What do YOU call it?

What do YOU call it?

  • Restroom

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • Washroom

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • Bathroom

    Votes: 51 63.8%
  • Informal Options such as Jon/Piss Pot/Can/etc.

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 17.5%

  • Total voters


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
To avoid favouritism, the place where you go to release body wastes after digestion.

An argument on another forum broke out about the proper name for such a place.

HalfLife2.net; you decide.
No, this is the name for the room.

Unless you don't have rooms for your toilet in Sweden

Besides, in Korea, they don't even HAVE toilets.
washroom if its public, bathroom if it's at home
I use both "bathroom" and "restroom". Bathroom if it's in a home, hotel room, or something like that. Restroom if it's in a public place, restaurant, store, school, etc.
No, this is the name for the room.

Unless you don't have rooms for your toilet in Sweden

Besides, in Korea, they don't even HAVE toilets.
In Sweden, the room where the toilets are are called toilets too. Or possibly bathrooms.
Restroom when I feel saucy, but most times it's bathroom.
Bathroom of course, although pisser or shitter would make more sense....who takes baths in a public bathroom?

oh and add "head" to the list

Don't ask why I don't use any of the above options.
The room is called the toilet ... our bathroom is seperate to our toilet (theres no toilet in our bathroom)...
I'll say "I'm going to the toilet" or "going for a piss" or whatever, say "the toilet's on your left" or "the bathroom's on the left" if it's actually the bathroom.
Restroom if I need to be polite or something

Bathroom any other time.
Why call it a bathroom? There's no baths in it; only toilets (if you're in a public place that is). If there's a bath in the room then I call it the bathroom.
Perhaps el bano.
Nah, I usually just call it the bathroom/restroom.

I find it odd that some call the room itself a toilet also. I just think of the toilet as the plumbing fixture in the room. /shrug
Toilet - plain and simple if there is just a pisser and a sink in there
Bathroom - used if there is a bath/shower in the place


Why do some people have to change the simplest of things =/
If I'm camping it's the sh*thole, if not it's the bathroom.
In dutch it's either WC or toilet. In English I just call it the bathroom, so I voted for that.
No, this is the name for the room.

Unless you don't have rooms for your toilet in Sweden

Besides, in Korea, they don't even HAVE toilets.

In britain they call the room itself the toilet. In most of Europe its called the WC. Only in North America is it called the "bathroom" or "restroom".
Bathroom, because my favorite kind has a bath in it, and the bath is my favorite part.
I call public restrooms restrooms because I believe people like to just hang out there and waste time.
Bathroom at home, restroom in public, WC when I'm in Europe.

I remember on a cruise I took one lady kept asking where the ladies room was and the man couldn't help her because he kept saying that all areas on board were for everyone. She was pissed. Somewhat literally, too.
Bathroom or "shit i need to take a leak.."
Toilet. That goes for the toilet itself, and the room if I`m saying where it is, or that I`m going there.

Unless I need a bath/shower. Then it`s "I`m going in the bath/shower"

Hard? I think not. :|