What do you think the playtime will be in HL2 approximately



I did a search on playtime and nothing (that seemed relevant to this) came up, so I thought I'd post it.

How long do you think it'll take to play through HL2? People are saying 14 hours to get through doom 3, and that's friggin' outrageous for a game that's been in development for that long... That's where you realize a company has put too much into graphics and not enough into story/gameplay.

I'm hoping HL2 will take me at least 20-30 hours to complete. I remember HL1 took me about 20 or so when I played it at a relaxed pace... (I think). But even so, if single player isn't that long, multiplayer will at least keep me going...

What are your guys' estimates for playtime?
That's really helpfull P Meister Flex, thank you.

Gabe Newell estimated the game to be between 30 and 40 hours. Quite hefty for a FPS.

weeeeeee, i posted a relevant, non repetative question for once.

Ty Chris_D

And might I say, 30-40 hours is massively beefy for an FPS, that's how long it took me to beat ffviii for the seccond time...

Nice :D manipulator gun for 40 hours, hooray :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

ok, that's enough.
yeh, i read in an interview it would be something around 35 hours, i was really disappointed when i finished doom 3 in 14 hours... i was expecting a lot more... and i finished in a normal pace.
I'm hoping they mean 35 hours for a decent FPS player playing on easy difficulty. I'm hoping they throw alot of story in during that time too.
also, i'll probably spend A LOT more time playing around with the manipulator and trying to do cool stuff with the physics! =D

edit: yay! 100th post!!!
I think i read something saying there should be at least 36 hours of play time to beat half life 2.
i thought i read somewhere that it was like 2 times longer then the original half-life
35+ Hours sheesh someone get me an ass pad.
It depends if you morons rush the damn game just to post " I finished HL2 "
I'm going to play max 2 hours a day, take a good look at them maps, play with physics, diferent ways to accomplish a task. I'll make the pleasure last.
In an interview it was said it was around 40 hours + people pissing around with all the physics :)
the day half-life2 comes, i doubt i'll have much contact with anyone outside my room

so i'll play all day and night, hopefully won't finish the first day......damn doom3
I think 35 hours sound like alot. But with all the things you can play around with it probably take me along time to finish.

My friends will come by like 2 months later. "Hey mate I thought you had finished the game"
Me with eyes glearing "No I found like 200 diffrent ways to kill these combine soldiers" :D
i finished half-life in just under 2 years...kinda sad huh? but i enjoyed the hell out of it.
Based on halflife1 i would say - about 5 years. I'm still playing it today and i bought the game 1st week of release.

realistically - hoping for a 30 hour adventure - perhaps anything longer and you lose sight of your beginnings
The first Combine I meet with my manipulator is going to get slaughtered and tortured in many, many ways... :D
The first Half-Life had 17 chapters, which (on average) take about 30 minutes to complete for the average gamer.

Approximately 510 minutes to complete the game or 8.5 hours (technically).

This is different for me as the On A Rail section took me an hour and a half the first time thorugh. So for me it's probably double that, 17 hours.

They say that Half-Life 2 will take about 35+ hours to complete. 17 x 2 = 34 hours. Therefore Half-Life 2 will be twice as long as the original.

Baring that in mind, it means that the average gamer will take about 17-20 hours to complete Half-Life 2 using this reasoning.

To Summarize:

Half-Life 2 will take the average gamer about 20 hours to complete.
Half-Life 2 will take the casual gamer about 35 hours to complete.

It really all depends on which category you fall under. I am of the latter, so this is good news for me (if you use my reasoning).
well if they quote 30-40 hours i would imagine its going to be about 20 hours realisticly.
Many reviews said D3 is 24 hours, and I finished it in around 15. I suppose that if they say HL2 is 30 hours, I'd assume it would be 20 (realistically), because truthfully, I think that the fascination of playing around with the manipulator gun would end pretty fast.
I hope be long
anyway I will play it even I completed hundreds of times
It depends on how you play it.. which I think is what A True Canadian was getting at. I don't consider myself a casual gamer, but I like to play around with things. I never rush anything so it will probably take me 30+ hours.

Anybody who says they beat Doom 3 in < 15 hours didn't take in all of the details and story. They are missing out IMO.
If you buy the CE. And proceed to beat all the SP Source Conversions and Half-Life2 itself, I'd say it'd total 71 hours give or take a few hours.

50 hours for Half-Life to beat the game, and fool around, and around 7 hours each for all the SP:Source conversions.

Since this is in a school month, playing five hours a day would equal about two weeks and a couple days worth of FUN!
if just playing the game takes 30 hours, figure 60+ for me. :) I'll be exploring over there, and messings with throwing soda cans at combine and turning the other way. :)
Chris_D said:
That's really helpfull P Meister Flex, thank you.

Gabe Newell estimated the game to be between 30 and 40 hours. Quite hefty for a FPS.

That would be fine for me. Hl1 was to short. Doom 3 was a good length.
Doom 3 was done so fast because there really wasn't that much veriety. I mean, the only reason to load is if you lost serious HP. HL2, hopefully, will have a lot more veritety so that A)you spend a lot of time just going around, seeing how different things react (ie: throwing soda cans at combine soldiers) or B) loading the game to see how you could haev gone through the situation differently (first time kill the soldiers with the sniper, second time, use the manipulator and a crate to smash their cover :) ).
I always take longer to play games. In Doom 3 I used g_dragentity to make a huge soda can collection in next to the Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 game, and I threw a half-eaten hamburger at the NPCs in the room (unfortunately they didn't react to it). I also tried bringing a security guard a chair, like in Sienfeld. I can only imagine the cool things to do in HL2.
Raziel-Jcd said:
That would be fine for me. Hl1 was to short. Doom 3 was a good length.
How was HL1 too short, while Doom 3 was a good length? HL1 was at least 5 times longer than Doom 3, unless of course you cheated thru the whole game. That statement makes no sense. That's like me selling you my car, and saying, $10,000 isn't enough, but $500 will be good. What the heck does that mean?
BTW, I remember a while ago in a Gabe Newell discussion/interview, he said that HL2's length will be comparable to the first. The first was quite long compared to your average FPS, which is a good thing. Plus, there will be a LOT more to mess around with in this one than the first one.