What do you want to see?


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
So, inspired by razorblade_kiss, I started a thread with nothing to do with betas, delays, or random rubbish that we, the eloquent minority, have to put up with. So, what do you want to see in Hl2? Say anything you want. Eg. I want to see xen breaking through into this world...imagine, you're walking along and then a huge gash appears in the sky... so, post.
Oh, and if you have played the beta, please dont post any spoilers. Or I'll...erm...tell you to stop.
Oh arse. Theres already a thread about this. Oh well.
i want to see this scene in the citadel talk to me on aim mayern02 for spoilers:cheers: :cheers: :eek: :eek:
I want to see me putting the Halflife2 disk into my drive

and whats your Problem with Creflo Dollar...He's a Good man
Who exactly is this, Creflo Dollar guy
I Hope minestries Preacher....he doesn't force values down your throat he just makes a lot of good points on how to treat others an trust in GOD...but if your a non believer he still makes some points on how to be a good person
Originally posted by GJaaGular
I want to see me putting the Halflife2 disk into my drive

and whats your Problem with Creflo Dollar...He's a Good man

He's a televangelist who's merely after your money:devil:.

But that's not what this post's about.:E

I want to see... no, I want to *experience*, the plot.
