What a prick...

What a tit....Still, that said, i despise the people paying $120 for 5 gold in WoW more than him. At least he has something to show for it.
Brings a whole new meaning to the old "Wanna buy a bridge?" saying doesn't it.

Bet he's gonna feel a bit silly when he realises others will be off making their own instead.. Silly man.
well i dunno about you lot but i'm taking out a years subscription for Project Entropia :rolleyes:
That man could have bought a damn car.. Or MORE! Wow.. I think that is the worst idea to waste $26,000 on a game!
you people dont realize he may make as much money as he lost.. people are gonna wanna go to his island and mine or hunt.. he can just tax them and make lots of money
KidRock said:
you people dont realize he may make as much money as he lost.. people are gonna wanna go to his island and mine or hunt.. he can just tax them and make lots of money
They wont once they realise virtual worlds are infinite and ultimately worthless, and that a talented individual can quite easily make a clone of his little island down to the exact position of every single flower.

Nobody in his right mind would pay for something so worthless and easy to remake.

Besides im sure the game will be under scrutiny eventually cause its involving real money changing hands, not just for membership, there's gonna be so many scams going on it'll be worse than real life.
I wonder if his island is "lost" in some natural virtual disaster if he'll try complain about it? Now that would be funny, I mean.. natural disasters.. those can't be helped, you take the risk. Would be funny as hell though lol all that wasted money. they HAVE to do that, so we can see what he'd do :p
The Dark Elf said:
I wonder if his island is "lost" in some natural virtual disaster if he'll try complain about it? Now that would be funny, I mean.. natural disasters.. those can't be helped, you take the risk. Would be funny as hell though lol all that wasted money. they HAVE to do that, so we can see what he'd do :p
LOL, i would love to see that happen. A titlewave comes by and destroys everything and puts it all underwater or something like that. :LOL:
B.Calhoun said:
LOL, i would love to see that happen. A titlewave comes by and destroys everything and puts it all underwater or something like that. :LOL:
It would be classic. I'm sure he'd then go to court and complain, only for them to turn around and point out the whole can't do shit about natural disasters

What they need now is an insurance firm in the game, you could make a fortune if you knew some of the admins, get thousands out of people with the smallprint keeping you safe from such accidents, before wiping out the islands ;)
Well if he has the money to spend it doesnt matter to him. But that is to funny.
Read this in IT on friday. Just think... he could have given that money to charity.

Or me.

The Dark Elf said:
They wont once they realise virtual worlds are infinite and ultimately worthless...

And addicting, which can make one do things they don't want to do, e.g pay for worthless stuff (well its not worthless to them, but it is to me and you who don't play the game).

Who knows, he might make money out of it...there are bound to be more who are willing to pay for stuff.
"Earlier this year economists calculated that these massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPGs) have a gross economic impact equivalent to the GDP of the African nation of Namibia. "

pretty sad
I've played PE, it's kind of like a casino.

You always end up losing money.
I was laughing till i read "Australian"... then I just cringed.

Lets all us aussies congratulate him on making us as a nation drop down a peg in intelligence.
CptStern said:
"Earlier this year economists calculated that these massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPGs) have a gross economic impact equivalent to the GDP of the African nation of Namibia. "

pretty sad

Pretty funny actually heh.

This is pretty dumb, but it's not different than the cretins who buy grilled cheese sandwiches for 100K.
Hmmm paying for virtuall land... :|

Watch out when you play a mmorpg version of gta and some gangster showed up at your house and caps yo family because you virtual drug deal didnt go to plan...
burnzie said:
Hmmm paying for virtuall land... :|

Watch out when you play a mmorpg version of gta and some gangster showed up at your house and caps yo family because you virtual drug deal didnt go to plan...

i should stop tk'ing in cs shouldn't i . . .
An example how pathetic it really is.. Ok we don't play that game, BUT we do post on here.

So how many of you would _pay_ for your own forum on this or any of the sites you post on? I'm gonna hazard a guess and say NOBODY, especially when Munro could simply make an exact copy of it, copy all the posts over and clone it completely, then give it away.

The guy is insane, I agree with the other person who said he's probably single, no way would a girlfriend/wife allow that, if she knew lol.

Burnzie, don't worry, we don't hold Australians responsible for his actions haha :p
CptStern said:
"Earlier this year economists calculated that these massively multi-player online role-playing games (MMORPGs) have a gross economic impact equivalent to the GDP of the African nation of Namibia. "

pretty sad
Yip. The land in Everquest (I don't know its name, nor do I have the slightest desire to) is one of the world's richest nations. Sort of. And it breaks up families... Let's declare a war on Everquest.

