What do you really want from Valve?


Dec 13, 2004
Reaction score
What's your wishlist for Steam or a source based game? Maybe it's more mod support or tech demos.
Think of Winterfest coming early and Valve as Arnold Schwarzenegger in the smash hit 'Jingle All The Way'...:D

- Bot support for Day of Defeat Source and if at all possible limited support for HL2DM

- Shorter loads in Halflife 2

- A release providing better AI and/or a higher challenge in HL2 as an optional extra

- A 7 hour war team-based vehicle-inclusive synth-stompin' online shooter :cheese:
I'd like better AI in the first place. Then, those graphical updates (shadows and lightning) wouldn't be bad at all. Third: Otis :D
Further extensions of the Source engine would be great. New features and capabilities. SDK update.
The enitre HL story.......oh and TF2.

oh and a SDK update so it will work with VS 2005 Express.

oh and errr maybe some cash? I could use some cash, so I really do want that....but thats more from everybody not just Valve....
giant384 said:
lol an online game that last 7 hours haha
No, it should be based around the 7-Hour War. That's what he meant :p

john3571000 said:
- Shorter loads in Halflife 2
Raising the heapsize will significantly lower load times btw :p
HL2DM patches that I don't have to beta-test for hours on end, and then at the day before the patch goes live they put in a sneak patch note that screws hitboxes, ruining the game, then putting in a fix that only half-way fixes it on Linux servers. :frown:
John Freeman said "Zombie goasts leave this place" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our house" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts so he blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.
- Bot support for Day of Defeat Source and if at all possible limited support for HL2DM

- Shorter loads in Halflife 2

- A release providing better AI and/or a higher challenge in HL2 as an optional extra

All those plus them graphical updates :D
John Freeman said "Zombie goasts leave this place" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our house" and John Freeman felt sorry for them becaus they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts so he blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were at piece.

Agreed, they should make episodes based on fan fiction. I wonder how they'll depict the big enemy boss...
Beerdude26 said:
Raising the heapsize will significantly lower load times btw :p
raising the heapsize causes crashes especially when connected to the internet :(

Now that I think of it, a more frequently updated SDK is a necessity
Well, we can't really knock SDK updates - it isn't like we have to wait huge spans at a time. Crytek had yearly updates for theirs :p
Ennui said:
Further extensions of the Source engine would be great. New features and capabilities. SDK update.

That is what we really need. However, I'd also like:

-A new "Raising the Bar" type book when Episode 2 comes out.

-HDR added to HL2/HL2DM.
You can't get HDR on HL2/HL2DM because they'd pretty much have to re do each texture I think. Ultimately, it'd be a waste of time.
1. A classical score (Like sound tracks for movies).
2. Alyx not to die
3. Half Life 4
4. Have the Gman say he is stopping time, so I can luagh at all the people who said he couldent.
HL2 with HDR.

And just promise me, no more vehicles?
john3571000 said:
And imo HDR wouldnt be worth it anyway

Going to all that work just to add a bit of HDR? Certainly wouldn't be worth it when they can get on with the Episodes.
Samon said:
Well, we can't really knock SDK updates - it isn't like we have to wait huge spans at a time. Crytek had yearly updates for theirs :p

They don't even update it anymore, hell I think there might've been only 2 or 3 total updates...
Dr. Zoidberg said:
Aftermath 1-3= Half Life 3.

Half-Life 2 Episodes are Half-Life 2 Episodes
Half-Life 3 will be Half-Life 3

And yes, I know Gabe Newell once said Half-Life 3 : Episode One would probably have been a better name.

And Team Fortress 2. Info on TF2. Hell, just say you're at least making TF2 Valve. You don't even have to say you're making it NOW, just that you haven't forgotten. :(
-Dynamic shadows and lighting of some kind, or at least heavily straying away from the reliance on precomputed lightmaps.

-Shorter load times. Right now they truly are absolutely abysmal. It takes up to 2-3 minutes just to start playing the game, including >1 minute just to get to the front menu.

-A really smooth and polished experience from the time that I time click the "play now" button, not ~10 seconds after the first load is done.
Cypher19 said:
-Dynamic shadows and lighting of some kind, or at least heavily straying away from the reliance on precomputed lightmaps.

Unified lighting is too inefficient. If they can implement what Splinter cell did without the bugs, that would be cool.

Cypher19 said:
-Shorter load times. Right now they truly are absolutely abysmal. It takes up to 2-3 minutes just to start playing the game, including >1 minute just to get to the front menu.

Under launch options type '+map_background none'. You can reach the menu in 5 seconds.

Cypher19 said:
-A really smooth and polished experience from the time that I time click the "play now" button, not ~10 seconds after the first load is done.

This could be done, but the current system makes the game playable on lower end PCs.
DiSTuRbEd said:
They don't even update it anymore, hell I think there might've been only 2 or 3 total updates...
Well it seems to me like there's little point to doing any more minor updates until they first make it VS 2005 compatible, making the fixes and then reoptomising them is no small feat...

It'll have to be done eventually though, if Valve well and truly wish to continuously keep the source engine up to date with the latest technology, instead of rewriting new engines from scratch all the time.
xirow said:
Half-Life 2 Episodes are Half-Life 2 Episodes
Half-Life 3 will be Half-Life 3

And yes, I know Gabe Newell once said Half-Life 3 : Episode One would probably have been a better name.

Half-Life 2 Episodes are Half-Life 3 in develop code.
So Half-Life 3 gonna be Half-Life 4 in develop code.

Not really, Episodes = HL3 means Half-Life series are gonna end after all the Episodes are out. :( ;(
Why do people label the Half Life series a trilogy?

I am pretty sure Valve will continue making sequels considering it is their most profitable product.
maybe they are tired to make them? they want to end it and begin fresh series?

PS. ofcourse they maybe will make gameses in HL universe, but not Througth 'Black mesa Elite Squad' (Aka Gordon, alyx barney...etc.) tho!

Merged your posts, capteeni, and for future reference, edit button is on the bottom right of your post.

I think Half-Life 2: Episodes will be the end of the Half-Life saga, at least for the main storyline. Who knows how many episodes we get, though?