What does everything "look" like?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Have you ever wondered, what does the world TRULY look like, considering that our eyes are basically just cameras attatched to our faces?

Like, when you look at a mountain, you're not really "seeing" the mountain, your brain just has a picture of what your eyes are capable of taking in.

Dunno if i'm making any sense, but when I think about it it really frightens me to think that I don't really know what the world looks like.
Shut up.

I mean..sorry..yes great point! I always wondered that! We humans are so limited by the visual spectrum. Imagine viewing the world in all the spectrums at once!!

Shut up.

I mean..sorry..yes great point! I always wondered that! We humans are so limited by the visual spectrum. Imagine viewing the world in all the spectrums at once!!


Yeah, that's what I mean!


I mean, I want your butthole :D
*attempts push train back on the tracks*

It'd be like in They Live, You'd see all this propaganda everywhere.

Heh, this reminds me of that episode in Dexter where he finally decides to do laser eye surgery on himself, but then he starts seeing too well, and everybody looked hideous LOL
I think sinkoman is high or something. LOOK GUYZ I CAN SEE STUFF MORE CLLLLEARLY NOW!1!!1 LIKE WHOOOAH THERE'S JESUS! HI JESUS! :cheese:

It's a bird, it's plane, no it's SINKOMAN!!


Well, i have before lolol. Have a song that has the same word twice in every sentence and sing it while reading.
I always have these kinds of thoughts. Trying to view the world beyond our borders, just thinking of things that don't make any sense..Probably the most confusing one is one I've been asking since I was about 5...

"Why do I see out of these eyes? What dictates what body I am encased?"

It's a confusing question, but it just makes me wonder if there really IS a god sometimes...

I think about this kind of stuff all the time too. The concept of color really fascinates me. For example, would what another color look like? How could there even be another color? And think of all the radiation out there that we're completely oblivious too - can you imagine being able to see radio waves entering your radio or something?


And derailment on a quality thread like this is not cool.
I think about this kind of stuff all the time too. The concept of color really fascinates me. For example, would what another color look like? How could there even be another color?

I used to think like that years ago, I used to think what it would be like if we could "smell" colours!
Well technically the world is exactly as you see it. Our brains are wired to perceive the universe through the specific visual stimuli that we experience every day, and we simply cannot accurately comprehend what the world would be "like" if we perceived it by other means.
Well technically the world is exactly as you see it. Our brains are wired to perceive the universe through the specific visual stimuli that we experience every day, and we simply cannot accurately comprehend what the world would be "like" if we perceived it by other means.

What do you expect, when this is our reality? If we could view it other wise, wouldn't we be able to change dimensions we were in?
Me and a classmate were talking about another idea I had today...

What if, to you, colors were switched around. Like, what's really green, you see as red, vice versa. BUT, you still identify the color green, as red as it REALLY looks to you, as green, because well, you've seen it like that for your entire life.

Imagine, seeing the world differently from everybody else, and not knowing it. It really would NEVER come up in conversation, because even though what looks like red to us looks like green to you, you still properly identify it as red.

I guess what i'm getting at is that the names of colors are really just that, nothing but NAMES. How do we know if "red" realy looks "red". Or how do YOU, as an individual, KNOW that you are seeing things properly???
As long as what we label things individually is consistent with what others label things, then there's nothing to think about. Your perception is your perception, and it's highly likely that we all perceive colors differently (aside from synesthesia, colorblindness, etc.), but it's all irrelevant as long as there are no discrepancies.
I actually think about this sort of thing all the time. Pondering this has made me realize why invisibility is possible- we're not making an object not exist, we're simply tricking our eyes into doing so. There's a great book called Phantoms in the Brain that has some really cool stuff on perception and vision.
A better question would be who the **** was spamming and got his post deleted for it.

Anywho, one of the main differences, I suspect, would be perspective. Stuff looks like it gets smaller farther away, but that's just an optical illusion. The world outside of perception would be more like one of those isometric games where there is no perspective and equal objects appear equally tall regardless of distance, and all lines on a specific axis are parallel instead of convergent.

So it'd be closer to Sim City

Than a photo of a city.

