What does your pet dream about?


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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At the moment, my Sister's Chiwawa is sleeping on my lap, and half of the things that are happening to her are intense.

Her eyes are moving around her closed eye lids
Her legs are spazzing out
Her breathing is on the point of hyper-ventilation

So what are they dreaming about? I don't think she has any concept of death, but possibly danger.

The other day when my sister was walking down the street, they came across a swarm of ants on the pavement. They proceded to walk across the swarm only for er to start getting attacked by them, biting her and crawling across her body. Regardless I'm guessing thats what they dream about half the time.

Anyway, do you have any ideas of what your pet dreams about?
I never really thought abut this. My dog probably dreamt about food, having sex, and chasing/being chased - he'd twitch, growl, get a boner.

Dogs humping stuffed animals never gets old. My dog had a pillow he used to roger senseless for many a year. Nobody would touch it - it was filthy, covered in dog jizz and mould. He loved it tho.
Cats dream alright. My cats twitch quite a bit sometimes. Mostly with their whiskers and mouth. So I guess they dream about eating or something. It's pretty much all they do anyway.
My dog dreams about those sexy lady dogs he misses out on since he got the chop. He also dreams about the ULTIMATE DOGS BALL being thrown. This is something I have taught him.

Dogs humping stuffed animals never gets old. My dog had a pillow he used to roger senseless for many a year. Nobody would touch it - it was filthy, covered in dog jizz and mould. He loved it tho.
:laugh::laugh::laugh: Sigged!
My cat dreams about running and eating. And eating and running. Then she twitches, I suppose she's up to no good - you wake her up and she lets out a 'yell' of squeaky mews.
My cat kicks its legs when it's sleeping. I know the lazy bastard is reminiscing about being young and thin enough to run.