What did I miss from the old Xbox


Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Ive had my xbox 360 for a good 6 months now. I was wondering which games I could get from the old Xbox system that are worth playing. People have suggested Ninja Gaiden, I love the old NES game and the reviews were good for this.

Any others I should play? I like third person games like Ninja Gaiden and Psi-Ops
Jade Empire
Elder Scroll 3
Knights of the Old Republic 1,2

There's probably more that I'm missing. Those should keep you occupied.

Edit...almost forgot Chronicles of Riddick.
jade Empire got 9.9 from IGN!! WOW

Im gonna pick this up, whats it all about? Ive read the review but it doesnt go much into the story. Is it like the Final Fantasy games?
KOTOR! It's a brilliant RPG.
Agreed about KOTOR, it's a lovely game. Make sure you turn the subtitles off for a more movie like experience :) The sequel is pretty good, but obviously rushed and not quite up to Bioware standards. Still well worth a play.

Panzer Dragoon Orta is excellent if you're into shooters. Shenmue 2 if you missed it on the DC. I've a huge soft spot for JFRF too, which is cheap as chips these days. There's plenty of other games wortth checking out.
The sequel is pretty good, but obviously rushed and not quite up to Bioware standards. Still well worth a play.

Frankly, KOTOR 2 is better then KOTOR early but is crap towards the ending. Take not that KOTOR 2 was made by obsidian entertainment and not bioware.

I have not played jade empire, but I probubly will pick the PC version sometime. Its an rpg made by bioware set in a mythical china.
Things I miss from the old xbox are as follows...

Wow, I guess I didn't like any games.
Chronicles of Riddick
Burnout 3

They're probably my top 5 games. Admittedly some are multi-format and you may have played them already.
jade Empire got 9.9 from IGN!! WOW

Im gonna pick this up, whats it all about? Ive read the review but it doesnt go much into the story. Is it like the Final Fantasy games?

Well, without getting too detailed, and I haven't played it since 2005, it's your basic RPG storyline. It's inspired a lot by old Chinese Mythology and, actually, Kung-Fu flicks. There's a threat facing the Empire and it's up to you which way you go...good/evil. I don't want to spoil anything as it's best experienced, but know that there's massive depth in developing fighting skills, magic, etc. AND, you'll be playing it for a while. Also, the game is gorgeous.

I feel like this game flies under a lot of radars, but I assure you...most that play it are blown away.

Without a doubt, IMO, it's the best RPG EVER on the XBox. And, top 5 all-time for myself. Highly recommend picking it up IMMEDIATLY. I'll even take it a step further, best game ever for the XBOX....f*ck Halo. :thumbs:
Chronicles of Riddick
Burnout 3

They're probably my top 5 games. Admittedly some are multi-format and you may have played them already.

I woulda said burnout 3, but that is ALSO for the PS2...so I didn't see a point in naming something for the xbox that wasn't exclusive :O
I woulda said burnout 3, but that is ALSO for the PS2...so I didn't see a point in naming something for the xbox that wasn't exclusive :O

Thing is, the OP didn't say whether they owned a PS2 or Gamecube so it's worth mentioning multi-format titles that they may not have played anyway. I see your point though.
Thing is, the OP didn't say whether they owned a PS2 or Gamecube so it's worth mentioning multi-format titles that they may not have played anyway. I see your point though.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from, I just figured I'd put my limbs out. Then again, the few games I'd get for the Xbox doesn't warrant me getting one, sadly. I don't know why, but for some reason, Xbox games just turn me off...maybe I'm, in my subconscious, a Playstation fanboy! D:
Kotor. That game was the only reason I got a Xbox anyway. (And Halo.. Hell, it was phun!)
I heard that in Jade Empire, if you play a female character, you can be a lesbian? Is it true?!!?