What Breen Said On Screens In The Beggining, What Happened to Them?(SPOILERS)


Oct 9, 2004
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OK Breen talks about immortality, and in the beggining, i thought hl2 was about people resisting against breens decrie (spelling?) that no one is allowed to reproduce. Its never mentioned again. Also there is graffiti that has a mother holding a baby and it says resist, another clue that thats what its about. Kinda wierd. The ending is just, so, uggg, its just a bad cliffhanger in my opinion, i think that there should have been a lot of unanswered questions, but simple ones about what you just did should have been answered. Whatever...
Breen not wanting reproduction led me to believe that it was his way of killing off the "old" human species and only allowing for the new ones. Of course if that is the case then I don't see any reason why his forces could have simply commited mass genocide before. They were certainly capable of it.
Well, How do they reproduct? The combine that is. They all seem like they are guys to me. The combine must be trannys and reproduct by themselves. Wow... Thats a weird thought.
Shamrock said:
Well, How do they reproduct? The combine that is. They all seem like they are guys to me. The combine must be trannys and reproduct by themselves. Wow... Thats a weird thought.
Well cloning wouldn't be a surprising method of "reproducing" combine soldiers if you ask me.
I never thought of cloning. Good idea. I can't wait for HL3.. Hopefully, it doesn't bite the big one. :( Wow.. I can't wait 6 more years for another HL game.
The Combine (or, more specifically, the Overwatch) are just normal citizens with biomechanoid enhancements implanted against their will. Remember when Gordon and Alyx find Eli...she sees all of the other innocent people held by the Combine in those pods. There are alot of clues about the Combine transforming people into Overwatch soldiers.

It's not Breen, per se, who is preventing reproduction...it's the Combine. Breen's nothing but a traitor and a puppet of the Combine. He even makes that statement about "negotiating" with the Combine. I suspect that he just takes his orders from the Combine leadership and acts as a human face to the citizens.

The Combine wouldn't want unregulated reproduction amongst the populous. They're trying to occupy an entire world...a pretty long-term proposition. Children of the resistance would grow up to be members of the resistance as adults, after all.
You know what's weird is I almost specifically remember seeing pictures of child models from HL2 beta screens. Then again there were a lot of things that were changed or didn't end up making it in the final game, so maybe they just decided whatever the children were originally doing in City 17, that was going to be cut and make it so that people of the future aren't allowed to reproduce.

BTW, trannies can't reproduce. They're just dudes. :p I think you're thinking of hermaphrodites (like Cartman's mother on South Park), but they can't reproduce by themselves either. :LOL: Humans aren't asexual beings. Besides in the future, if I'm to understand correctly there's a "suppression field" that makes it impossible for people to have children. I don't know if this is some invisible field that's emiting some kind of radiation that kills off sperm and eggs, or if it's the more hilarious option that people of the future have impenetrable forcefields around their genitals.
They probably took out the kid models 'cause it's bad form to like, allow a strider to impale a 5 year-old, or let a 4th grader get caught in a firefight (think X+ rating, or whatever, instead of M+). Then maybe they added that dialog to explain the problem of why there were no kids in the city?
DSDchemE said:
They probably took out the kid models 'cause it's bad form to like, allow a strider to impale a 5 year-old, or let a 4th grader get caught in a firefight (think X+ rating, or whatever, instead of M+). Then maybe they added that dialog to explain the problem of why there were no kids in the city?
Which is ashame yet understandable.
You can hear children screaming and crying in ravenholm though, checkout the .GCF sound files ;)
And in the playground right in the begginning children laugh in this haunted kind of way when you step onto the merry go round, really quite creepy.
I remember hearing something about no children in HL2 in the game and then thinking yeah thats right there are no kids. Does anyone remember where this was said? I think Barney said it or something. I forgot. But I would have never noticed unless it was brought up.
they don't need to reproduce.... they don't die...

combine are immortal but not invunerable...

combine are gender-neutral. They're all the same form of man-machine mix. Think of the borg

remember that these are assumptions, but pretty good ones
we11er said:
You can hear children screaming and crying in ravenholm though, checkout the .GCF sound files ;)

Those aren't children screaming, those are the zombies. The human hosts are, apparently, in alot of pain...they scream throughout the game. Put them out of their misery.
I still think it would've been ballsy to have kids fighting alongside you in City 17. You know...every able-bodied man, woman, and child to arms!

"Lead on, Mr. Fweeman!" :LOL:
i could swear when u just leave barney, theres a queue of people signing up to be CP's or something. I think one mentioned something about better than going hungry...i need to check.
bilbov said:
i could swear when u just leave barney, theres a queue of people signing up to be CP's or something. I think one mentioned something about better than going hungry...i need to check.

Just started my second go-round of HL2 and I found this part (missed it the first time). When you talk to one of the people in line in the train station, she says she considered joining the Civil Patrol just for better food.

