what games do u recommend?


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
ok , i wanna download some demos to hold me until hl2. what demos do u recommend i dled?
i dled painkiller today , it was pretty fun ... what else is good?
Download Zuma from Popcap.com. Also DX-Ball 2 is alot of fun.
thief 3, max payne 2, far cry demos are all fun.
Thief: Deadly Shadows, without a doubt. The demo is good, but honestly, it doesn't even come close to showing how great this game really is. I just reached a level known as Shalebridge Cradle (that wasn't a spoiler) and all I have to say is....wow. It's really an amazing game, and this is coming from a huge fan of the first two.
qckbeam said:
Thief: Deadly Shadows, without a doubt. The demo is good, but honestly, it doesn't even come close to showing how great this game really is. I just reached a level known as Shalebridge Cradle (that wasn't a spoiler) and all I have to say is....wow. It's really an amazing game, and this is coming from a huge fan of the first two.

For some reason the game just runs like crap on my machine. I can run Far Cry, Splinter Cell, and other new games beautifully but when it comes to these new Thief and Deus Ex games the framerate is just terrible. I don't think the engine agress with my computer.
It's bizarre, my Card + driver combo seems to be wubberly when it comes to Thief III and Invisable War, and even Halo.. I can run all of these, maxed out, with no FPS drop :O

I'm running a 9800SE with the Omega drivers, to softmod it to a 9800.
If you want some nice puzzle adventures, I reccommend Broken Sword (1, 2 or 3), Beneath The Steel Sky, Monkey Island (1, 2, 3 or 4), Grim Fandango or Sam and Max.
Soldiers: Heroes of WWII

Very tough the first time you play it, but it's great once you figure out how it all works.

Its like XCom, but modern day and cooler!
All the Call of Duty demos are most definitly worth it.
Silent_night said:
ok , i wanna download some demos to hold me until hl2. what demos do u recommend i dled?
i dled painkiller today , it was pretty fun ... what else is good?

i would recommend Far cry,manhunt...
Hehe...Manhunt is ****ed up! I like!

I just downloaded the Thief demo, it seems fun, but I need Far Cry
Frank said:
Hehe...Manhunt is ****ed up! I like!

I just downloaded the Thief demo, it seems fun, but I need Far Cry

thief demo url please
heres a tip.. if you have a PC that isnt made from a rock (or other prehistoric materials) then dont get the grim fandigo demo. i played it and it felt like a great game, but then it crashed (probally because i have win XP, not 95) and sent my PC into a wird state of hazyness... in other words it restarted and refused to play the demo, and the only way i could uninstal the deom (it didnt show up in the add/remove programs list) was to start up the demo and click uninstall. but it wouldnt start....

i got round it in the end though ;)
Americas Army, I have been playing demos for about 6 weeks now and I am so bored....
Outcast, quite old, but for its time amazing graphics. It's from 1999 and I think you could pick up a copy somewhere, it's very cheap, my brother bought a copy only about a week ago for only 2,50 Euro.
The demo's I would recommend:
Far Cry
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Good call, Harryz!
Those are some great games!
@Frank - Thanks. :)

Also Hitman 2 and Tom Clancey's Rainbox Six: Raven Sheild were great demo's aswell.
I find demos are a waste of my time unless it's a strategy demo.

Anyways, just go to your local PC gaming store and pick up some older titles for $10. You get a full game for the price of a movie ticket. The only problem is that the games are a little bit dated, but the gameplay is still there.
Try the Ground Control 2 demo. Its an amazing game.
No One Lives Forever 1 & 2.. I find it extremely disturbing that such few people have noticed it and tried it out.. I loved it from the first level in NOLF1 to the ending credits in NOLF2..
CrazyHarij said:
No One Lives Forever 1 & 2.. I find it extremely disturbing that such few people have noticed it and tried it out.. I loved it from the first level in NOLF1 to the ending credits in NOLF2..

I loved No One Lives Forever. I think it was a game that did not recieve as much credit as it should have. NOLF was a great game. Loved the Scottish guy