What do you hope does NOT happen in HL3?

JDM Accord

Apr 15, 2010
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Personally, I hope that nobody else dies. I can't handle another death. :x
I personally hope I'll be sent off-world to the Combine home planet.. I really want to see in what environment they actually live and what They are, basically.

On what not to happen, well... not reach the darn ship.
Don't want Alyx or Kleiner to die. I don't think I could handle either of them dying.

I don't want G-Man to not be explained/revealed in some kind of way. I don't want it to be one of those endings where they want you to kind of fill in the gaps in the story because I think that is really cheesy.

Don't want the airboat. Not sure how that could work in the arctic climate, but I just want to make it clear that I DO NOT want the airboat. :p
I dont want g-man to be reviled...somehow my life will end then...or at least if that will hapen they must open something that will ashure me that the whole thing does not end there...and I want to see those combine huge vehicles that were on the wall photo in Kleiners lab.
And god help Mossman if she set up whole thing from begining.
i want to fly the heli .... i want a decent ending , and of course the continuing of HL franchise .....
I want to kick an advisors ASS!!!

And I want Alyx to get CRUSHED. Die Bitch!

I don't want the series to end with half-life 3.
Many things.

One would be nevr finding out who the G-Man is.
No more episodic content, please. One failure is enough.
No Portal Gun, No Chell, No GlaDOS

However I am more intrugued about Aperture Science's role in the HL universe
No advisors. None. Their penis tongue is just too weird.

No stupid plot twists like Breen is really alive etc.

No more magical repairs and additions:

"While you were gone for 11 seconds we put a laser gun on your boat."

"Well the timing of you needing the buggy is fantastic, I just installed a ammunitons box on the back."

"I'm glad shut down the autogun. Alyx offered us her body in exchange for a beacon tracker while you dodged laser beams."

"While you were saving the entire planet by yourself I completely rebuilt a helicopter."

Enough already. The magnusson device holder MAYBE, but the rest I've had enough.

Well these are the few things I would like to not happen:

1. Gman's indentity revealed (it would ruin all half life series)
2. dog or any other cool character to die, except for Alyx couse nobody gives a shit about that bitch.
3. Alyx to survive. OMG she's so anoying : „Gordon go battle an army of striders all alone while i watch the car getting fixed. Jesus.
4. Stupid plot twists. Breen is dead Valve. Get over with it.
5. Antlions. I like them but I'm not sure they could live in arctic conditions.
6. That the whole plot won't be around Borealis. It would be awesome if Gordon could travel to the overworld or other planet.
7. The same guns from hl2 and it's episodes. Valve should seriously add new ones or something like the first half life's guns.

That will be all folks
I agree with you on a lot of those, I think it would be great for Gordon to travel to another planet, like Xen. I don't want Alyx to die, though. It is annoying how she talks to you sometimes, and how she never really participates in battles all that much, but maybe Valve will re-vamp her personality especially since her dad died and all that.