What are they doing now?


Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
havent been here for awhile and just checking the news, its liked productions stopped or something.

are they actually working on it?

i dont know how you guys have respect for them anymore.
Why would we not have respect for them anymore? They don't owe us anything. They're just getting on and making the game.
Nah, they stopped working on the game obviously, even though they took all the money they made from HL1 and put it into HL2, they've gone broke of course, and don't even get me started on TF2.

why? from the silence, from them being maintaing time after time about certain dates, and then *nothing* ala team fortress etc

sure a hacker threw a spanner in the works , yeah, next...
i see no commitment to fans or whatever they were so proud of.

you are perfectly right about them owing us nothing (please can noone repeat that again)

now can you tell me , why do you still respect them?
Because I have no reason not to. Sure, they missed their release date. Name a quality developer that doesn't.

they're not saying anything, but that's their prerogative - they don't have to, and I'm not bothered if they don't.

I respect them because they're making what I believe to be a damn good game. Obviously, I'm not happy about the delay, but I can certainly live with it.
PiMuRho said:
Because I have no reason not to. Sure, they missed their release date. Name a quality developer that doesn't.

they're not saying anything, but that's their prerogative - they don't have to, and I'm not bothered if they don't.

I respect them because they're making what I believe to be a damn good game. Obviously, I'm not happy about the delay, but I can certainly live with it.
word. I couldnt agree more.
I feel ever since they missed the release date that they do owe me.. something, I havent even seen all the demos[bink videos] yet! I bought a $400 video card preparing for HL2 and now it's $100 cheaper, they owe me.. ALOT[More RAM and a New Processor as well]. Not to mention the countless hours browsing the internet and these forums for news on the release date! They never had good communication to begin with. Its the last time I trust Valve, but I'm very excited about the release, just not nearly as much.
nsxownzme said:
I feel ever since they missed the release date that they do owe me.. something, I havent even seen all the demos[bink videos] yet! I bought a $400 video card preparing for HL2 and now it's $100 cheaper, they owe me.. ALOT[More RAM and a New Processor as well]. Not to mention the countless hours browsing the internet and these forums for news on the release date! They never had good communication to begin with. Its the last time I trust Valve, but I'm very excited about the release, just not nearly as much.
Yeah, during the time of the 'hacker crisis' information was scarce. That made me a bit angry, and once november passed with no hl2 and gabe finally said 'im positive its not coming out this year' I was too sick of forums and surfing and finally settled in to diablo 2 (thank you blizzard)

I dont care that the game is delayed, heck im even glad that the game will not be so rushed, but valve could have made more announcements.
Yeah, thanks for not flamming me, but understanding. :)

I just wish valve made more announcements, and certainly not at the last minute.
HL2 JUST CAME OUT-- but crouching reformats your hardrives and headcrabes take credit card info........

I doubt they are boke even if they put a lot of their money into the game. Gabe was one of the original Microsoft millionaires. Does anyone ever actually see Bill Gates going broke? Never. The game will come out. Eventually. But you will need a new graphics card to run it. LOL.

-James Watt
nimh said:
i dont know how you guys have respect for them anymore.
I don't respect Valve at all after the release date fiasco + conflicting information regarding the hacking + the team fortress 2 fiasco + the condition zero fiasco + the steam fiasco + the not telling us what the hell is going on fiasco :dozey: .

That's a hell of a lot of fiascos.

It's my GODDAMN right to not respect Valve. They've done lots of good things and lots of bad things. At this stage in time i think the bad stand out more. My opinion is that HL1 was sort of an anomaly. A freak of the computer gaming world that almost appeared out of nowhere. Valve are still reaping the rewards from it. I really want to see if Valve and Half-Life was in fact a once off or if Valve really are a bunch of extremely talented, creative people who are very capable of making a game that has the same effect on us as the original did. /takes deep breath.

But lack of respect isn't going to stop me and many other people from buying HL2. And Valve know that!! Which is why they can continue to pound everyone in the rear, tell us diddly squat about what's happening and still have a top selling, extremely successful game. The minute HL2 is released all those bad things that happened will be forgotten (assuming it isn't released in 5 years...). It will be a clean slate.
Was there a second TF2 fiasco, or are people still bitching that this thing didnt come out 5 years ago?
While I agree that it's possible for any developer to miss a release date, to miss it by SIX months with no communication whatsoever to the end users (I.E you and me) is inexcuseable. If there was more information coming from VALVe then a lot of us would be a lot happier. True, it's the right of the developer to be tight lipped with details, such as HL2's MP content but to be quiet for so long just speaks of VALVe's arrogance. They see HL2 as a success, regardless of how they treat their fanbase and that's simply the worst PR a company could ever hope for. The fact that it is self inflicted just makes it worse. I'm currently playing NWN and the expansions so I have enough to keep me occupied, but I just can't see the logic behind VALVe's silence.
No.. actually HL1 was not an anomaly since it was delayed a year... seems like what would be an anomaly is a game that comes out exactly on time and sucks. I guess that is why I still respect Valve.
maybe i should have been more specific, i really meant respect as in "they are a bunch of fine people that wouldnt jerk me around"

than respect for their game, programming, creative ability.
What, becuase they missed a deadline... they 'jerked you around'?

