What do nerdy kids do these days?


Oct 3, 2003
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Just wondering what nerdy kids do at school these days? The internet is mainstream and computer games are so mainstream it can't really be considered nerdy.

What are nerds doing these days that is considered nerdy?

Is star wars still cool for amongst 12-16 year olds nerds?

This is not a joke thread but a sociological study.
Still being exceptionally bad at social situations? I think that's the definition of a nerd, or a rough one at least. Playing games and browsing the web excessively is more a thing of a geek, someone who obsesses over computer related stuff.
play cs and half life 2 and tf2 all day long :naughty:

just kidding
I might get flamed out for saying this but who knows. I have seen, over the years, real nerdy people and how they act. Many live normal lives (like me), even CyberPitz who may look nerdy but has banged everbody including your mom! :O:P What I notice is that most go into fields that are graphic artists or something that offers computers. The problem that I see with that is that they will not get out but will still be typing on the computer all day. They they avoid social interaction unless you say you play Halo or something. They can't have a normal conversation and actually avoid it. Some kid in my oral speaking class can't do a normal public speech right in my college. Everybody had to talk about an experience they had in their life. This nerdy kid comes up and talks about how frightening his road trip with a friend was. Now I'm presuming he was going to a LAN party or something. The main part of his boring speech was about him blowing a fuse and him not using his laptop as a GPS.

So I'm thinking why can't he use a map?! The next person in line though talked about a tornado that touched down in her neighborhood. They got ADHD too and take meds so they are so chilled out they gotta stay on a computer. Or they can't focus on something. Our first public speech had nerd boy bring in a rubber band ball and talk about it. :| I guess my rant is that nerdy kids don't get out much and as a result of that, don't get life experiences. With that comes with having an actual life. Not all nerds are like this nor all nerdy looking kids neither. /end rant
I despise the fact that because I'm smart, because I know a decent amount about computers and most of all I wear glasses, all the ****ing morons wearing their plastic tracksuits label me a 'nerd'. (Gotta love stereotypes)

Hool10, people are like are just sad...I myself am a good public speaker (I also enjoy acting in drama based performances). I'm certainly not hopeless in social situations - I spend more time than most in front of a monitor, but I never miss a chance to get out and about with friends.
I'd like to say I am good speaking socially, and I make friends pretty quickly, but I am quiet in a social situation with a lot of people. It's better just to let them speak as much as they want I find. It's interesting getting to learn about people and how they behave. I could talk for ages on a lot of subjects, but really I find it better to just listen to people and think about things.

Also I would go out, but now days everyone's going to raves and stuff with ear-shatteringly loud music, and I just think it's incredibly boring, so I don't go to those things, but will go to quieter things where people can talk.

That's really it.
I've gotten a lot better at social situations these last couple of years. When I started high school (about the same time I joined this forum) I had a great difficulty talking to people I didn't know. This has changed completely and now I feel much more comfortable in most social situations.
my people in my school are really the opposite of nerdy.

Most of them play all kinds of sports like soccer or rugby or tennis competitively, many people can dance and do loads of performances, and there are like 30 bands in my school which are really good, and everyone is damn smart, 80 percent of my school get 4A's for their a lvls..I am no where near these people really
I've gotten a lot better at social situations these last couple of years. When I started high school (about the same time I joined this forum) I had a great difficulty talking to people I didn't know. This has changed completely and now I feel much more comfortable in most social situations.

Same here.
We play games other people would be ashamed too. Y'know, like Half-Life 2.
Seriously, I know not one person at my school who has played HL2.
What I notice is that most go into fields that are graphic artists or something that offers computers. The problem that I see with that is that they will not get out but will still be typing on the computer all day.

Guilty as charged

They can't have a normal conversation and actually avoid it.

False in my case...

Some kid in my oral speaking class can't do a normal public speech right in my college.

You couldn't get me to speak in front of a crowd, not even at gunpoint.

They got ADHD too and take meds so they are so chilled out they gotta stay on a computer.

I'm as impulsive and hyperactive as a rock... :|

Our first public speech had nerd boy bring in a rubber band ball and talk about it. :|

I'd like to say I am good speaking socially, and I make friends pretty quickly, but I am quiet in a social situation with a lot of people. It's better just to let them speak as much as they want I find. It's interesting getting to learn about people and how they behave. I could talk for ages on a lot of subjects, but really I find it better to just listen to people and think about things.

Also I would go out, but now days everyone's going to raves and stuff with ear-shatteringly loud music, and I just think it's incredibly boring, so I don't go to those things, but will go to quieter things where people can talk.

That's really it.

Either that or, "Do you want to get pissed?". :|
Well seeing as I have a stutter sometimes (thing from my dad), talking in public can be a bit of a pain (well, I don't mind, the people do :D). But I'm a very laid-back and very open person, who will gladly accept any random conversation as long as it makes sense (no drunken brabble for you! D: )