What difficulty setting would you prefer?

What difficulty setting would you prefer?

  • I want a set difficulty that cannot be changed.

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Easy

    Votes: 9 13.2%
  • Normal

    Votes: 35 51.5%
  • Hard

    Votes: 17 25.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I know myself that I would prefer to play a game on its harder difficulties first, so as not to ruin the excitement/intensity on my first time through. Personally, I hate playing games on Easy only to beat it in 2-3 hours and not be interested enough to play through it again. So what would you prefer?
There is a search button??????!!!!. Just kidding, oh well, he got under 100 posts so no flaming, but as soon as you get above 100, the flaming begins.
Well I willl go hardest then if it is impossible to beat (which is rare) I go to normal
:thumbs: Nah, I always go for default difficulty. Well, maybe I should start playing games from now on... because once I play a game's single player I will most likely not play it again.
I'm the king of bongo baby I'm the king of bongo-bong...

and playing hardest at first is a good idea that i'll try ;)
I selected easy for the first time around because I want to beat HL2 somewhat fast so I won't have to worry about spoilers anymore and be able to come back on the forum and so I don't get stuck anywhere. I realy don't want to come to the forums looking for help when there is a really high chance of spoiler threads being made.

that is not really logical...... :devil:

so u want to play the game quickly on easy...beat the game in a few days than wen u caom bak here it doent matter if u read the spoilers..... :LOL: thats just weird.....
DarkDamo said:

that is not really logical...... :devil:

so u want to play the game quickly on easy...beat the game in a few days than wen u caom bak here it doent matter if u read the spoilers..... :LOL: thats just weird.....
Well, I don't necessarily want to beat HL2 too quickly. I don't want to get stuck, have to come here to get help, and then accidently read some spoiler like the end of the game. I don't see how that isn't really logical. I just don't want to have the game spoiled for me.
I play at normal difficulty.

then whatever difficulty with cheats.
For hl2 ill paly at medium, but i played HL1 at easy because no matter how many semi auto machine gun bullets you shot into a marines head there still were no headshots.
I'd play hard if you could revert to normal when you hit a snag. I hate redoing the same bit over 20 times.

I always felt that was the meant to be used setting.
hard every time. they should make an 'expert' or 'stupidly frickin hard' mode just for people like me.

just like farcry \:E/
I hope they've done what D3 did... you can play it on an easier setting first, then unlock nightmare mode. That was a very cool feature, and it actually made the game decent, definitley worth playing twice.

If not i'll be playing it on hardest. Normal is too easy in too many games.

I don't mind doing the same part 20 times over... as long as there are quicksaves of course!
easy because then you can have more fun with the physics engine and not have to worry about killing guys right away. you know have fun with them. I'd rather sit back and relax and not worry about getting stuck. nice and easy....
I would do it on normal then maybe do it on easy with cheats, I just like experimenting with things like I did in HL, I even found out you can make the Ichthyosaur fly I also very much enjoyed killing scientists. <Evil Laugh>
westie said:
I would do it on normal then maybe do it on easy with cheats, I just like experimenting with things like I did in HL, I even found out you can make the Ichthyosaur fly I also very much enjoyed killing scientists. <Evil Laugh>

Yea, there was 2 scientists in the caferteria and I threw in a greande. Only one died and the other one said "Hmmm I seem to be seriously wounded" in a calm voice
Ahhhhh yes the room with the microwave and the two drink machines yes, You can smash the microwave you know!
Yea I know...

You can also get all the Barneys together and get them all to buy you a beer (well the ones that say "Hey Freeman, catch me later ill buy you a beer" but thats like 100)
I hate the barneys you can't kill in the computer room.
I'll go for nomal, because I am normal.... well, mayby not..