have any.

Please try and consider this before you start flamebaiting.
I'm not flamebaiting, I just want to know why people just jump into the deepend with just calling people "gay valve haters" without even considering listening to them. But then I can see why people do also do it when people just say "VALVe are gay and so is HL2" its not constructive.
Well that is stereotypical as well. Who's saying this? Why are you accusing us as a community instead of the small few who act this way?
THere was a security whole in ms outlook whihc the hackers explited to plant a heylogger on gabes system thusly his password was gotton hold of and fromt here it was plain sailing for the cracker / hacker