What controls you



Iv been a counsel gamer for most of my life but aside from the fact that i needed a new computer i pretty much got one to play half life 2. unfortunately im not used to using a mouse and a keyboard in 1st person shooters so i found out i could splice a xbox controller and a usb cord only to find out that i cannot use dual joysticks. Has anyone else tried this or know of a controller that can use with dual joysticks.
I have never once given using a controller on my PC a thought, ever. I use a joystick for BF2 but just for aircrafts.
I think you should really learn to use the mouse/keyboard, because it is truly so much better and easier to control a FPS with it, it allows more precision. Just mess with the keys and find what is comfortable and u will get used to it and never look back at a controller ever again.
i was afraid someone would say something like that. I dont think that there is a way to make a key board and mouse more confortable than a controller because you have to be sitting upright with both hands on the desk looking straight into the monitor where as with a contoller i can lean back and not feel so on edge. also with a controller you can vary the speed at which you walk. i was almost afraid to post something about this because i know how much pc gamers love their mouse and kboard combo becuase the can control so many different things but dont you think that you could easily get through this game wtih 10 buttons
btw im not saying that one way is right and the other is wrong iv just grown up with a controller in my hand and thats what im most comfortable with. i just wanted to know if half life 2 didnt supported dual joystick controllers of if i need a new contoller or new drivers.
YourUglyFace said:
I dont think that there is a way to make a key board and mouse more confortable than a controller because you have to be sitting upright with both hands on the desk looking straight into the monitor where as with a contoller i can lean back and not feel so on edge.

Well, I'm guessing your setup is just not right. Your chair or desk is probably too high/low. The way I use key&mouse is I have a really low chair, so I can lean back, my legs are way under the desk and my chest is just above the edge. Whatever, it doesn't matter...

What you want to do is use a controller for a HL2, and since I can't help you worth shit, I suggest you use google and see what you can see...
or just be lazy and wait for someone here to help you :p
Yeah, probably setup.

I used to put my feet up on my monitor and kick back while playing CS.

And I know how you feel, I too grew up on consoles and just switched over to PC games in the last few years, and I have to say, it took me ages to get used to the Kboard Mouse combo, but once I did, I have to say it's much better than the controller we console ******s are used to :p

Take it from another console fanboy. It may not feel right at first, but after you get used to it, you'll notice the benefits right away.

Well, I used to be a console fanboy. I think they suck now, go figure.

EDIT: Oh and consul. Hehe. Made me think perhaps you were fillipino.

I play both consol FPS and PC FPS. I find both equaly enjoyable. As for your problem with the whole controller/keyboard thing. There are actual controllers designed for pc's arnt there? Do they work with half life?
I've got a dual analog USB gamepad. haven't actually tried it with Half-Life 2 though, I use it for emulators.
When I played Halo on an Xbox for the first time I got killed by the first pack of grunts I met :( Never figured out how to use the controller.
Yea i like the mouse over the contorller alot more precsion when enemies are in your face and you have to make percise movements to hit them, like in cs where people are 2 feet infront of you and you both have pistols, its a matter of who will be a spectator and who wont. =D
Right, this may be a little long winded but as far as I know its the best way to get dual control in both Half-Life and Half-Life 2. (-EDIT- Watch out haphazard and questionably written guide)

1.) I'm assuming that you have the XBCD (X-Box Controller Driver) from http://www.redcl0ud.com/xbcd.html if not I recommend you download it. (And in all honesty its probably a good idea to download the latest version anyway.)

2.) The next step is to make sure the controllers working fine by checking it in the Control Panel. (Don't worry I'll explain)

Make sure the controllers plugged in, go to the Start Menu, click Control Panel and go Game Controllers. You should see the X-Box controller listed there.

3.) Next get the program ControlMK from http://www.redcl0ud.com/controlmk/index.html

This program will translate anything your pad does into a key press or mouse movement.

4.) Assign key presses to each of the buttons and movements of the analogue sticks. (This bits a little hard to explain but easy enough to pick up) Then when you get into Half-Life 2 rebind all the controls by selecting the button you want to change then pressing the appropriate button analogue direction. (This sounds more technical than it really is. I'll write up something in more detail later if its really needed.

5.) Play Half-Life 2

Apologies for the very rushed and rough guide to playing Half-Life 2 it would be easier to understand but this current PC lacks both ControlMK and HL2.

Give me a shout if you need more detail. It can be done.

(And for all you nay-sayers, Far Cry works well on an X-Box controller. Or at least I found it did.)
YourUglyFace said:
Iv been a counsel gamer for most of my life but aside from the fact that i needed a new computer i pretty much got one to play half life 2. unfortunately im not used to using a mouse and a keyboard in 1st person shooters so i found out i could splice a xbox controller and a usb cord only to find out that i cannot use dual joysticks. Has anyone else tried this or know of a controller that can use with dual joysticks.
Ya know what, I thought the exact same thing when I went from playing UT on my ps2 to the PC. I was so horrible on the mouse lol- every time I tried to play I ended up looking up and spinning around like an idot :x . I was gonna buy a controller for my comp, but I decided to give the mouse a try for one more week. Eventually I got better and better at it. Now I can't see myself going back from mouse to a controller. The mouse really is the ultimate aiming tool.
So my advice to you is: Learn to use a mouse for FPS games. You'll thank me later. :)