What A Steaming Pile Of Bullshit


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
I just got out of this game of BF2. I was in my teams APC right behind another APC with a US soldier [I was MEC] in it. I kill him and check my score only to find that it was at -3. WHAT THE HELL!!? Apparantly he was in another one of my teams APC's so I got charged for 'team vehicle damage'. That's bullshit. He was in it, therefore it no longer belongs to my team and I shouldn't be penalized for it. Don't get me wrong, BF2's a kick ass game..when it's working..but shit like this, the severe lack of teamplay in non HL2.net games and the server menu problems are almost enough to make me wish I'd kept the fifty bucks. [/rant]
bvasgm said:
I just got out of this game of BF2. I was in my teams APC right behind another APC with a US soldier [I was MEC] in it. I kill him and check my score only to find that it was at -3. WHAT THE HELL!!? Apparantly he was in another one of my teams APC's so I got charged for 'team vehicle damage'. That's bullshit. He was in it, therefore it no longer belongs to my team and I shouldn't be penalized for it. Don't get me wrong, BF2's a kick ass game..when it's working..but shit like this, the severe lack of teamplay in non HL2.net games and the server menu problems are almost enough to make me wish I'd kept the fifty bucks. [/rant]
no it doesnt work that way, you don't have "team vehicles" you can only achieve "team vehicle damage" if attack/run over/damage a vehicle (any vehicle, MEC US or CHINESE) that has one of your teammates inside.

you most likely didn't see the vehicle your shots hit or you ran into really hard.
the severe lack of teamplay doesn't seem a problem for me.. I have beein playing more and more between Hl2.net squad games, and I must say I can organize a squad and lead them effectively on public server at least 8 times out of ten.

if the server is chock-full of smacktards, just leave and find another.
(it might sound obvious, but some people don't do it.. like my bro.. he sits in a server complaining and complaining about lag/smacktards/non-team efforts... I tell him to just change servers, and he just keeps on playing.)

don't let your play experience be subjective, don't put up with retards, and don't whine at people because they suck... just try elsewhere.

the only thing about BF2 that "doesn't work" is the damned server browser.

I mean, look what I have to put up with... a lot of people don't know that YOU CAN HOLD DOWN YOUR "USE" KEY WHILE A VEHICLE/JET/CHOPPER WITH SEATS OPEN APPROACHES, TO INSTANTLY GET IN AND NOT GET SQUISHED. (this is really crucial hence the boldness)

I have lost HUNDREDS of points from driving around my APC and teammates decide that they want to time the right moment to press the key when I am picking them up.

again, you guys will not get squished (and cause me massive point loss) if you hold down the USE key when my vehicle is near you.
Team killing is a major bitch. You should only get deducted points if you're punished.
Yeah the deducted points is a horse crap, I think it needs to be tweaked to make it fox fair and balanced. But hey can't have it all I am really pleased with the gameplay minus some annoying things. Hopefully some of this stuff gets addressed within the decade.
I think I took a screenshot, but I got like 40 kills and only had 50 points lol.
Flying bombers is when the point deduction is the worst. You aren't going to get any teamwork points due to you being way up in the air, so every teamkill leaves you will a worse and worse negative score for that category. Not only that but when the com does a UAV scan and you bomb, the blue dots are covered in a million red ones, and of yourse your bomb hits the fully loaded friendly APC and nothing else.
Wow..it sounds like you just suck at bombing. My problem is that the game ****ed me over.
Nah, I almost never get shot down and get a whole lot of killes. I usually bomb in a fighter because I tend to aim for amored targets or infantry capping/attacking a flag. The fighter is so easy to dogfight with, and the bomber is simply a fatty in the air and is easy to shoot down. Plus, you don't need to use all those bombs for one target...only one or 2 will hit. Just takes skill to bomb in a fighter but at least you don't die and can shoot down enemy planes.
bvasgm said:
Wow..it sounds like you just suck at bombing. My problem is that the game ****ed me over.
not at all, your problem is you didn't pay attention, and assumed it was the game at fault.

go ahead and test attacking your teams vehicles. take note how often vehicles change hands, and how often you do not get punished for doing what you did earlier.
No. When I moved the targeting reticle over the vehicle, the players name came up in red. Red name = enemy. I shoot and kill him, it says "you have killed 'whoever it was'", not "don't hurt your teammates" or "team damage" or something like that. It also said "team vehicle damage" and I had -3 points. It's the games fault, ergo, the game ****ed me over.
Must have been the skin bug. This is where your ally looks like an enemy. his name is red, he looks chinese and is even on the other team. He is still, however an ally.
could have been the bug that glirk mentioned, but I wanted to clarify the scoring system doesn't work around team vehicles as you mentioned.
ugh dont get me started on the punishment, playing last nigh on 32 player karkand with 50 players, the round just started and i was a support gunner, i was laying down cover as we advanced up the main street, then some dumbass anti tank guy ran right infront of my line of fire, i didnt have time to cease fire, bam, hes dead, punished, -8, some people are way too trigger happy on the punishment system, i hardly ever punish anyone.
jimbo118 said:
i hardly ever punish anyone.

Yeah same here. I wish people would pay more attention to their damn surroundings. I rarely get TKed in combat because usually I understand what kinds of weapons my teammates have and how to to avoid their shit. Although come to think about it, I usually never attack at the same angle my teammates are attacking from, I usually swing around left or right and attack at a right angle.
Pesmerga said:
Yeah same here. I wish people would pay more attention to their damn surroundings. I rarely get TKed in combat because usually I understand what kinds of weapons my teammates have and how to to avoid their shit. Although come to think about it, I usually never attack at the same angle my teammates are attacking from, I usually swing around left or right and attack at a right angle.
exactly, i just couldnt believe his stupidity, i was at the entrance to an alleyway with just my gun pointing out covering the guys as they advanced on the opposite side of the street, then this guys runs right past me, its like he wanted to get shot.:dozey:

man if it was a ranked server.:angry:
Ive allways thought the punishment system should be changed so that instead of a crappy hard to see thing in the bottom left saying "do you want to punish X"

it should say in clear easy to read font "Do you think X teamkilled you on purpose?"

That way people are less likely to punish in a hurry because they are bitter...

Meh, its the little things that count in my opinion...
Personally I think you should be able to enable auto-forgive. Since I never punish someone unless there tkers (As in not just someone who did it without thinking) and if thats happaning I wont bother to stay on the server anyways.
I only punish if the person was doing it overtly to TK people, or if they were acting stupidly (eg, driving a jeep through a crowd of friendly troops without slowing down), but I like MarksmanHL2's idea
I've only punished twice for being killed. Once was when I pressed the wrong key, the next was when some dude killed me just to get my G3 (and also ruining my 23-0 ratio in the process, bastard).
I think you should have to go through a menu to punish people... you know make it a hassle. That way only people dedicated enough will punish, and the idiots who get themselves killed wont be able to just hit a button to punish. Its a deterrence thing.