And his screen-name: "Deathifier"!? What a prick...
Farrowlesparrow said:

Who knows, he might make money out of it...there are bound to be more who are willing to pay for stuff.

exactly. think how many MMO gamers are mad, and think how big the island is. If he stuck with the game for a long time, he could probally rack up a LOT of money from this "tax", especially if there is lots of minerals on this island.

this reminds me of my paladin in World of warcraft... I went out and mined copper bars for my blacksmithing trade, and half of it i used to create armour, the rest i sold at the auction. I could sell 20 copper bars for one gold coin. By level 15 i had allready got 10 gold peices- if i had sold them on ebay i could have got $240 :LOL:

*edit* and Dark elf. i would pay up to £20 for a Suicide42 forum... i actually WOULD... rofl
lolol none of u play pe do you?

a player cannot just remodel their own island dark elf u smart arse
your theory is sound

but your wrong, sucks to be you

wins to be him, he will make a lot of money from this
Exclamatio said:
lolol none of u play pe do you?

a player cannot just remodel their own island dark elf u smart arse
your theory is sound

but your wrong, sucks to be you

wins to be him, he will make a lot of money from this
Who says I was even talking about doing it in PE?

And less of the cheek
Suicide42 said:
exactly. think how many MMO gamers are mad, and think how big the island is. If he stuck with the game for a long time, he could probally rack up a LOT of money from this "tax", especially if there is lots of minerals on this island.

this reminds me of my paladin in World of warcraft... I went out and mined copper bars for my blacksmithing trade, and half of it i used to create armour, the rest i sold at the auction. I could sell 20 copper bars for one gold coin. By level 15 i had allready got 10 gold peices- if i had sold them on ebay i could have got $240 :LOL:

*edit* and Dark elf. i would pay up to £20 for a Suicide42 forum... i actually WOULD... rofl
Ok, PM Munro see if he'll give you a section for money, this'll be funny if he does :D
This is when you know it has gone too far, sort of..
There needs to be boundaries in online games, since the players lose themselves into the game and do crazy shit like this if there isn't.
The Dark Elf said:
Who says I was even talking about doing it in PE?

And less of the cheek

you shoulda been because thats where he bought his virtual land :p

and hell man if you wernt why the heck did even post the argument? its kinda irrelivant if your argument is coming from the perspective of a different game, you must agree with that

and why does every1 think its crazy, people do this all the time, its real estate basically

except he only has to leave his comp for toilet breaks
He said the virtual world is endless....which is might as well be. He didn't actually refer directly to PE when he was making that point. The difference between real world and virtual world real estate, is that in the virtual world the price is based solely upon the creative input into the design, as opposed to any material costs.

I honestly don't think the idea of buying and selling virtual property is any more ludacris than handing around bits of paper pretending they are worth something. Its based purely on promises, it even says it on the note. Gold is only worth something because we say it is...Yeah yeah, its "rare" but humans say its got value, the universe doesn't have any feelings about the price of gold either way really. Why should anything made in the virtual world be worth less than anything made in the real world...Just look at art. You could look at it more logically and say the paint is worth X amount, the canvas is worth Y amount so therefore it is worth Z. You could if you want add labour costs, but even then you are still not including the price of the creative input which is what its really about (well...technically. Its really about lots of people who don't know much about anything paying lots of money for paint on paper because they think it makes them look good. Which is fine by me, so long as they keep buying my bits of paint on paper.) I suppose there are lots of other factors in the price of something, such as who did it etc...but you get the idea.

I can see things like this one day being big business.

By the way...if anyone thinks I'm trying to make a point, or directing this at anybody...I'm not really, that would just be a happy coincidence :p In in the type of mood where I just start talking and only stop when I need to pick up my drink...like now.
Exclamatio said:
you shoulda been because thats where he bought his virtual land :p

and hell man if you wernt why the heck did even post the argument? its kinda irrelivant if your argument is coming from the perspective of a different game, you must agree with that

and why does every1 think its crazy, people do this all the time, its real estate basically

except he only has to leave his comp for toilet breaks
Picking a fight with TDE is probably the best way to get banned from these forums, other than posting *******.
At the prices people are willing to pay for ingame items you could make a living out of it, tax free cash and have spare and all you'd have to do is play a game everyday, which is what us gamers do ANYWAY!. :afro:

If there was a guarantee that i could make £300 a week from selling ingame items i'd be well in there now.
The Dark Elf said:
Ok, PM Munro see if he'll give you a section for money, this'll be funny if he does :D


*thinks of all the things he could do with a forum*

for £30 i would want to become a mod of my own forum. that would OWN. i could hold competitions there, it could be a competition forum!

I've always wanted to do competitions...just imagine, i forum devoted to competitions! i could host the "gamer screenshot" competition, looking for the funniest screenshot... the "weekly art contest" (again) and (this is an especially good one) the "descriptive writing" competition! everyone can do it because everyone could type.. it could be "describe a dark alleyway" or something, and you have to use similies, metaphors alliteration and descriptive techniques to mesmorise the reader into your writing...

seriously, I'm exited now :D