What Does a game truly need?

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Space Core
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
In the spirit of the Dota2 trailer,what does a hero truly need,what do you think a game truly needs for it to be great?:bounce:
At least one instance of perfect circular balance.
Remember that ****er from Tomb Raider? I pissed myself. And shat myself.
It definitely DOESN'T need a lockpicking/hacking minigame, and an overly played up illusion of choice and freedom.

I think that physics is definitely a big one for shooting games though. It kind of ruins the experience when you fill a counter top full of expensive and delicate lab equipment with bullets, and not a single thing budges. Or when you shoot a lightbulb, but end up with a bullethole-on-sheetmetal decal.
Closure if you guys don't start discussing this properly.

There is no one aboslute thing a game needs other than likes of code and to run on a computer, just as there is nothing a novel needs more than words and grammar.
There is no one aboslute thing a game needs other than likes of code and to run on a computer, just as there is nothing a novel needs more than words and grammar.

If that. :feersum endjinn:
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