What did you eat today?


Jul 4, 2003
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Over the last year, I've dropped around 75 to 80 pounds. I'm trying to continue stay fit, and healthy, and am striving to reach my ideal physique. I like to count calories, and I thought it would be interesting to see what my peers eating habits are. So if you're game enter like this:


Hieght: 5'11
Weight: 185 - 190

* Bowl of cereal (blueberry muffin top) with 2% milk = 300 calories (estimate)

* package of cheese on wheat crackers = 150 calories

* two trukey/cheese/mayo on wheat sandwhiches = 800 calories (estimate)
handfull of baked cheetos chips = 200 calories (estimate)
Cup of apple sauce = 50 calories (estimate)

Daily intake = 1500 calories

I feel like I ate a whole lot today though :( I'm about to go to bed and am feeling to lazy to do my HIIT cardio lol oh well I need a day off, I'll hit it hard tomorrow. Work drained me lastnight so thats my excuse :LOL: (plus i've been running around 4 - 6 miles a day for two weeks straight)

You guys don't have to total up your calories and all that, I'm just interested to see everyones eating habits and what not. Thanks
shit you make me feel unhealty

ate a danish (ummmm icing), half a carrot and a coffee this morning ...I'm starving atm
170-180cm tall
16yrs old
10stone 3pounds

Cocopops about 3 bowls
Drank one isotonic sports drink
1 packet of chewing gum
1/2 tray of chips
500ml Coca-cola

Having Tea in 30mins
I ate a donut, and that's pretty much all I've eaten today.
Today...2 speedy snacks burgers, 60 seconds, no fackin about.
Bleh, hungover today, so it's been nothing but coffee and lucozade for sustenance. And a bag of prawn cocktail crisps.

Starting to get some appetite, pasta for dinner methinks.
whoa prawn cocktail crisps! That sounds crazy, is it like fishy/saucy flavored chip? I've never heard of such a thing lol
Innervision961 said:
whoa prawn cocktail crisps! That sounds crazy, is it like fishy/saucy flavored chip? I've never heard of such a thing lol
Crazy Americans.
They don't really taste like prawns at all.

They're yummy though.
I wish I could try some :( I like dill pickle chips, and sea salt and vinegar chips, so I'm sure i'd like those. The description I read just said "tangy" lol
5' 10"
155 lbs

bagel + egg + tomato
glass of water

granola bar
turkey sandwich
half of a pita with peanut butter
handful of skittles

I haven't had dinner yet, but last night I had pasta with chicken, onion and tomato, plus greek salad and some chips. Drank barley tea and water.
Breakfast: Bowl of Cocopops in Milk
Lunch: Sausage and Ketchup Sub
Dinner: TBA

1x Glass of water
1x Glass of milk
I havent eaten yet today, but usually eat alot unworried about the calories. I stay fit by lifting 3-4 times a week and running 3-4 times a week also.
smoke said:

Our system wins!

I have to agree.

Anyway, I just got up so I haven't eaten anything. We don't have anything in the fridge. Hmm.
Greedy me today...

Apple pie x2
Cheese String
3 cobs (2 with ham and onion, 1 with cheese and onion)
Bag of salt n vinegar crisps
some cheesy biscuit things
Southern friend chicken
Chips (fries)

Yum. I love being able to eat as much as i like and not put weight on :D
Ren.182 said:
Greedy me today...

Apple pie x2
Cheese String
3 cobs (2 with ham and onion, 1 with cheese and onion)
Bag of salt n vinegar crisps
some cheesy biscuit things
Southern friend chicken
Chips (fries)

Yum. I love being able to eat as much as i like and not put weight on :D

Must be nice, I just say hamburger and I gain five pounds, lousy metabolism ;(
DreadLord1337 said:
Obviously, but what are 10 stones?
Erm. Thats the Measurement they use in your country. There's 13 pounds in a stone. I'd use kilograms but heads would explode.
Solaris said:
Erm. Thats the Measurement they use in your country. There's 13 pounds in a stone. I'd use kilograms but heads would explode.
Um no, they don't. I've never heard stones used here in my entire life. However, kilograms would make sense.
DreadLord1337 said:
Um no, they don't. I've never heard stones used here in my entire life. However, kilograms wouold make sense.
O Rly?

Well that's just whack.
I ate 2 pancakes, 3 strips of beacon for breakfast. For lunch I had Roast Beef Sandwich... But surprisingly enough I don't get fat!
pepperoni, canadian bacon, and turkey on a hamburger bum.
My meat sandwhich.
hungryduck said:
pepperoni, canadian bacon, and turkey on a hamburger bum.
My meat sandwhich.
Sounds tasty. :) I love my meat Pizza's. :D

Just had a slice of cheese and some more cheesy biscuits... i really eat random stuff. :)
"Stone" is a British term. You will NEVER hear it used in America- in fact, I'd never even heard of it 'till I went over the pond last spring.

Height: 6'.5"
Weight: 155 lbs
Age: 16 (17 in 23 days! :D)
and I've eaten so far:

2 tacos, 12 ounces of chocolate milk, and a peppermint patty.

Gotta love healthy school lunches :rolleyes:
135 lbs
Age: 16

Breakfast: Egg on a roll
Lunch : Hotdog, saurkraut, ketchup mustard, tater tots.
After school: 8 CC cookies with milk
Dinner: still pending
Dessert: still pending
123 lbs
Age: 19

Breakfast: large bowl of frosted flakes
Lunch: don't know
Dinner: don't know
Snack: S'mores

<3 eating any damn thing I want and just having it flow right through me. I've been around this weight for 4 years now.
I used to be a little overwieght, had quite a stomach.
I lost it in about 2 months, just by walking to school everyday. That's the only change I made. Walking is imo the best excercise, it's simple and slots easilly into most peoples daily routines.
english muffin... an egg... some juice... a piece of bread with gay sausages on it... some milk.. a few cookies.. some rice crackers... string cheese.. yoghurt... apple sauce.. yes that covers it. it seems like i've eaten a lot but im still hungry =(

im 5'11, 150lbs.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 198 lbs (need to bulk up before the summer workouts D:)
Age: 16

Cereal and oatmeal...dinner is in an hour and a half.
5' 6.5"
125 pounds
14 years old

Mini Wheats this morning
Apple sauce
Soy Milk
Capree Sun
Well I had spaghetti for dinner. And ate a plate full...I think I ate so much i'm going to implode. :x
5' 8"
160 lbs

Apple for breakfast
Subway turkey breast for lunch
baked some chicken for dinner. Also had fettucini noodles and a noodle/broccoli salad
had a can of Dr pepper afterwards
probably had 3-4 large glasses of water durring the day and for meals
a bag of M&Ms

...im hungry right now. I need a snack.
Age 20 (21 in 3 weeks :D)
~205 lbs

-bowl of cereal
-cup of orange juice
-protein shake
-chicken & bean burrito
-chicken salad sandwich
-another whey protein shake
-bowl of mixed fruit
-roughly a gallon of water throughout the day