What does the "think outside PVS" flag mean? do?


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
What does the "Think Outside Of PVS" flag do on NPC's?

Also, i have a three way fight going. Combine Elite with me (AI Relationshipped) vs Metropolice vs Citizens. They all fight each other beautifully, but if the squad is ingaged with one group, sometimes they ignore the other (each group has two squads). Also they almost wholely ignore me unless I'm right infront of a spawn point.

Thanks for your time.
PVS is (most likely) Potential Visibility Set. The naming of the flag suggests that it allows the NPC to think about things outside of what it can see, or something... like, for instance, a zombie that can smell you across the map. I think. Maybe.
I belive it makes the AI active even if it isn't in your PVS. Otherwise the AI turns off until you enter it's PVS to save processor cycles.