What Graphics Card Should I Get?


Space Core
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
I have come to you, HL2.net, for help with a most grievous problem. My computer is unable to run such fantastic games as HL2, TF2, Portal, etc, without being incredibly laggy and on the lowest settings. My computer has no graphics card, only a basic onboard card on the Motherboard. I'm looking for a good quality card that will allow me to play these games, with a max price of around $200-$250.

I have an MDG :( PC running Windows XP.

- Pentium 4 CPU 3.06GHz 3.07 GHZ Processor with 1 GB of DDR2 Ram

Ideas, suggestions?
I hear VooDoo has some great cards coming out in a few days.
What slot is on your motherboard for videocards? Figure it out - it should be either PCI (if it's real old), AGP, or (hopefully) PCI-E.
What sort of expansion slot(s) and powersupply do you have?

I need to know that before I can make a recommendation.
What slot is on your motherboard for videocards? Figure it out - it should be either PCI (if it's real old), AGP, or (hopefully) PCI-E.

I believe it is PCI, but the computer is only about 2 years old. As for power supply, I can't check at the moment
use CPU-Z and post a screeny of your motherboard info
New graphics card??

Get a new processor! And memory! And you might as well get a new motherboard while you're at it!

In fact, just get a new PC.
New graphics card??

Get a new processor! And memory! And you might as well get a new motherboard while you're at it!

In fact, just get a new PC.

Hell, I should just buy a house!
If he has a PCI-e or even an AGP slot, a Radeon x1950 and maybe another 1Gb of RAM would let that PC perform just short of an Xbox360 - no need to buy a new PC. My ancient athlon64 3400+ ran Bioshock on High with only negligible slowdown.

We do need to know IF the mobo has an agp or PCI-e slot though. My girlfriend's PC has a comparable processor to the OP's, but because it's a cheapshit Dell they skimped on slots, so it only has PCI. Use Everest Home Edition and figure out the make of your mobo for us.
Finally someone who answered your question ^

You have a 2 year old pc. That means you have an AGP slot. I recommend going for the highest end of agp's which is the 7900 GS AGP version. I think it is around 200 over US dollars and it has kickass performance. ATI AGP cards are better but I hate ATI so I won't recommend anything. However, you definitely need to change your psu if it's below 300 watts..

Oh and are you using a DELL pc, cos we really need to know, there are certain issues..

Last but not least : READ THIS

buying an expensive card for an old motherboard is a waste of money imo.

but if you really want one, just make sure it will work with your board...
You have a 2 year old pc. That means you have an AGP slot.

That's not true. Pci-e motherboards have been out over 2 and a half years, my motherboard is over 2 years old and wasn't even one of the first pci-e motherboards on the scene. This guy needs to give use some actual information on the slot type otherwise this discussion is somewhat pointless.