What does the average person do on a weekend?


Sep 18, 2004
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Lately, I've been bored out of my skull. All my friends have been super busy lately or have been tied up in relationships and etc. so I've been left to find things to do by myself. As you can imagine by the title of this thread I haven't had much success in this department. I'm not a very creative thinker that can come up with new ways to entertain myself so I was simply wondering what the average person does on the weekend. Watching t.v., screwing around with the computer, and wrenching my bike has become extremely boring so please respond with your awesome weekend activities, so that you can inspire me and others in the same situation.
Bury puppies and kittens up to their heads and run over them with a lawnmower.
Video games and going to see the girl I hope to date sooner or later.
I do barrel rolls.

Honestly, when I'm not helping out my parents with their business or working outside, and no ones able to hang out, I'll be screwing around on the computer. That includes week-days for me as I'm not in school atm. Doesn't bore me :D
Go out at about 11, get back in the afternoon, go on hallfife2.net, stream some Tv shows, then maybe go out again in the evening. Sunday generally homework, internet and maybe some snooker.
Most of the time, I'll just be messin with my computer, lest there be a party or someone wants to do something (pretty much all my friends live quite a ways outside the city, so they can't really pop by whenever).
fridays i go out around six and don't come back until real late usually

saturday i chill in the morning and play games or watch movies, then usually hang out with someone (lunch or movie with a girl generally, or guitar hero with my friends) in the afternoon, then go out again (or sometimes stay home). Get back late, sleep, then sunday is whatever, stay around the house getting stuff done, sometimes get out a little.

just hang out with friends
I go out on Friday or Saturday, play two basketball games, referee one or two games to make some money, finish my homework and study my lessons, play some computergames and hang out with friends.

That's about it.
work on Saturday. Sunday: sleep in, breakfast with my family (the only day of the week we can do that), church, lunch, then football, NASCAR or go to the lake depending on the season. I can honestly say it's been 10 years or more since I was bored. Relish those days my friend. Enjoy the feeling of bordom and think back to it ten years from now.
What does the average person do on a weekend?

Your mother.

...On a more serious note.
I usually chill on the computer in the mornings from about 10 to 1, After that I'll take my shower... call up my girl, and hang out with her for a few hours.
Go back home, watch some tv, and smoke some weed.

Afterwards, at around 8 or so, I'll call up some friends and make some nightly plans.
Go to their houses, get shitfaced, play games, take walks around the block, and that's pretty much it.

In the summer time, replace everything with sports-related activities.
I just dick around, play video games, hang out with friends, sometimes on friday and saturday nights I'll go out and see if I can pick on any local Honadas with the Ford.
Friday night, I call up whoever's around, find out about parties, etc, and go to said gatherings. Usually after everything's over, my friends and I will head to my basement, and play videogames till the early hours, at which point we crash.

On saturday, I recouperate. This means reading, playing videogames, maybe doing a spot of homework (doubtful), whatever. Saturday nights, I'll usually do the samething as friday nights.

On sunday... I rest. Not because some stupid god told me to, but because I'm too f*cking hung over/burnt out/tired to do anything else :p
Whatever I feel like doing.

This weekend I'm tired and feel like doing **** all, although I spent a few hours down the motorbike dealer today buying gear. I intend today to be the one and ONLY time in my life I spend over ?1000 on clothes...
I work saturdays, so saturday nights are shortlived and spent crashed out on the sofa and then soaking in the bath. Sundays are for sleeping in till dinner time, having a full sunday roast, chilling with mates then watching Top Gear and Lost. It's tradition.
I intend today to be the one and ONLY time in my life I spend over ?1000 on clothes...
If you're hetro, you're oh so wrong.
Friday nights: finish school, go to a mate's house, have an early dinner, stock up on booze and fags, head out into the town, normally head for the forum or the rocks (two places that us drunkard teens notoriously hang out until we can get into the pubs :p), get shit-faced, find women, make new friends etc, then stumble back to mate's place and play computer games until the morning.

