What are Cab Drivers like for you?


Jan 7, 2005
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I just finished a short holiday up to Sydney and used the Taxi to move around the city. One said almost only 10 words, but another talked happily about how most drivers fear New Year's Eve as they get too many drunks throwing beer bottles at them when they don't end up in the Cab.

So what are Cab / Taxi drivers like for you? Not Able to speak your dialect or not talking at all?
well, here's a boring story about an experience with a cab driver.

A year ago I was on a school trip with friends, and we had to take a cab to get somewhere. Then he started asking us stuff, and the conversation randomly moved on to the discussion of one of those furry convention sort of things, except it was anime, and it was being held near the hotel we were staying at. Then a retarded friend started saying how stupid those things were, and the cab driver agreed, trying to derogate them in various ways. That's all I've got to say about cab drivers :E

I'm generally an ass to myself when driving...I don't need to pay someone to drive me somewhere when I can do it myself.
Never been in a cab. See location.
Been in a cab many a time. See location.

In my experience, cabbies are a mixed bag... much like everyone else on the planet. I've ridden with grumpy bigots who won't shut up, and I've ridden with hilarious, super-friendly jamaican dudes who're glad to get you where you want to go. And everyone in between. Often, when they're nice, they're reeeally nice, and when they're mean, they're assholes. Again, just like everyone else.
Never been in a cab, but I always see them at Las Vegas. They all drive recklessly.
Well they are either decent nice n chatty people, silent ones tht stare (kinda creepy) or complete pervs so yeh overall they are great! haha
I love the bullet cabs of Korea that go 180km/h and chat with you whilst driving at full speed, and suddenly stopping without warning when they see a traffic control camera.

Its better than rollercoasters.

Sorta like Malaysia, except you'd get killed.

Generally we only hire taxi drivers to get us to and from the airport, and they tend to all be asian, so Mum and Dad talk to him/her in Canto/Mando and my and my brother sit in the back and viciously attack each other.
Only been in a cab in Phoenix and Las Vegas (many times but few and far between each time.) In Vegas the cabbies were all yuppity since it was daytime and like "OH THAT SOUNDS SO EXCITING!!!!"

In Phoenix they always acted shocked at where you're going, even though it's not somewhere weird.
I've been in a cab only once and the driver didn't say a word.
Me:"Alright we need to get to the Anahiem Airport" Driver: *nods*
They're either silent or they small-talk me and attempt to distract me from the fact that they're going around in circles or taking an uber-long route to my location.

Then I tell them to pull over, I get out, and they yell at me.
^ lol

I've been in a cab once, I think. The driver was nice, but he didn't chat all the time.

Belgium isn't a cab/taxi country :p
There was a great thing in Arena (men's magazine) about "Most Uncomfortable Situations", one of which was "The moment your cab driver turns racist."

I once was in a taxi where the cabby was on his phone headset (this was before it was outlawed). He leaned toward the glass and said "I'll be with you in a minute mate, I'm just having phone sex."
He was probably joking, but I was f*cked if I was about to hang around and find out. Thank the Lord for headphones and loud music.
"The moment your cab driver turns racist."
Lol there's a stand-up comedian in the Netherlands that does a small act about that subject, it's absolutely hilarious :laugh:
el Chi said:
There was a great thing in Arena (men's magazine) about "Most Uncomfortable Situations", one of which was "The moment your cab driver turns racist."

I once was in a taxi where the cabby was on his phone headset (this was before it was outlawed). He leaned toward the glass and said "I'll be with you in a minute mate, I'm just having phone sex."
He was probably joking, but I was f*cked if I was about to hang around and find out. Thank the Lord for headphones and loud music.
They outlawed phone headsets while driving there? I understand talking on one while driving but headsets were pretty much made so you could be safer while driving. Of course it's safest to ONLY drive I understand that but if they're going to do that they might as well outlaw wearing hats in a car or talking to the passengers.