This is the real world, games don't come out by magic.

yes its coming out, yes yes the cheques in the mail, yeah ill call you..... then nada.

thats jerking people around
Insid said:
Was there a second TF2 fiasco, or are people still bitching that this thing didnt come out 5 years ago?
Yes, still bitching :D
maybe i should have been more specific, i really meant respect as in "they are a bunch of fine people that wouldnt jerk me around"
I don't think you can fully respect any company in this capitalist world. Unless you choose to be ignorant or play down the obvious jerking around that occurs day in day out. Usually it's easier to just ignore it and live your life and not care about it --> the majority of people fall into this category, unless there is major jerking around. Most people just look at the surface of the situation, when in fact there is multiple layers that can be uncovered just by doing a bit of research.

I'll use the source code release as an example

Rumour spread that the source code was released
Valve claimed it was only a 1/3 of it
Hacker threatened Valve to tell us the truth (We can't confirm the hacker actually threatened Valve though..)
Valve didn't tell use the full story
Hacker released a playable version of HL2, condition zero, Hl1 converted to run on the HL2 engine and other stuff

Now how does one interpret that. Did Valve lie to us? Maybe they didn't believe the hacker "We do not negotiate with terrorists" ? :imu:

Or condition-zero
On October 8th 2003, Gabe Newell said Condition Zero had gone gold and would be released on Steam and in store on November 18th.
Come November 18th there's no sign of CZ, and no sign from Valve. Not even an update as to why it wasn't released
December 5th Jesse Cliffe confirms the english version has gone gold and will be shiped soon.
It's been more than enough time for it to be replicated and distributed. Still no word from Valve.

So how do we interpret that? Lies from Valve? The game went gold twice, still isn't released. Do i continue to have blind respect for Valve knowing that they aren't telling us what the fudge is going on?

Or the no internet LAN play with Steam

October 23 on the steam website this is written
"Work on offline/LAN play is now nearing completion. To play any Steam game while not connected to the Internet it will only be necessary to let Steam finish downloading all of that game?s content, at which point you?ll be able to play games without connecting to Steam."

Nearing completion implies that the release is immienent does it not? It's almost January 2004, and still no sign of offling/LAN play. Not even an update to tell us why it isn't released? Respect slowly waning? Perhaps.

Respect is all in the eye of the beholder. It takes a lot, and i mean a lot of screwing and jerking with your community until it has a noticable negative impact. So many people make statements such as "Valve lied to us, i'm never buying a Valve product again" or "Steam is the worst idea ever, i'm never buying a Valve product again" but i think 99% of those statements are meaningless and are just written to get attention.

If they really wanted to lose our respect and create outright hatred of them they could do the following
-Institute a compulsory monthly fee to play games on Steam
-Delay HL2 till 2006 (that's meant to be a joke, but it could certainly happen)
-Delay Condition-Zero forever (that's not far from the truth mind you :angel: )


But at present Valve certainly aren't making a lot of effort to win the hearts and minds of their audience and potential audience!

*news on HL2 would be greatly appreciated.*
nimh said:
yes its coming out, yes yes the cheques in the mail, yeah ill call you..... then nada.

thats jerking people around

Actually it was "Yeah, we're aiming for the 30th of September.". In fact, I remember watching a video (a German one) where the interviewer says "Do you promise that it will be released this year?" and Gabe said "No, I'm not going to make that kind of promise" or something similar.

Games get delayed, grow up. Don't be a spoilt brat and don't make up stuff about Valve and then get angry at them for it. They didn't totally promise the game would be out, they said that the intended release date was the 30th of September.

Oh yeah, Mr-Fusion, I remember Gabe saying that the statement about only 1/3 of the source code was made up, he didn't say that.
The only reason I have a little hostility towards ValVe is that why why why did they build everyones hopes up saying 'Yep sept 30th def '
Alot bought new graphics cards, including me and i could of saved a little longer and bought a better one, all ready for it but never mind.
Feath said:
Actually it was "Yeah, we're aiming for the 30th of September.". In fact, I remember watching a video (a German one) where the interviewer says "Do you promise that it will be released this year?" and Gabe said "No, I'm not going to make that kind of promise" or something similar.

Games get delayed, grow up. Don't be a spoilt brat and don't make up stuff about Valve and then get angry at them for it. They didn't totally promise the game would be out, they said that the intended release date was the 30th of September.