Wow. That sounds pretty chavvy from this perspective.

Saturday: sleep in until about 10, watch a few films/play a few more games, have a huge breakfast, head into town to meet with more friends, buy shit, then either go to the cinema/bowling/home. Saturday evenings there are often parties to go to, just to stop the hangover from getting even worse. Then after those I go home.

Sunday: wake up at 8 with a terrible hangover in time for work. After work, homework and Sunday dinner. Then early to bed, early to rise for school.

And yes, before you mention it, I am home this Saturday because there are no parties.
Video games and going to see the girl I hope to date sooner or later.

You better make it sooner rather than later or else you will be in the "Just Friends" group! Near impossible to break out of that group unfortunately. I've learned the hard way.
You better make it sooner rather than later or else you will be in the "Just Friends" group! Near impossible to break out of that group unfortunately. I've learned the hard way.

Yeah. A.K.A. the "Friend Zone"

Friday I usually go out at night after a day of slacking. Sat. I go to the wellness center and use the rock-climbing wall and work out, then chill some more and go out at night. Sunday is TV/recovery/vegetative-state day.
Isn't it gay people who spend fortunes on clothes and grooming products? :D
... Let me guess you've never been to a shopping centre with a lass. I suggest you take out a few mortgages before you do.
I run around, pick up logs, kill things, eat meat , do weights, research things on the internet and sleep.
... Let me guess you've never been to a shopping centre with a lass. I suggest you take out a few mortgages before you do.

Oh right. I thought you meant for myself. :|

Put it this way then - that's the one and only time I'll spend ?170 on footwear.
Friday nights - work then maybe pub
Saturday - work morning, crash at home for a bit, PC/TV, go grocery shopping. Evening is either something with the missus or town/pub with mates
Sunday - Uni work/job work (if overtime) laze about not doing much. See missus in the evening then watch TopGear recording after
ffriday: get drunk
saturday: get driml
sunday: sleeep of the drunk
My weekend starts around 1pm on a Friday as I finish triple Art then and I have free periods after that, so I usually go to the shops, get some lunch then go back to my mates to watch TV, usually Mythbusters, Futurama or Alan Partridge. At night a few of us meet up at a mates to watch a movie.

Saturdays I go up town with three close mates, get some lunch (alters between Subway and a place called Benj's), wander around some shops then go home, usually around 4-ish. We go back to my mates house, play some 360 (usually arcade stuff) and watch a film that has recently been... heh, aquired. Leave around 10 or so, then I spend the rest of the night writing, drawing, playing Live, browsing the net and then towards 1/2am I usually go downstairs and watch my daily disc of new Prison Break and 24 (huzzah for tonight!)

Sundays are usually the same as Saturday evenings, just in the day.
Learn to play the guitar. if you got some money get a cheap one and teach yourself from ULTIMATEGUITAR.COM That's what im doing
Hang out with friends, go on a bike ride, game, msn for abit... Homework
Hmmm lets c, Friday i leave school and go bowling, come home, beat episode 1 for the 100th time, then check these forums and my clan forums, play some gmod10, then smod, then some tv then sleep, wakeup eat, games from 9am-12pm
Get of, go to a party or something, come homearound 4 sleep, wakeup church home, guitar hero 2 with friends, then gaming from around 4-8 then movie or some sort, talk to my gf, then sleep thats practicaly everything i do in 1 weekend
Friday- Friends
Saturday- Xbox 360, maybe some more friends
Sunday- Coursework and Xbox
Friday : 8 hours of school, then hang out
Saturday: 8 hours of school, then hang out
Sunday: Sleep a lot, work on a project, possibly hang out
Get drunk
Play videogames

Not necessarily in that order
Usually go to the movies, read...educate myself. Surf the internet, listen to music, masturbate to the late Anna Nicole Smith. Buy food. That's pretty much what I do on weekends, that is, when I'm not getting shitfaced.