What Enemies Do You Think Are NOT Returning In Half-Life 2?

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
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I don't think we've had a topic like this before so I decided to make one. It seems like a lot of the enemies from HL are returning for HL2, so what enemies do you think are not returning? I don't think that the Alien Controllers are going to be back. But maybe the Houndeyes, hopefully.
Yeh im hoping for the houndeye to and the ickthyosaur.

I dont think the hornet spreading alien grunts will be coming back, nor the bosses, garg, tentacle, gonarch, nihilinth, everything else appears to be back, except the controllers.
ithys are confirmed by Gabe.

I want the houndeyes as well....
GARG!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Garg, it better be back.....
Anyway, back on topic, I don't think we'll be seeing marines. Other than that yeah Lobsters list seems good, other than Gargs, I love gargs. Gargs are like that big loveable dog that just looks so cute, except it bites you all the time.
Lobster said:
Yeh im hoping for the houndeye to and the ickthyosaur.

I dont think the hornet spreading alien grunts will be coming back, nor the bosses, garg, tentacle, gonarch, nihilinth, everything else appears to be back, except the controllers.
I hope the houndeye returns and I hope the tentacles do to and the gargs. Come on, the first thing I think of when playing HL is the first time you see the tentacle.
Not an enemy, but I wonder if we'll see the forklift guy?! He starred in the HL1 train intro, below the missile, never to be seen again.
Houndeyes are returning.

No idea about the gargantuan.
I want the Houndeyes cause they were so easy to kill. Itchy's are to scary for meh :(
Probably won't be seeing those flying alien transports again.
tentacles (well kinda back in the form of Hydras)
gonomes (well opforce really)
Gargs: don't think we'll see them. With all the new monsters, they are sort of dwarfed in the "big bruiser" role they played in HL1 Bigger and badder things are out there.
Tentacles: as above, they are surplanted by even cooler things.
grunts: obviously, not many U.S. soldiers in Europe
cockroaches: wouldn't it be funny if there was a world cataclysm and they DIDN'T survive? :)
Gonarch/Nihilanth: There may have only ever been one of each of these, but even if not, they were in Xen, never came to earth, and so I don't think we'll see them. Nihilanth I bet we learn more about, though
Alien grunts: maybe, but they don't seem all that important. You ended whatever military operation Xen had going, so these soldiers are probably not going to be around much in force. They might be evolved forms of the Vortigaunts though, so maybe. Their bee gun was annoying.
I'm not sure too many people want to see Gonarch the walking testacle sack make a return.
yeah, I agree... the alien bee gun was the most annoying thing in HL.. still was nice crapping yer pants when you had 2hp and you saw a swarm of those things flying at you... then duck behind a corner only to get stung 400 times in the face as they turn the corner into you.
WillH said:
GARG!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Garg, it better be back.....
Anyway, back on topic, I don't think we'll be seeing marines.

...with the possible exception of Adrian Shepard. Here's an idea why:
Since the game is happening 10 years after the Black Mesa events I think there is no reason for Adrian to be detained by the G-man, because the aliens have already overrun the Earth. The G-man explained that Adrian supposed to be killed because he survived and knew too much, but G-man bargained with his employers to have him detained for an unknown period of time. So Adrian must have some value for G-man or he would let him get executed.
Maybe some of the same monsters featured in HL2 from the beginning won't be in the final game :(
Evil^Milk said:
Maybe some of the same monsters featured in HL2 from the beginning won't be in the final game :(

ummmmm.... you mean the head crabs the zombie and the hydra? that were all shown again at this years e3
The brown and white swimming fellow with big teeth. You meet him in the shark cage.
What about the 4 legged thinig that spits green balls and hits you with its tail...
tCh said:
What about the 4 legged thinig that spits green balls and hits you with its tail...

You mean the two-legged bullsquid.

Why do so many people think it has four legs?

Anyways, I think valve confirmed that the bullsquid, the barnacle and the Icthyosaur are all returning. Everything else is a maybe so far.
Baby headcrabs, anyone? Most annoying things (imo) in the game. If they're back, and they have the new uber-einstein AI... Gordon's doomed. :eek:
-Viper- said:
Baby headcrabs, anyone? Most annoying things (imo) in the game. If they're back, and they have the new uber-einstein AI... Gordon's doomed. :eek:

He is so correct! :cheers: I hated those bastards! ALL OF THEM!

I hope the Hound Eyes and Snarks are back.
-Viper- said:
Baby headcrabs, anyone? Most annoying things (imo) in the game. If they're back, and they have the new uber-einstein AI... Gordon's doomed. :eek:

If baby headcrabs are back, they'd better bring back the hivehand, or something very much like it. :)
Alien grunts, hated them so much over and over again. Those hornets are really annoying (still doesn't beat the headcrabs). I think there should be a special learning course on headcrab tactics... :)
I know what's not returning...it's those little black guys that run really fast in HL1. Those guys were fun!
Headcrabs? Just use OP4's barnacle grapple on them. Sucks the lil' bastards right up.

Still leaves the question of what to do in HL and Blue Shift, though... Oh, well. Crowbar time!

I sure hope the Alien Grunts are returning. Otherwise there may be no Hive Hand to play with. And that would make me saaaad ;(.

I don't think we'll be seeing the Nihilanth again, though... what with him being vapourised, and all...
b0ng said:
whats an itchyosaur

This my pedgree chum is an Itchyosaur. Quite a tough opponent.
And a TWO LEGGED Bullsquid. They are going to be uber agressive and look ultra cool in source. :flame: (An opinion, not beta info.) :flame:


  • ichthyosaur.jpg
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  • bullsquid.jpg
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well the grunts have obviously been replaced by the combine stormtroopers

anyway i think the gonarch will make a come back, if the headcrab lifecycle is like i think it is, we may have to deal with more than 1

i don't think controllers or hive hands are returning, just a hunch really.
You guys do realise that headcrabs of all sizes come from Gonarchs don't you? Why would there be headcrabs without them?
I always liked the idea of houndeyes, but they were way too wussy. If they bring them back, they should beef them up.
I want a pet houndeye!

I have a feeling that, if the Gonarch makes a comeback, we may have to prepare to be kicked around a bit...
I don't think that the non-vortigaunt Xenians will be back.

Controllers, grunts, Nihilanth and (maybe) the garg.
They were all on the "pro-slavery" side, and I guess that that died along with Nihilanth.

We never really saw Nihilanth die though, and I would be insane happy if the Garg is back. The controllers and grunts were annoying, so I wouldn't miss them as much as those two.

The best ones, the vorts, are back, and I couldn't be happier. They were the coolest.
I wonder if the Vortigaunts, who do seem to be assisting the scientists in whatever they're doing, would keep a Garg around for heavy work? I got the impression that the Gargs were slaves like them...

I reckon the controllers would have died with Nihilanth... though you do bring up a good point... Was Nihilanth really killed? I can't remember the end of HL too clearly... Could he have teleported himself out?
Brian Damage said:
I wonder if the Vortigaunts, who do seem to be assisting the scientists in whatever they're doing, would keep a Garg around for heavy work? I got the impression that the Gargs were slaves like them...

I reckon the controllers would have died with Nihilanth... though you do bring up a good point... Was Nihilanth really killed? I can't remember the end of HL too clearly... Could he have teleported himself out?

Here's what happened, spoiler proofed for those who (oddly) haven't beaten HL1 yet.

Nilly has a mid-air seizure, and energy shoots out of him, but we never see a body. He never even hits the ground.
Gordon gets teleported away before his actual 'death'...

If there was one!

*X-Files music*
