What game to get?


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
October is coming soon and bringing a whole mess of games, the question is which one(s) to buy?

Quake 4
Burnout Revenge
Black and white 2
DOD:Source (already bought :p)

and probably many others that I may have missed...I cant get all of them so which ones are the best to buy can anyone help
Quake 4 looks boring, nothing origanal, same old first person shooter :/. FEAR looks good but i dont think it will last, once you know what happens it takes half the game out of it.
For me:

DoW: Winter Assault
Black and White 2
Stalker (Next year some time but meh!)
Operation Flashpoint 2 (when ever the hell thats coming out)
B&W2 is the only title in that list that really interests me (if only in the hope it accomplishes what the first tried to do)
I would say B&W 2 for me since I will be able to get more hours of playtime out of it compared ot the others.

It am still iffy on whether to get Q4 and FEAR.
I wish i had a credit card so i could get DOD:Source :(
Burnout Revenge kicks some major ass.
As does F.E.A.R.
My top game to get atm is Call of Duty 2. If all goes well the release will be somewhere in november. Quake does interest me a bit and I will prolly buy it if I see it in the store. FEAR I am also looking forward to, but I do hope that they have polished it up a bit in terms of optimalisation. B&W2 meh. Didn't like the original.
Black and White 2.
Please mail them to my address, I'll PM my address to you.
I wish I had money, I'd buy Black adn White 2.
Hmm...I think Im definitly getting quake 4, and possibly FEAR. Of course Ill wait for reviews and if they all look good then Ill get them (maybe)
B&W2, and The Movies if it comes out on time.
Serious Sam 2 is out soon too. Demo has just been released. Maybe you should check it out?

I'm going to get:
B&W 2
Serious Sam 2
AOE 3 (special edition)
DOD: Source (already paid)

Quake 4
Probably all of those unfortunately, I have a feeling my wallet is going to be thin come end of fall.

F.E.A.R. looks amazing, and it's been a while since I've played a good SP FPS (Since HL2 really). Quake 4 just plain looks cool, not sure yet, but I'll probably pick it up. Black and White 2 is a must of course.. But I probably won't get Burnout Revenge.
On my mandatory shopping list is:
Quake 4

I can't believe nobody's mentioned Prey yet - this game looks like it'll give Quake 4 a run for its money. Have you played the demo for F.E.A.R.? I scare easily in games, and I had goose bumps a LOT in the demo. The graphics are awesome - if you turn them up all the way, it looks very sharp. My girlfriend is looking forward to these games as well, so how's that for a vote?

Sell me Black and White 2 - don't believe I've seen this.
I say Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Only because it's going to be the one game that will last you forever. I mean I still play Morrowind, and that's been out for Centuries.
omg! I forgot about elder scrolls 4 oblivion. definitly getting that one too. my wallet hurts :(
X-Men legends 2?

It's $39.99 compared to the console version's $49.99 and the PC version has the most features.