What are you people smoking?


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
All I hear is how terrible you all think DX: IW is. How in what way is it terrible?
The storyline is great, the graphics, aside from the faces and the blood splatter, are amazing. The physics are best in a game we've seen yet. The interaction and gameplay is also awesome. What the hell are you all knocking on it for? It completely obliterates DX1 in every aspect. You guys just don't want to believe the sequel to a game can be better than the original. One cries wolf, the rest of the pack follows. You all know very well theres nothing wrong with this game at all. However, I'd LOVE to hear your reasoning as to why the game was so 'terrible.'
I really liked it. But DX 1 is better. gameplay is fun and I like the hud, even the INV setup is natureal for me.
I think it really depends on the person playing it.
the things i didnt like about it was that there was no location dmg, the skills were thrown out, acting was bad, maps were bland and plain, for the most part unoriginal. ai was poor and i just plain didnt like the feel of the game. this is why I didnt like it. im sure there are more reasons running around in my head that i ddint catch.

EDIT: basicly it didnt live up to what they said it would, or more importantly what i expected.
i despise it simply for the reason that xboxers have been given preference over those that made DX big in the first place. you know what it feels like? it feels like getting bent over the workbench and getting a good shafting by the people at Ion Storm. this game, in not so many words, makes me sick.

yeah the story is pretty decent, i'd give that 9/10, it was pretty much everything i expected from IS in terms of a story. i don't award graphics so you can disregard that, although i have a killer machine and it ran like a dog. the physics aren't really useful and you wouldn't miss them if it was removed. the thing that bugs me is that everything that made DX1 the game it was has been removed in favour of reaching the masses. and me like many others, find this irritating, annoying etc. i could use some choice words here but i won't. and what makes it worse is that i paid extra to get it imported here to the UK, so i spent extra and just got shat on by a bunch of xboxers. and you know what, the xboxers won't even appreciate what DX actually is, they'll play it, shoot a few things, make a dumbarse of themselves then go back to Tony Hawks. it's disgusting.

to summarise, my quick capsule review (that in no way shape or form will EVER get altered):

Piece of shit.

hope that answered your question, i'll be here to justify anything you need justifying etc.
OMFG... how can u be so disrespectful? i have played the demo, and although my opinion COULD cahnge it wont. stop slagging off the game just because the developers CHANGED things!!!! IMAGINE HOW EASY IT WOULD HAVE THEM TO CREATE AN IDENTICAL GAME, WITH A DIFFERENT STORYLINE!!! for our gaming pleasure, the develpers spent hours on polishing an imaginitive, new system that is a joy to play and doesnt feel like the borink **** that gets churned out in below average games every week. DE:IW is an amazing game, that has recieved amazing reviews from reviewers that ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT GAMES... all the public do is complain about what they are given. They ask for something, and when they get it they scream and ask for something else.
im sorry for the language, but i feel agrivated by the *****s that dont appriciate anything.
peace out.
Suicide42 said:
OMFG... how can u be so disrespectful? i have played the demo, and although my opinion COULD cahnge it wont. stop slagging off the game just because the developers CHANGED things!!!! IMAGINE HOW EASY IT WOULD HAVE THEM TO CREATE AN IDENTICAL GAME, WITH A DIFFERENT STORYLINE!!! for our gaming pleasure, the develpers spent hours on polishing an imaginitive, new system that is a joy to play and doesnt feel like the borink **** that gets churned out in below average games every week. DE:IW is an amazing game, that has recieved amazing reviews from reviewers that ACTUALLY KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT GAMES... all the public do is complain about what they are given. They ask for something, and when they get it they scream and ask for something else.
im sorry for the language, but i feel agrivated by the *****s that dont appriciate anything.
peace out.

