What do you want happening to your body after you die?

What do you want happen to your body after you die?

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You don't want to know that :naughty:

EDIT: Crap, did I just ruin your poll?
Burn me, find a cliff facing the ocean, throw my ashes.
Burn me, find a cliff facing the ocean, throw my ashes.

hahah, I just skimmed quickly over your post and read it as "Burn me, find a cliff racer over the ocean, throw my ashes."

I'd like whatever is cheapest. Im assuming cremation is probably cheap.
Test subject for science - in particular, my organs going for medical science.
I'd like whatever is cheapest. Im assuming cremation is probably cheap.

Yes it is. I chose that burial option as well. Runs in the family and is the easiest on them.
More people should be donating their body to science. At least you'll be helping in some way, even if you are just used as a practice cadaver at a medical school, you are still helping students learn about the body and later how to save and preserve lives.
More people should be donating their body to science. At least you'll be helping in some way, even if you are just used as a practice cadaver at a medical school, you are still helping students learn about the body and later how to save and preserve lives.

Exactly, you serve no other purpose. If nothing else, organ donation should be mandatory.
Most often the organs aren't usable, though. That's only if you have a quick death, like in a car accident.
Hmm well if my organs will do good then I will gladly donate them, but if not, cremation and ashes scattered into the wind, dont want my body becoming worm food.

Jesus, very morbid around here this week with the topics lol.
Hmm well if my organs will do good then I will gladly donate them, but if not, cremation and ashes scattered into the wind, dont want my body becoming worm food.

Jesus, very morbid around here this week with the topics lol.

but why not at least donate your body to medical studies?

Medical students learn from donated cadavers, and so do professional doctors, scientists, investigators.

Theres so many things they can use your corpse for, even if it's something small, even if your body gets chopped up into little peices by an inexperienced medical student.

It's still better than wasting your body by burning it, at least you could be educating someone, somewhere for a greater good because of your corpse.
Burial, I'm going to be an organ doner too.
my organs going for medical science, the rst of it buried but not in a casket.
my organs going for medical science, the rst of it buried but not in a casket.

I just don't understand why you would have your remaning corpse buried. It's such a waste, it can still be used for things.

People seem to think that organs are the only thing that can be donated to medical science
When i die i would like to be subjected to any of the following depending exactly how i do.
- Mouth to mouth.
- Adrenaline injection.
- Defibrillator
I will be cremated and then smoked in a joint by my son/daughter. They will not inherit a dime until they do so.
I don't really care what happens to my body, I'm dead, it's not like I'll be embarrassed or anything.. Throw me on some train tracks for all I care, or, better yet, poke me with a stick! oooo! Although anyone who does these things will be haunted by my ghost FOR ALL ETERNITY!

Voted other!
I want my casket to come down from the ceiling with steam that spurs out from the side when it hits the ground.

The casket will open, and I will be dressed as Darth Vader.

Who ever is giving my eulogy, will be in a big chair, dressed like the emperor.

Everyone in the pews will be dressed like stormtroopers. And all the ushers will be red guards.

I want my casket to come down from the ceiling with steam that spurs out from the side when it hits the ground.

The casket will open, and I will be dressed as Darth Vader.

Who ever is giving my eulogy, will be in a big chair, dressed like the emperor.

Everyone in the pews will be dressed like stormtroopers. And all the ushers will be red guards.

But that doesn't benefit science.
I want goats to have buttsechs with my corpse.
I would like to be cemented into a gravestone, like han solo in SW. So in 1000 years time aliens can de-cement me and I can live again...muhahawahahaha
I would like to be cemented into a gravestone, like han solo in SW. So in 1000 years time aliens can de-cement me and I can live again...muhahawahahaha

Using carbonite of course
I want to be buried ... I might grow into a tree.
Wanna be tested in an Aperture Science lab :D

Oh man, you would be made into cake, remember the GLaDOS core that gives you cake making instructions, one of the lines is like-

"Contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, gas and odor control chemicals, that will deodorize and presserve putrid tissue."
Test subject.

Help broaden mankinds knowledge of our own bodies.
But seriously, medical donation. I'd rather my body be put to good use than have it be burned to ash or rotting in the ground.
Either put into a space suit and blasted off to the sun or random space. I think 50 people have had their ashes sent into space, but I want to send my whole body.

Or cremated, and put into McDonald's food.
I put "burial in a casket" even though I'm afraid of being buried alive, but if they cremate me, how the hell am I supposed to crawl back out again?