What Comes After Avatar? More Avatar


Jul 30, 2008
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We'll follow Jake and Neytiri [in the next movies.] I have a trilogy-scaled arc of story right now, but I haven't really put any serious work into writing a script.

This being James Cameron, of course, he'd much rather talk about the technology than the story:

From the time we capture and finish the capture, it's literally nine to 10 months to get the CG characters working, to get their facial musculature working. So now we have Jake, we have Neytiri. Sam can step right back into it, the characters will fit them like a glove, and we'll just go on. So a lot of the start-up torque that had to be done for one movie really makes more sense if you play it out across several films. My next goal is to refine the technique, make it easier so it doesn't take as long. We were doing a lot of pioneering work on 'Avatar.' It wouldn't have taken as long if we already knew exactly how to do it.
Good. But more battle scenes this time. Make it like Aliens compared to Alien.
Well in that case, you can safely bet it'll be more battle focused.

The boring introduction and awe bit is over, much like in LOTR...err, I mean, a good trilogy, like Spider..er..Ramb..Star W..no that had more than 3..errr...
The sequel should only be five minutes long as the humans come back and glass the planet with nukes.
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought "This should sure as hell be about the cartoon TV series, not the movie".
the film will focus on the lives of Jake Sully and Neytiri, now a married couple. but the honeymoon is over and they are now faced with moral dilemmas between keeping their family intact and meeting the requirements of a fast paced na'vi society. jake wants to pursue a career in the military while neytiri's ambitious goals are suppressed by her responsibility as a wife and the mother of two children. the third film will focus on their divorce and Jake's attempts to dodge child support.
the film will focus on the lives of Jake Sully and Neytiri, now a married couple. but the honeymoon is over and they are now faced with moral dilemmas between keeping their family intact and meeting the requirements of a fast paced na'vi society. jake wants to pursue a career in the military while neytiri's ambitious goals are suppressed by her responsibility as a wife and the mother of two children. the third film will focus on their divorce and Jake's attempts to dodge child support.

I'll be honest, I thought you were being serious for a minute -__- But yes, I agree, there should most definitely be more battle scenes. Although I really have no idea what they could possibly be fighting =P
Can someone exactly tell me what the **** is so AWSOME about this movie ? I didn't see it and I know that I shouldn't be judging it only by the trailer , but so far the only positive reviews about this movie have been "OMFGOMFOGMOEMEOGEON MUST SEE GOGOGOGO ITS AWSUM"
unhn I already hate the idea of avatar becoming a franchise :|
Yeah, I gotta agree with Darkside. How is James Cameron gonna make the script last more than one page? Actually, you know what? Here's what a realistic Avatar 2 would look like.


Thing is, I enjoyed the spectacle of Avatar, but as the credits rolled, all I could think of was a line spoken by none other than Sigourney Weaver in a James Cameron film:
I saw we dust off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Well said, Ripley. Well said.
Avatar 2:

Yours Truly said:
The exploitative corporate powers wipe out the entire Na'vi resistance, via high altitude bombing runs and VX gas. Along with napalm. Lots and lots of napalm. Jack Sully is arrested and tried for multiple counts of first degree murder, sabotage, destruction of private property, dessertion, treason, and finally beastiality. He is found guilty of all charges.

The Na'vi are then rounded up in reservations where tourists from Earth can stare at them. The mining operation is a complete success, and humanity ushers in a new era of prosperity, ready to fight and annihiliate the next sentient alien race for the glory of mankind, in a war for dominance of the universe.

Or you know, Avatar 2 might actually have no humans at all. Humanity might have found another planet with natural resources to exploit. Avatar 2 will then be a romantic comedy featuring Mr. Sully and his.... *insert word for female feline here*.

Jesus Christ no.

Anyway, what I mean to say is that there are plenty of ways to make this workable.
I solely have faith because James Cameron can sure as hell make a great sequel
The sequel should only be five minutes long as the humans come back and glass the planet with nukes.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit." -Ellen Ripley

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought "This should sure as hell be about the cartoon TV series, not the movie".

If only.