What do you like most in CSS Surf

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShaolinMonk
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Hello all, i am about to start a CSS Surf map as my HL2 single player map is almost complete.

so i have a few questions i hope you can answer just so i can get an idea of what people like in Surfing CSS Style.

For me i love Speed, the faster the better and fun new textures, also not dying.

How about you?

thanks for reading this, it will help me make a fun map to play!
I always wanted a map where you don't stop surfing. Theres some nice long ones, but they always end with landing somewhere, and having to walk somewhere to start again. I want one where you get teliported back to the top while surfing so you don't have to walk anywhere.
I always wanted a map where you don't stop surfing. Theres some nice long ones, but they always end with landing somewhere, and having to walk somewhere to start again. I want one where you get teliported back to the top while surfing so you don't have to walk anywhere.

Excellent idea, there is a map like this where you get teleported right to the start of the slope, you can get some really crazy speeds on it, i think its called Surf_Japan or something similer.

Keep em comming guys!
I'm a great fan of maps like leet_xl where there's just one path to the end, I also like maps with buyzones at the start instead of having to pick up weapons.. And yes speed is good too :)
I like surf levels with this method: the higher the skills, the higher our rewards. I love that, if you can surf very good and can complete a very difficult surf and get rewarded with awesome spots and weapons, it feels great :)
Oh and what is your HL2 map about? Can you inform me about it?
Also have jumps in it. With rings that you fly through. They're awesome. And make little spots where you can get off if you want and have a break.
Thanks for the input RippedSteel, Ruubie and dekstar.

Im going to try make this map fun for both beginners and pro surfers, please keep up with what you love and hate in surf maps it is helping me out alot.

Ruubie my Single player map is a zombie survival level set in an old graveyard and includes a small church and an underground tomb! i hope to have it out in a few weeks max
I agree pyschoFreak, i hate these horrible looking maps that get played so much, i am working on making my surf map pretty nice looking.

I have also decided on a Theme for my surf map, the theme is chinese kung fu (shaolin kung fu)

might sound strange but i have some nice ideas for the design.

I am now going to create some custom textures.

Keep posting what you love and hate people! <3
Remember if its all to much prettys it will run too slow.
Remember if its all to much prettys it will run too slow.
QFT. Most surf maps (like egypt etc.) like to be open with no walls, but if you could sort of get some parts where you can use different leaves that'd be ace.
And no invisible walls would be nice now I think of it, shortcuts ftw
anti camp too. I hate when people don't surf and just sit at spawn sniping.
Excellent points people, i will take them all into consideration


Ok so i just started creating the spawn area for this surf map, thought id share a small pic of it, comments are welcome, but remember im a newbie dont be so harsh :P


Also keep up with what you guys love and hate :)

I know it's a early WIP. But...

Get rid of that brick texture.

Add some lights.

And get rid of those displacements. They look terrible.
thanks for the reply freak, i will be getting rid of the brick texture and adding lights, but that comes later once the map layout is in place, as for displacements? do you mean the dents in the floor im not really sure what this word means as im new to hammer.

if it does mean the dents in the floor then sorry they stay, its like the Real shaolin temple

"The foot of a Buddhist Monk increases a depression in the brick floor of a Ming Dynasty Hall, at the Shaolin Temple. The depression was caused not by the foot of one Buddhist Monk, but by the feet of many Buddhist Monks over the centuries."
Maybe so, but the texture doesn't tile very well and I believe it would be better to use a custom blend texture.
There is one surf map which is both nice and sucky.

Nice: After so much time, the floor on the spawn moves so that idle players slide off the end.

Bad: Nearly impossible to complete due to overly thin walkways and jumps that are too long/sharp...
yeah im thinking of some sort of function that lets players who have completed the surf to blow up the spawn areas to get those pesky campers.

Do you guys like going to jail when you fall off the slop? personaly i do because you can always have a good ol shoot em up
Do you guys like going to jail when you fall off the slop? personaly i do because you can always have a good ol shoot em up
Sometimes. Depends really if you have weapons or not.
Abit off topic but bloody steam deleted CSS AND SOURCE SDK lastnight!! now i cant test my map and it isnt redownloading ARGH!!!

Sometimes steam really pisses me off
I always wanted a map where you don't stop surfing. Theres some nice long ones, but they always end with landing somewhere, and having to walk somewhere to start again. I want one where you get teliported back to the top while surfing so you don't have to walk anywhere.

I could make you a map like that!

Just a huge tunnel that feels like going on forever :D

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