no my point was that they removed everything that made DX1 good. i was expecting some sort of evolution and changing of ideas, but DX:IW is just a de-evolution of ideas and concepts. 1 step forward with DX1, 15 steps back with DX:IW. buy it when it comes out in february and you will change your mind. have you played the original? if not then i suggest you play that one first.
it might have been a great game but i didnt like it, and when u make a sequall to a very popular game, chances are that if u change it, some people(like myself) wont be as interested or like it as much or even at all. dont be an ass and cry and yell at us for not liking it, your just showing us what kind of person likes DE:IW.
i have completed the original 2wice and seen all the endings. i loved it, but felt that the skill system was unessacery (although i did like it). i love the concept that YOU impove at DE:IW and customize guns and yourself instead of the skill system. i like the way they make 1 multitool instead of multitool + lockpick, and the fact that the ammo is all the same ADDS MORE TACTICS INTO THE GAME.... it may be unrealistic BUT IT IS BETTER. overall i feel that the game is an improvement.. and btw, games are meant to be played. THEY ARE NOT SOME REAL LIFE SIMULATOR!!! ITS SCI FI FOR ***/S SAKE... btw this is for all the ppl i hear whinig about all these facts, not at anyone in person like king seems to think. PLUS, dedalus has been saying his opinions strongly so y cant i???
(that in no way shape or form will EVER get altered):

Piece of shit.
and plz add anymore things that are wrong with the game... i dont want to find any of the bad points as a suprise (to go against what ive been SAYING LOL).
well all i can say is wait till february then you'll be joining the ranks of people complaining at what a waste of hard drive space this game is. seriously. it should've been an xbox exclusive, at least then i wouldn't have been insulted.

you say you've played the original twice now. so you'll remember how you can take different routes and break alliances and piss people off and back stab people etc. well there's really none of that in the 'sequel'. you can back stab anyone and everyone but they're still your friends. it's pointless. nothing has any consequences in this game. the only real decision you make is at the end when you decide who you want to complete the game with. and on top of that it's about as long as kill bill volume's 1 & 2.

but seriously, i don't think you can comment on the game after only playing the demo. although the demo is a fair portrayal of what the full game is like. there's also a patch which makes the text smaller and adds mouse support to the menu's, but really, i'd have liked a patch that was around 2 cds big and was called Deus Ex: The Real Sequel.

put it this way. you've seen LOTR? it's like they released LOTR, everyone loved it, then they released the sequel, and they used cardboard cutouts and they used sub-standard characters and didn't even bother to use Tolkien's books as reference material but made it up as they went along. yeah, some people would like it, but on the whole, it would just be a giant turd and people would be up in arms. but when it comes to Deus Ex, no. it's good that the xbox is systematically lowering the standards of our best games. it's good that good devs can be bought and then end up churning out endless corporate drivel.

anyway, i hope you'll buy it when it comes out and i'd be interested to hear what your verdict is.
jesus suicide take it like a man, some people dont like it, u do not have an obligation to make them like it. quit cryin the game was not perfect nor close to it.
OK.... thanks dedalus....
and king... btw this whole thread is here so we cam argue over DE:IW.... thats the point. and u have strong opinions so y cant i say my stong opinions? i know ive only played the demo, but i have read glowing revies of the game on the internet and in magazines (pcgamer gave it 92% + pczone gave it 89% i think). But first u post saying how utter shit it is, then whe i say i think it is good u bite my head off and say i should accept the fact that it is shit. is it just me or is that a little unfair??? sure i amy have sounded like i felt strongly over the matter, but that is because i DID feel strongly over the matter.

just because i got an A* in my persuasive writing english essay ;)
although in that i didnt use caps lock and *s but thats not the point.....
..the point is that this is a discussion and discussions do end up with ppl screaming their points at each other.

AND u have to accept the good point of the game.... which is what ive been saying. but so far everyone i speak to just comments on the bad points and make no ackknowledgements on the good improvements? i mean, the way that the changes improve the tactical layout of the game and how we adapt the surroundings?
i wasn't aware of any tactical enhancements made to the game, maybe i missed them. could you elighten me as to what you personally found to be an improvement.

oh btw, it's good to hear from someone who reads PCZ, i think you're the first one i've met off these forums. remember, in their review they pretty much slated it, but they took the score as an individual game, not standing it up against the sequel.
I havn't played DX:IW but it sounds very consolely to me and not very in depth for a RPG/FPS. I don't like the look of the screenshots especially the interface.

