What Are You Thinking?

Im thining why you made this to see what I am thinking. To see what other people are thinking to see if they think alike to think the think to think the same to think again to find the thinking behind the think within the think amongst the thinking to uphold the thinking to judge everyones thinking to think along the lines of think.
im thinking should i do my workout routine, or stay on the computer
poseyjmac said:
im thinking should i do my workout routine, or stay on the computer
Oh workout routine....which mag you use?Hustler or playboy?I for one use both...
I'm thinkin some hypocrite is gonna close this thread :(

hey, you asked :(
See the tax thread below. I can't believe I am so steamed right now. :angry:
Thinking about my mod. :D

And my girlfriend... yep...
I am thinking I am sleepy, and on that note, Good Nite to you all! :burp:
If I wanted you to know, I'd be talking instead of thinking
63SixThreeSix3 said:
Yeah, I'm thinking about her aswell.

*kicks you in teh face*

*whistles, walks away*

Well, just to let you know, she's thinking about you, 6Three. ;)
What if I told you that I really don't have a girlfriend? What if I said I only pretended to have one, but it is actually me? Would you be thinking about me, then, huh huh huh?!?!
I'm thinking about...meh, who am I kidding. It's too late to think. I'm just staring at the screen in a daze.
Erestheux said:
What if I told you that I really don't have a girlfriend? What if I said I only pretended to have one, but it is actually me? Would you be thinking about me, then, huh huh huh?!?!
oh, but I am
My mind is currently half-way between the gutter and the stars...
I'm thinking about the very nature of the human soul and our place in the universe. It's some heavy shit. Man.
I'm thinking about my own personality, because I was asked in a poll somewhere on this forum :eek:
I'm thinking the music in this game sucks (being Dark Chronicles).
I was just about doing something but reading this thread made me forgot what it was :flame:

Oh and yeah I gotta check out the Your Personality thread
Deadline said:
So... what ARE you thinking?
Thats easy, right now I'm consumed with which drawing tablet to buy.. after annoying ALL the staff about it :E
I'm thinking I should post something short and then leave...

/me leaves.
I'm trying to think of away to make this sweeeping sound fit together with a good drumsound, yet i want it to sound less technoish and more triphopish..

soo hard
"What am I thinking...?"
Hey we are thinking about the same thing, incredible. Honestly I try to think but the hives are playing on the computer and it mixes my thoughts up so meh!
i'm thinking about music.. how effing hard it is to do your own music.. how i need a dozen LP records to slice off and use for my music.. this ugly show on tv called Rescue 911, some american show with 90% reconstruction.. oh and i think my avatar is cool
Now I'm thinking of things that begin with 'ch'...
Im thinking of my name because its begins with ch, and its the first things that comes to mind :p
Im thinking its weird how my finger was inside my nose at the point of reading the post above

Somekind of new voodoo effect?
if you only knew >:]

/me juggles his Zapp Brannigan doll

edit: I'm thinking about sparrow going loopdeloop... wheee