As for colour, it's pretty much arbitrary. The only reason red looks red is that that's how your brain sees that wavelength, so you just can't disregard colour.
Real reality would probably be just rather iridescent with all those extra wavelengths in there. Like how nasa colourizes photos so we can see the otherwise invisible infrared lights of a nebula or whatever.
Either that or I assume it'd be like a black and white image because of all the spectrums combining into white light.
Everything is just math in the end. According to string theory the universe is made up of 8 (?) dimensional vibrating loops
So who's doing the looking now?
How far into the electromagnetic spectrum are we wanting to see? Radio waves? X-rays? Gamma radiation? Your poor eyes!!!!
I wonder what it would be like to have non-colour blind eyes. I am slightly colour-blind and i would love to see things as they really are
What causes colour blindness? Is it the brain, or is it irregular pigment in the cone cells in the retina?
So what colors don't you see?

Well i see most colours, my main problem is that they merge together and i can't distinguish them

Brown/Green is often a problem
Shades of Blue/Purple/Pink can be bad as well
Light Green/Yellow sometimes screws up

Well i see most colours, my main problem is that they merge together and i can't distinguish them

Brown/Green is often a problem
Shades of Blue/Purple/Pink can be bad as well
Light Green/Yellow sometimes screws up


"Ah, the light is green so it's safe to cross the street!

- NOOO!! Look out, the light is brown!"

As long as what we label things individually is consistent with what others label things, then there's nothing to think about. Your perception is your perception, and it's highly likely that we all perceive colors differently (aside from synesthesia, colorblindness, etc.), but it's all irrelevant as long as there are no discrepancies.

I've thought about that and I think you can prove or disprove that we all see colors the same way. I think you could test it by measuring people's responses to certain color contrasts. If you see red and green in a different way, it's unlikely they'll have such a stark contrast to eachother as they do for me. Same for orange and blue, I would respond differently to that contrast than to someone who sees orange as brown and blue as yellow.

I think we all see colors in more or less the same way, ignoring colorblindness etc.
Me and a classmate were talking about another idea I had today...

What if, to you, colors were switched around. Like, what's really green, you see as red, vice versa. BUT, you still identify the color green, as red as it REALLY looks to you, as green, because well, you've seen it like that for your entire life.

Imagine, seeing the world differently from everybody else, and not knowing it. It really would NEVER come up in conversation, because even though what looks like red to us looks like green to you, you still properly identify it as red.

I guess what i'm getting at is that the names of colors are really just that, nothing but NAMES. How do we know if "red" realy looks "red". Or how do YOU, as an individual, KNOW that you are seeing things properly???
I realized that when I was 4.

And how can anything not 'look' like what you see? Color does not exist, it is just the interpretation of light wavelength by your brain.
I realized that when I was 4.

And how can anything not 'look' like what you see? Color does not exist, it is just the interpretation of light wavelength by your brain.

So only light exists. And the absence of light?
Some people really need to take a look at what PHOTONS are.
Try this. Wear an eyepatch for a day or two, then take it off. You should notice the lack of, and the return, of depth perception. Now think of how you would describe depth perseption to someone born blind in one eye.

Try and imagine how to describe blue to a person born blind.

My point is, that even if you could "see the world as it really is", you prob couldn't describe it to someone who couldn't.

True, I LOLed hard as well :D

Interesting topic and yes, I've been thinking about this as well. Actually, I started thinking about people perceiving colours in different ways, before I started wondering how objects look like "objectively".

What if I see the forums in Blue Style, even though I'm using the Default Tan Style? D:
I've always, since I was a kid, thought to myself, "How do we know we aren't color blind? We could have just grown up thinking what we see as actuall color when everybody else could be seeing something different."
i believe everyone sees color the same, because we react in similar ways to the same color. blue is a cool color, and people react to it the same, put 10 people in a blue room and they'll be relaxed, put them all in a red room and they'll be more excited. on art communities, people say things like "that blue is too saturated" or "you need a warmer color", which constitutes to me as people wouldn't see a color as something from the opposite, or even a slightly warmer spectrum.

you could even ask yourself if everyone hears the same thing, but obviously we do. artists and sound engineers might have more refined ears though so they can separate the elements of a track more.