All i can say is I find it suspicious that it's getting so many good reviews when so many people hate it, I would love to see a review that completely and utterly slanders this game, I hate the fact a large portion of the gameing commmunity stands unrepresented by the critics who seem to be loseing touch with the hardcore gamers and just pleaseing the masses. It stands to reason that a couple of gameing sites and magazines would have given this game really poor reviews.
yeah i noticed that too mrchimp. although my much loved PCZone did slander it, they ended up giving it an 89% for some weird reason about treating it as an individual game rather than a sequel. i suspect the main review sites around the net are afraid to lose their exclusives and what have you, and no doubt a few fivers slipped down their pockets for their convenience.
Suicide42 said:
OK.... thanks dedalus....
and king... btw this whole thread is here so we cam argue over DE:IW.... thats the point. and u have strong opinions so y cant i say my stong opinions? i know ive only played the demo, but i have read glowing revies of the game on the internet and in magazines (pcgamer gave it 92% + pczone gave it 89% i think). But first u post saying how utter shit it is, then whe i say i think it is good u bite my head off and say i should accept the fact that it is shit. is it just me or is that a little unfair??? sure i amy have sounded like i felt strongly over the matter, but that is because i DID feel strongly over the matter.

just because i got an A* in my persuasive writing english essay ;)
although in that i didnt use caps lock and *s but thats not the point.....
..the point is that this is a discussion and discussions do end up with ppl screaming their points at each other.

AND u have to accept the good point of the game.... which is what ive been saying. but so far everyone i speak to just comments on the bad points and make no ackknowledgements on the good improvements? i mean, the way that the changes improve the tactical layout of the game and how we adapt the surroundings?
He said you should accept the fact that some of us don't like it.

I played the demo.
It turned me off to the game completely.

It was just, Sub-Par.
The game as a whole just isn't good enough to be the smash sequel the DX fans were hoping for.
I haven't played DX" but what I have seen I had just one thought flashing through my mind: You are getting to old for this crap..

I start to feel like I don't have that kind of time (which is getting more and more precious) to waste on that boring shenanigan..
becuase i dont want a dumbed down console sequal to an awsome PC game.
Well if you guys would just accept this game for what it is... A game, then you would probably enjoy it. I have played it all the way through and have seen two of the endings so far. And if you just play it and not look for every little flaw or missing feature you will probably have a lot of fun with it.

My review of DX:IW-

Story: The story to DX:IW is very complex and all in all pretty well though out. Its intriguing sci fi that will keep you guessing till' the very end. Having said that, the story progression doesn't really work well for this game. There are so many alternatives that sometimes it seems as if the game has forgot where your going and who your allied with. You can betray one side and still partner with them on the next mission. And for the noob, it will be a little overwhelming at times as well.

Score: 8/10

Gameplay: Ah, the real meat and potatoes, the gameplay. DX:IW has pretty solid gameplay. Although with the in depth story and character progression through out the game, the action seems kind of missing. Normally you can talk your way out of most confrontations, and if you choose to fight the enemy AI is not the best, so the fight won't last too long. Depending on your upgrades you choose, and the weapons you carry, when you do fight it can prove to be strategic, fast paced, and pretty intense at times. Needs a few AI tweaks, but other than that, I think its pretty solid. Did I mention that although the physics rarely come into play (unless you get strenght biomods) you could spend hours tossing stuff around just to see how it will react.


Graphics: Here is where I think DX:IW excels the most. The graphics engine is the next gen we are all waiting for but right now. Even though the game was rushed (as you can tell by the slowdowns) The graphics are very good. realtime shadowing and lighting, self shadowing, bump mapping, good looking shaders, high poly counts, and believable animations really bring this game to life.


Sound: I'll go ahead and add the voice acting in here as well... The music score is pretty average, nothing really extraordinary, but why should it be? The sound effects are about the same really. Everything pretty much sounds as though it should. The voice acting for most characters is pretty good. Not oscar worthy, but good. Aside from some corny dialogue in parts, and funny sound bytes for indigenous creatures (rats, cats, and penguins) the sounds is just above average, which isn't a bad thing, I didn't want to hear an orchestra, I just wanted to play the game...


So in summary, I would probably rate this game a 8.5 out of 10.. And with some of the commercial crapstickz games we have been seeing as of late, thats good enough to warrant a purchase for me.
i agree with innervision and (to some extent) pczone... saying it is a game, instead of a sequel... everyone (and i mean basicly everyone) says its crap for the reason that it isnt as good as deus ex, but it still makes a very fun game to play. and like i said, its a game not real life. and i do accept that ppl dont like it its when ppl dont like it and dont accept AT ALL that the game in ANY WAY is good that pees me off a bit....

and what do u mean tactics? to me the ammo being the same (as an example) is a tactical improvement because:
ppl cannot just save up ammo for one gun then piuck it up later, use all the ammo and chuck it away
ppl have to conserve ammo and ammo is actually a reward and a good one rather than just an increasing number for the guns u dont use...
ppl can use the guns in a conserving way amd it solves the problem of charachers having so much ammo it is impossible to carry.
who cares if its unrealistic? all sci fi is unrealistic- thats the point. we COULD get ammo thats all the saame in the futurre, how do u know? and plus playing the demo i enjoyed it more anyway.

and tbh, even if the game WAS shit i like to play it for the story as well.... a lot of unfinished busness was in deus ex and i want to finish it off....

and if u hate the game so much just dont buy it.
Suicide42 said:
i agree with innervision and (to some extent) pczone... saying it is a game, instead of a sequel... everyone (and i mean basicly everyone) says its crap for the reason that it isnt as good as deus ex, but it still makes a very fun game to play. and like i said, its a game not real life. and i do accept that ppl dont like it its when ppl dont like it and dont accept AT ALL that the game in ANY WAY is good that pees me off a bit....

and what do u mean tactics? to me the ammo being the same (as an example) is a tactical improvement because:
ppl cannot just save up ammo for one gun then piuck it up later, use all the ammo and chuck it away
ppl have to conserve ammo and ammo is actually a reward and a good one rather than just an increasing number for the guns u dont use...
ppl can use the guns in a conserving way amd it solves the problem of charachers having so much ammo it is impossible to carry.
who cares if its unrealistic? all sci fi is unrealistic- thats the point. we COULD get ammo thats all the saame in the futurre, how do u know? and plus playing the demo i enjoyed it more anyway.

and tbh, even if the game WAS shit i like to play it for the story as well.... a lot of unfinished busness was in deus ex and i want to finish it off....

and if u hate the game so much just dont buy it.

This thing about the ammo being the same disturbs me, I could believe it if all the weapons were energy weapons but I'm geussing there not? that kind of thing ruins immersion for me even though I'm not that bothered about games being realistic I like them to make sense.
The physics aren't what I'd call 'great'. Everything weighs approximately one pound. Then there's the odd object with no physics enabled... I can throw bodies 100 feet in the air, but I CANNOT budge this couch!

Also, I feel they sorta took the easy way out in a lot of places... for example, there's just not enough PEOPLE... "Seattle" feels more like a large house than a city. Then there's the lock-ups... God... I really can't stand having this many.

I enjoyed it through one play-through, but it is just too much of a hassle to play to consider going through it again. It's not worth $50, in my opinion...
agree with a lot of points here but i guess people have different standards to others.

i think the defining question of any great piece of entertainment is: 'are you missing something if you haven't played/read/watched/listened to it?'. and in the case of DX:IW, the answer is a resounding No.
I never played the original so I had no expectations whatsoever. I still hated the sequel. It was just poorly done. I hated the universal ammo, I hated the crappy ragdoll physics, I hated the horrible AI, I hated the complex menu system, and I hated the fact that you shoot someone in the head at point blank range and they didn't die. It was a poorly made game in my opinion. It had potential, but didn't live up to it.
How can anyone give DX:IW high scores for graphics and physics? I'm sorry the look of the game is frankly substandard. If the direction and level of the graphics was going to go anywhere I would of expected them to run to the level of either Max Payne 2 or Hidden and Dangerous 2 by now. In fact the environments looked no better than the original game. The alarming thing is that in the pre release screenshots it is clear to see that there was a much better early build of the game. I think that incorporating the dynamic lighting system seriously compromised the level design of the game, and frankly it really isn't benefitial at all.

Also the characters are just cardboard bland, they have no animation, no action scripts (like the barman cleaning glasses or something). The best you get is an arm wave if they are talking outside of a cutscene, and in the populated areas there just were too few people. (In the Cairo archology, where were all the pequods customers?). Everything was stripped down to the essentials at the cost of atmosphere.

As for the physics, they were so not used I honestly couldn't see the need for them. Given how utterly unrealistic they were I'm amazed that Havok actually manage to sell them. Everything that could fall over fell as soon as you bumped it (max payne2 has the same problem also), whether it be chairs, flagpoles, bins whatever.
o.k. lets say, if only for a second, i agree, and deus ex is a pile of horse crap. But surely its worth haveing the game as A) a deus ex fan and b) to find out what happens next???
and also, have all of u ppl who have played it taken the game back for a refunds after buying it? or dont u U.S. ppl have that privallige in whatever kind of games stores u have all the way over there...
i guess it's worth getting the game to see for yourself what everyone is up in arms about, but i would very tentatively surrender my money like this in the future. i was desperate to be proven wrong about DX2 so i bought it on import from the US, and getting a refund would cost me more trouble than it's worth, so i'm lumbered with something that is essentially a waste of money.

like i said earlier suicide42, buy it in feb/march, give it a good spin (and i mean play it through at least 2-3 times) and let us know what you think. my money is on you being disappointed. you'll probably like it but ultimately you'll see the holes. that's just what i think anyway.
Suicide42 said:
o.k. lets say, if only for a second, i agree, and deus ex is a pile of horse crap. But surely its worth haveing the game as A) a deus ex fan and b) to find out what happens next???
and also, have all of u ppl who have played it taken the game back for a refunds after buying it? or dont u U.S. ppl have that privallige in whatever kind of games stores u have all the way over there...

Actually no because A)I wasn't a deus ex fan and B) Don't really care what happens next if I have to put up with a substandard game to find out. As for refunds...luckily I never bought it. =)
well as a deus ex fan i would buy it AND KEEP IT even if it is a pile of shit, as i like to play games for the fun of it not how flawed it is. if a game came out like half life is now, would u say it was a pile of crap and u shouldnt play it? no, thats not imlying anything im just saying that atm im playing half life again, and im enjoying it.... so im sure ill get my moneys worth of deus ex by enjoying it. maybe its jsut because im not fussy- i mean, i love the sims but ppl say its crap.... i mean i wouldnt touch the later expansions with a 60ft pole but i play them coz i enjoy playing them.
and im not starting another argument here (im worn out) im just saying.
Kadayi Polokov said:
How can anyone give DX:IW high scores for graphics and physics? I'm sorry the look of the game is frankly substandard. If the direction and level of the graphics was going to go anywhere I would of expected them to run to the level of either Max Payne 2 or Hidden and Dangerous 2 by now. In fact the environments looked no better than the original game. The alarming thing is that in the pre release screenshots it is clear to see that there was a much better early build of the game. I think that incorporating the dynamic lighting system seriously compromised the level design of the game, and frankly it really isn't benefitial at all.

Also the characters are just cardboard bland, they have no animation, no action scripts (like the barman cleaning glasses or something). The best you get is an arm wave if they are talking outside of a cutscene, and in the populated areas there just were too few people. (In the Cairo archology, where were all the pequods customers?). Everything was stripped down to the essentials at the cost of atmosphere.

As for the physics, they were so not used I honestly couldn't see the need for them. Given how utterly unrealistic they were I'm amazed that Havok actually manage to sell them. Everything that could fall over fell as soon as you bumped it (max payne2 has the same problem also), whether it be chairs, flagpoles, bins whatever.

And....there's something REALLY wrong with you if you believe DX: IW has the same graphics as DX. Either that, or you haven't upgraded your TNT2 video card. And yea I agree with you 100% about the blandness of the characters and the populated areas being very.....empty. However, if your complaint in physics is knocking into things makes them fall over, I don't see your complaint. Apparently you've never ran into anything. Run into a trashcan or a flagpole, tell me if it falls over. If it does, you can't complain. :rolling:
let me guess...."in soviet russia, bar walks into you"...?
I dont get it why didnt they just make dx:iw, identical to deus ex with the skills , hacking timers, slots etc.. perhaps add a few things, improve graphics, do the physics thingy and there you have it a great game! I have no idea why they removed stuff which was great in deus ex thats what annoys me the most.
I agree Tony. I mean for gods sake they even took out putting in key codes into door locks. Its all automatic now and its lost all feeling.

The orriginal made me feel like I was part of a vast world and that I had more control over the enviroment than in most games. In the sequal all that feeling has vanished.

I can't actually describe how much I hate them for ruining one of my favourite games of all time. Bah!

Oh and I am definatly not buying it. I don't care. I aint spending cash on that piece of shit. Maybe I will download it to see if it has any redeaming features. Then delete it again.

noooooooo no coodes........ dont tell me they took out dadapads as well!

......they didnt did they???
Datacubes are still in (less of them, though)... but anything like keypad codes contained within them are just automatically added to your... well, you can use the pads that go with that code then...