I wonder, are the CP's actually just citizens working for the Combine, or are they biomechanically-enhanced like the Overwatch soldiers? The idea that the CP's get better food, etc may be just Combine propaganda.
well the combine people with the guns and killing and stuff, talk scream and curse like humans, when you toss a grenade at them you hear them scream "SH IT!" So im confused about who are cps and who are combine. This holw immortality also confuses the shit out of me
What the humans in HL2 refer to as 'combine' are not (as so many people think) modified humans with robot appendages or something. The combine is a race of highly evolved aliens that travels from planet to planet to assimiliate lifeforms. Their technology is so advanced that they have lost the use of their limbs over the years, so they look worm-like. To be successful in their invasions, they use technology to make their bodies look (and work) like the dominant species of the planet they invade. Thus, in HL2 on earth, they look like humans. And, like said before, Breen in only the human who represent the human race, he doesn't lead the combine. I'm not sure who does, but I and many others think it's the creature known as the 'combine advisor' (just type it in google and you'll get some pics). You see it on screens in the last levels of HL2.

Just see if you can download "raising the bar", a book on half life 2. In that book it's described what the developers had in mind when making HL2. It also contains some cool designs and concept art. I'm not sure where to get it (I got it off some russian site (and yes, it was english)) so, sorry, no links.
HL Guru said:
What the humans in HL2 refer to as 'combine' are not (as so many people think) modified humans with robot appendages or something. The combine is a race of highly evolved aliens that travels from planet to planet to assimiliate lifeforms. Their technology is so advanced that they have lost the use of their limbs over the years, so they look worm-like. To be successful in their invasions, they use technology to make their bodies look (and work) like the dominant species of the planet they invade. Thus, in HL2 on earth, they look like humans. And, like said before, Breen in only the human who represent the human race, he doesn't lead the combine. I'm not sure who does, but I and many others think it's the creature known as the 'combine advisor' (just type it in google and you'll get some pics). You see it on screens in the last levels of HL2.

Just see if you can download "raising the bar", a book on half life 2. In that book it's described what the developers had in mind when making HL2. It also contains some cool designs and concept art. I'm not sure where to get it (I got it off some russian site (and yes, it was english)) so, sorry, no links.

Most people know all this. what you've done is bumped a thread from around the time half life 2 was released when people were slightly confused by the half-life 2 storyline.

And Breens role is admin of earth, he negotiated our surrender. The soldiers on earth are humans upgraded with combine technology - thats why they call them humans - because they are. But you are right in saying that the combine are a highly advanced alien race though there are no actual combine aliens one earth, the soldiers you fight are not aliens they are humans.

Was there really any need to bump this , I suspect this thread will be locked now.
Samon said:
Most people know all this. what you've done is bumped a thread from around the time half life 2 was released when people were slightly confused by the half-life 2 storyline.

And Breens role is admin of earth, he negotiated our surrender. The soldiers on earth are humans upgraded with combine technology - thats why they call them humans - because they are. But you are right in saying that the combine are a highly advanced alien race though there are no actual combine aliens one earth, the soldiers you fight are not aliens they are humans.

Was there really any need to bump this , I suspect this thread will be locked now.

Duh. I didn't bother to look at the dates of the posts above me. Already thought it was a bad idea to comment so late.
HL Guru said:
Duh. I didn't bother to look at the dates of the posts above me. Already thought it was a bad idea to comment so late.

Well its alright to make such suggestions, as most of what you say is true but bumping such threads isn't wise. Check the page you found it on first ;)
This is what I think:

Civil protection = Normal humans working for the combine to get better food etc.
Combine Soldiers = Brainwashed humans enchanced with implants.
Overwatch = half-human, half-combine clones created in the citadel.
What do you think?
The Overwatch IS the combine soldiers. Your right about the first two, just not the last.
With overwatch I meant the one eyed white elite soldiers. I dont remember their name.
SteelMeister said:
With overwatch I meant the one eyed white elite soldiers. I dont remember their name.

Elite. And they are exactly the same as the combine soldiers you described :)
I see... But I thought it was something special with them. Not just better equipment and better experience. Cause they semmed to be assigned to guard the citadel as they rarely was seen outside the citadel. Not like some normal elite troops making special missions and stuff.
SteelMeister said:
I see... But I thought it was something special with them. Not just better equipment and better experience. Cause they semmed to be assigned to guard the citadel as they rarely was seen outside the citadel. Not like some normal elite troops making special missions and stuff.

No its just another enemy type. There were plenty of normal soldiers in the citadel. Would you enjoy looking at the same generic model ;) ?
Samon said:
Elite. And they are exactly the same as the combine soldiers you described :)

not really, i guess they are human but they "combine" him up literally, cuz the last time i checked Humans didnt have one eye. So i guess the elite is the Footman of the Combine forces on there planet
I still thinks it something special about them. Cause CPs, soldiers and nova prospekt soldiers have the same type of mask and dark coulored armour(not the CPs off course cause they work as the police force and uses light armour, maybe kevlar). But then we have the elite who really stand out from the other soldiers with their one eyed helmets and white armour. Uniforms have always played a role in the hierarchy of armies. So why would the Combine be different?