Oh yeah, Mr-Fusion, I remember Gabe saying that the statement about only 1/3 of the source code was made up, he didn't say that.
Everyone, Feath is right :)
I know why HL2 didn't release on time, but CZ? That was a big, bad move. I lost all respect for Valve when CZ wasn't released on time. Either it was a lie or a BIG misunderstanding. Valve has to do something big to gain my respect back. Maybe release some stuff of HL2. This media blackout isn't helping them at all.
I agree, they should most deffinately release something new. And i mean TOTALLY new.
ray_MAN said:
I know why HL2 didn't release on time, but CZ? That was a big, bad move. I lost all respect for Valve when CZ wasn't released on time. Either it was a lie or a BIG misunderstanding. Valve has to do something big to gain my respect back. Maybe release some stuff of HL2. This media blackout isn't helping them at all.
CZ got reviewed. It sucked, so they started developing it again :)
mrBadger said:
CZ got reviewed. It sucked, so they started developing it again :)
Exactly. It is also very little to do with Valve anyway. The game was out-sourced and passed on to other developers three times with mediocre results. How this is somehow Valve's fault is beyond me...

Anyway who really cares about CZ anyway? Get with the times... The next time I load CS it should be CS2 or not at all...
I read the review. It didn't suck. It got a 72% which isn't half bad. And re-developing a game that already went gold, and was already told to be in stores, with no comment on it isn't the best way to go.
Wolf said:
Exactly. It is also very little to do with Valve anyway. The game was out-sourced and passed on to other developers three times with mediocre results. How this is somehow Valve's fault is beyond me...

Anyway who really cares about CZ anyway? Get with the times... The next time I load CS it should be CS2 or not at all...
[1] gabe said it will be released on time and it has gone gold. It wasn't released on time. It doesn't have very little to do with Valve either. They helped develop it in a large way.
[2] I want CZ and so do other people. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean others don't.
[3] CS2 is on the Source engine. HL2 has to be released first.
About CS:CZ, Michael Booth of Turtle Rock Studios (the new devs of CZ) has said that the ball is in Sierra's court with CZ. They've been given the gold master but they're not releasing it yet.
ray_MAN said:
I read the review. It didn't suck. It got a 72% which isn't half bad. And re-developing a game that already went gold, and was already told to be in stores, with no comment on it isn't the best way to go.
I agree that the handling of annoucements has been inconsistent and inadequate at best. But if you've been following the development it is pretty clear that third party dev's incompetence is the reason behind CZ's big delay and gone-gold problems... None of us should blame Valve for their porblem. ATM the game is ready to be published and has been for some time.
Gabe said it will be released on time and it has gone gold. It wasn't released on time. There is a reason to blame Valve.
Someone order it and sue them $100,000,000 for false advertising. :)
Hmm, about Condition Zero. Did Valve actually say "The game has gone gold"? I've only read quotes from Valve saying that the game was going to go gold on a certain date. Something could've happened between then and the gold date.

Anyway, as the guy in Turtle Studios said, the ball is in Sierra's court. We don't know what happened but I agree that it would've been nice if they told us before the game was meant to be release.
valve may have said: "cz has gone gold" and it probably did. but there is one small problem. since sierra is the producer of cz, they decide when it gets released....as someone quoted: "Michael Booth of Turtle Rock Studios (the new devs of CZ) has said that the ball is in Sierra's court with CZ. They've been given the gold master but they're not releasing it yet."

dont get pissed at valve for cz's delays.....sierra is delaying cz, probably because they dont want it released yet. why? i dont know.

wow, i didnt even know about turtle rock. last i knew some other dev(cant remember name though, came after gearbox) was working on it. what probably happened is that verion went gold, like gabe said the first time, then sierra(or valve even) decided it wasnt quite good enough and had turtle rock add the bots and some extras. then it went gold again, and sierra is waiting until before hl2 to release cz.

thats my guess.
Firstly, I don't really want to play a CS single player game. Secondly, I'm sure a lot of you will cool down once (if) they release some sort of new media.. I know i will. :thumbs:
If they released 1 new 30-sec vid every month that would together form something (lk the SP intro vid) I would be tremendously satisfied.
nimh said:
havent been here for awhile and just checking the news, its liked productions stopped or something.

are they actually working on it?

i dont know how you guys have respect for them anymore.

Okay... since you've been amiss at the forums, I'll try 'n go easy on ya'. :cheers:

1.) They stopped working on it :farmer: They gave the rights to me, so right now I'm finishing all the re-coding of Source so the 'l337 h4x0rz' won't pwn you with t3h 4WP all the time.

2.) How dare you... what the f^ck do they owe you? Oh yeah, nothing. They should owe you a kick in the sack now, just for sayin' shit like that.

Wow, I'm mean today :rolleyes:. :D
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within Canada.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! -killzself-

good thing thats a total bs product.. it seems as if amazon sometimes just writes things to throw people off :rolleyes: